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Lori Alexander 83: Fully Cook the Chicken!

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This is in Lori's story area today.


Weed are the result of sin?  On what planet, Lori?  Has the woman lost her mind?

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Now it can be told  -- I confess!! My yard has sinful dandelions!!

But  ........ Does my yard have sinful weeds because I'm sinful?  Is the yard itself sinful and thus has sinful weeds?  What sin did my yard commit? Mortal sin or venial sin? 

Yes. Why yes. Oh yes. Indeed yes. Yes Lori has lost her mind. 

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Does Lori's teaching on sinful grass and weeds come from the latest edition of Botany for Fundamentalist Home-Schoolers ?

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3 hours ago, Xan said:

Weed are the result of sin?  On what planet, Lori?  Has the woman lost her mind?

Lori has indeed lost the plot.

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On 6/20/2024 at 6:30 PM, Hane said:

@Loveday, you’re right: The kinds of women you mentioned are absolutely invisible to Lori! Sure, in her part of sunny California, there may be a good number of Insta-ready women who spend $$$ on their looks and recreational activities (I’m willing to venture a guess that the percentage is higher there than in my working-class neck of the woods), but doesn’t she notice the retail and service workers who make her lifestyle possible? And maybe the other ordinary women who are just going about their business are also beneath her notice, unless she chooses to use them as “bad examples” because they’re not thin or “put together” enough.

My daughter, a public school teacher who calls herself “one of the poor people of the Connecticut Gold Coast,” laughs because she can “pass” as one of the “blonde yoga  moms of Fairfield County.” Yes, she isn’t really blonde and likes yoga, but she gets a kick out of noticing women there who “present” like her but who are obviously much richer. (When she moved to that area for her job, she went looking for a working moms’ support/social group, and was stunned at how few of the moms she encountered were employed outside the home.)

I live in that kind of community but taught in a much more economically mixed community. I would have chosen to live where I worked, but real estate in the whole region where I live is out of control. 

When my daughter was growing up in my super snobby community the percentage of women who worked outside of their homes was about 50 percent, and very few were teachers or other public servants. Most were highly educated high earners (doctors, lawyers, a few surgeons). The 50 percent who were SAHMs were married to very high earners. It was hard to make friends with either crowd, but fortunately I just had to get along with the parents whose kids my kid was friends with until they graduated. Sadly, I had no lasting friendships with any of the moms of my daughter's friends. They truly looked down on public school teachers, and when they found out I worked in the more blue collar community ten miles away, it was even worse. It's the kind of town where the elementary and middle schools are fine for their super special kids, but as soon as they reach high school age a large number send their kids to a one of three private schools in the area. It's a status thing, but has caused the high school population to shrink over the last few years. Some of the problem is that only wealthy people can afford to live here now. We were lucky to buy one of the last affordable houses more than twenty years ago before the demographic changed so dramatically. 

I imagine this kind of thing is happening in many places in the US.

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@Caroline, my daughter only lives near where she teaches because she lucked into a rent she could afford. She likes it, except for the fact that it’s politically bright red. The friends she’s made are almost 100% in the arts community, which helps. (In 2016, Trump signs abounded. In 2020, all I saw there were “Any Functional Adult.”)

Re “prestigious” private schools: My daughter, who went to the same blue-collar public high school I did (one with a very strong academic curriculum), attended a small liberal arts college with its fair share of private-school kids. She pro’d out of six credits of English courses thanks to AP, and when she proofread friends’ papers, was appalled to discover that some graduates of places like Choate could barely write.

In the memoir “I Left My Homework in the Hamptons,” the author, who tutored rich private school students, was heartbroken when she discovered that many of them were being pushed towards the Ivies, even though they lacked the intellect and/or interests that would allow them to thrive there.

In the novel “You Should Have Known” (the first half of which was the basis of the Nicole Kidman/Hugh Grant miniseries “The Undoing”), the main character is astounded to learn that the public high school in northwestern Connecticut that she’s “forced” to send her son to is academically superior to the ritzy Manhattan academy he had attended before.

