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Lori Alexander 81: It's All the Fault of Women

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On 1/21/2023 at 6:37 AM, Botkinetti said:

Lori sounds a little worried that one of her children might write something about how she raised them. 

I wish they would! I'd be first in line to read that book or article.


I didn't realize that boys and girls were sleeping in the same bedroom at the old Duggar house. Were they talking about the older girls co-sleeping with baby boys?

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Sometimes I wonder how many of Lori’s posts are passive aggressive swipes at her kids.  This could be directed at Alyssa who’s bff is Tenley who is a former Bachelor contestant.


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Okay -so, isn't that what entertainment is? Mindless nonsense?  I'm not keeping company with any of them, even though I'm sure some of them are very wonderful people. I'm just watching for The Drama and tears and to shake my head in disbelief on how many followers and how much money they will all be making from now on.  I doubt  God is up there shaking his head at me going 'bad girl!' If He can't be bothered to help save people who have people desperatly, fervently and ongoingy praying for them, I doubt He has time to judge my tv shows.   Or my non existant hem