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3 hours ago, Caroline said:

I imagine this kind of thing is happening in many places in the US.

We often say we could never afford to move where we live now, even when we were both working. We’re very fortunate that our house is paid off, because on our retirement income, our property taxes and house insurance are getting pretty painful. Fortunately, we still have some neighbors of similar ages.  We have to work pretty hard to find any common ground with the young families who can afford moving here. 

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13 hours ago, HoneyBunny said:

We often say we could never afford to move where we live now, even when we were both working. We’re very fortunate that our house is paid off, because on our retirement income, our property taxes and house insurance are getting pretty painful. Fortunately, we still have some neighbors of similar ages.  We have to work pretty hard to find any common ground with the young families who can afford moving here. 

Same for us. 

We were able to buy this home, thirty minutes from Nashville, right before the housing market became impossible for most people. Now, we COULD sell at a really nice profit.  But, where would we go? Everything is still so expensive, even downsizing would cost too much. 

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16 hours ago, Hane said:

In the memoir “I Left My Homework in the Hamptons,” the author, who tutored rich private school students, was heartbroken when she discovered that many of them were being pushed towards the Ivies, even though they lacked the intellect and/or interests that would allow them to thrive there.

I am going to order this book. It sounds fascinating. It reminds me of a movie I saw a decade ago called "The Nanny Diaries".

A good friend of mine has lifelong friends whose daughter and SIL are members of the 1 percent. If I mentioned the woman's name you would recognize it. She's well known in the world of conservative television. She and her husband have three kids, a super fancy Manhattan apartment and a mansion somewhere in Connecticut. They sound awful. The husband frequently says that he would never send his children to any public school anywhere and so they send their kids to a truly bizarre sounding private school in Connecticut. I remember my friend being asked to write letters of reference for two of the kids so they could get into an exclusive preschool. They were three years old! They of course vote Republican all the way and are so much better than the rest of us in the 99 percent. 

If we were to make a Venn diagram of Fundies and the elite of this country there would be some weird commonalities.

My daughter sounds a lot like yours: Worked hard in public school, excelled at an excellent LAC and has been as successful as the more privileged people she met along the way with lots more common sense and compassion. 

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On 6/21/2024 at 12:08 PM, Celtic Roots said:

However, I wonder about the women at the super-godly, male-led church she and Ken attend. Who are the women she sees there?

well she's always is bragging how her church is run by all men all the time and she is probably so enamored by all the strong, Godly men that she probably doesn't even notice there are other women.. LOL 

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The couple of church services where I've spotted Lori, she doesn't appear to notice that there are other people there at all.  She comes in 5 minutes before service and heads to the door the second the last Amen is out of her mouth.  I can't bear the type churches Lori frequents and since COVID, I'm not interested in being stuck with that type crowd for over an hour.  So no more church sightings of Lori.  I doubt she's gotten any friendlier over time.  In fact, they may still be watching from home.  

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23 minutes ago, Coconut Flan said:

The couple of church services where I've spotted Lori, she doesn't appear to notice that there are other people there at all.  She comes in 5 minutes before service and heads to the door the second the last Amen is out of her mouth.  I can't bear the type churches Lori frequents and since COVID, I'm not interested in being stuck with that type crowd for over an hour.  So no more church sightings of Lori.  I doubt she's gotten any friendlier over time.  In fact, they may still be watching from home.  

She's mentioned now and then about having been to church on a given Sunday, but whether that's true or she's just watching from home and making us THINK she's been in the building, I don't know. Wouldn't be surprised, though. Interesting that she zips in and zips out again without even acknowledging anyone else. Goes along with her belief that women shouldn't say a single word in the sanctuary. 

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Lori must love finding new ways to give dubious advice and put others' lives at risk.. On all of her platforms she is recounting a story on how to teach a child to swim (which is oddly similar to a story in Michael Pearl's book TTUAC).   She is trying to terrorize small children and give them lifelong phobias. (she recommends throwing a two year old repeatedly in the  deep parf  of the pool and encouraging them to swim to the ladder -- no swimmies for "godly" children.)

She was starting to get blow back -- including some from folks who say they are professional swim teachers/ coaches.  but now all the comments are gone. I thinks she deleting comments again. For the woman who barely leaves here couch, she is in no way qualified to teach swimming. 

It's almost as if everyday she thinks up new ways to rile up the masses. She thrives on controversy. 


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5 minutes ago, SongRed7 said:


It's almost as if everyday she thinks up new ways to rile up the masses. She thrives on controversy. 


I think she wants to go viral again so bad. I’m sure she thought the “only sluts get cervical cancer” posts would help her viral aspirations. 

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Pretty sure there were at least 75 comments on that swimming post earlier, and now it says only 19. But in reality there are only 8 actually showing now. She was getting a lot of blowback on both throwing toddlers into the deep end AND beating them with a rod. As well she should have. Such a monster. 😕 


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As I've mentioned ad nauseam, I recently retired after being a public school teacher for 42 years. It was sad to leave in some ways because I still enjoy teaching and teenagers. But it seemed like a good idea to leave on a really positive note. Lori A and I are the same age, and our personalities and lives couldn't be more different. I know Lori has mentioned that she had teaching credentials and tried teaching for a few years until she got pregnant. I remember that she complained about kids/schools even at the beginning of her career, so it's good for everyone that she didn't continue. The sad thing is that I know for a fact that I am proud of the impact I've made on kids over the years. I made lots of mistakes, but I do believe I learned a lot and kept on going. Lori seems like the saddest woman alive. What good is all this God talk if she hasn't seemed to have learned a thing in the last 65 years? I don't have any use for the kind of Christianity that Lori is involved with, but I would bet anything that my years of giving to the community where I taught for all that time has been a greater source of fulfillment for me and others than anything that Lori says she believes in. She just sounds unfulfilled ALL THE TIME. So what's the point of God in her life, I wonder?

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So what's the point of God in her life, I wonder?

"God" is what Lori uses to justify her constant belittling, castigating, name-calling, shaming other women.

"God" is what Lori uses to justify her teaching other women what Lori God has commanded her to do as a "wise: (ha ha HA) older woman. 

"God" is what Lori uses to justify being vile and nasty to other women -- all the harlots, jezebels, lesbians, satan worshipers, feminists. throng wearers, fornicators that Lori sees everywhere she looks, even though she rarely leaves her house. 

"God" is what Lori uses to prop up her fragile ego when anyone even mildly disagrees with her --  they're arguing with "God".

There is no God in Lori's life.. Not the real God.

There's just Lori, believing she speaks for God. Lori believing she is "God". Lori's "God" lets her do and say anything she wants. And no one can ever question or disagree with her.

Because "God" is on Lori's side. We know this because Lori tells us. Because "God" told her so.

There's no arguing with Lori  "God" after all.


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18 hours ago, SongRed7 said:

Lori must love finding new ways to give dubious advice and put others' lives at risk.. On all of her platforms she is recounting a story on how to teach a child to swim (which is oddly similar to a story in Michael Pearl's book TTUAC).   She is trying to terrorize small children and give them lifelong phobias. (she recommends throwing a two year old repeatedly in the  deep parf  of the pool and encouraging them to swim to the ladder -- no swimmies for "godly" children.)

She was starting to get blow back -- including some from folks who say they are professional swim teachers/ coaches.  but now all the comments are gone. I thinks she deleting comments again. For the woman who barely leaves here couch, she is in no way qualified to teach swimming. 

It's almost as if everyday she thinks up new ways to rile up the masses. She thrives on controversy. 


I went to a summer camp once where the swim teacher subscribed to the "throw her in the deep end and she'll learn" philosophy.  I did want to learn to swim, but I was terrified due to an early childhood experience, and scaring me all over again... did not work.  Nor did following me around camp mocking me and calling me names, which she tried next.

I just turned 42 and live in a town that is mostly known for its beach area, and I still can't swim.

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Lori is still angry about Taylor Swift's popularity.  She think Swift is the opposite of a good role model.  I guess it does bother Lori that a woman can be rich and famous on her own and doesn't have to rely on a man for support.  Taylor Swift makes a lie out of everything Lori preaches.

Lori is also going heavy on the "beating the children" stuff.  I guess she's not getting enough hits on her page so she's trying to stir up trouble.  I'd pay to watch her kids all gang up on her and slap her with slippers.  Anyone who pushes child abuse is a menace to society.

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11 minutes ago, Xan said:

I guess she's not getting enough hits on her page so she's trying to stir up trouble. 

Except that she been deleting up a storm again on all those who are outraged at her swimming advice and "child discipline:" advice. Both of which are cruel and abusive. 

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1 hour ago, 4boysmum said:

I just turned 42 and live in a town that is mostly known for its beach area, and I still can't swim.

I'm 66, have always lived near the ocean (except for college/grad school and my first job way inland), and can't swim. 

My story is a little different: My mother was afraid of water so didn't think that swim lessons were a good idea (?!). We went to the beach a lot in the summer back when parents just let kids go without interacting with them as much as parents today. My mother liked sun bathing (without sunscreen, of course) while reading " movie magazines" and paid absolutely no attention to my brother and me in the water. Usually we just waded anyway, so no big deal. But one day I was very quickly pulled out by a riptide and very soon over my head. I was too terrified to even vocalize. A woman nearby who had been swimming saw what was happening grabbed me and got me back to the beach. Thank god for that anonymous woman. I was a stupid kid and didn't have enough sense to thank her or even mention it to my mother. I just never went in the water again if I thought it was over my head, and I never have. 

The only happy ending I can think of to this story is that I made sure my own daughter started learning to swim at the age of 3 with teachers who would never have entertained the idea of throwing children in or humiliating them. How awful that happened to you.  I signed her up for lessons at the local Y consistently throughout the year and by the time she was 9 she was an excellent swimmer and joined a swim team. She was a lifeguard for all of high school and college and is very cool in any emergency. 

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Alyssa and her family moved inland, she said the house they were in had mold.  I also thought she said they didn’t want to spend the money to fix it. In order to sell the home they would have to fix it and if they were renting, the landlord would fix it so I don’t know what the case is. They moved over the weekend and they did it very quickly which makes me think they’re in a rental right now.

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I never learned to swim because my parents couldn't afford the lessons. I live in a beach town, have done since I was 9 years old, and never learned to swim. Never go to the beach, either. I like the beach, but in winter, not summer. People think I'm nuts. Maybe I am. LOL. But anyway, I did make damned sure my kids learned to swim. Took them to the rec center for lessons for several years when they were in elementary school, and they became very competent swimmers. My daughter even made the swim team her senior year; I was so proud of her. I was like, how can that be MY kid??? 🤣

@Fallgirl30, interesting about Alyssa and her moldy house. I would love to know the whole story. Could they have moved in temporarily with Lori? It's not like she doesn't have room in her 5 (or is it 6?) bedroom house! Not sure how close Alyssa lives to her parents, though.

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10 hours ago, Loveday said:

interesting about Alyssa and her moldy house. I would love to know the whole story. Could they have moved in temporarily with Lori? It's not like she doesn't have room in her 5 (or is it 6?) bedroom house! Not sure how close Alyssa lives to her parents, though.

Based on nothing more than speculation, I always thought Alyssa and Jon rented -- even the mold house -- perhaps they just didn't want "to live" through the remediation period.  I wondered, too, if they would move in with Lori but Alyssa did show some very brief glimpses of the new house and it doesn't look like Lori's. 

Again purely speculation, but perhaps their lease in the old house was ending and based on the fact they had a mold issue, they decided quickly not to re-up their lease and found another place -- hence the quick move. 

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Alyssa rents. She loved living on the coast. I wonder if moving inland is due to financial reasons.

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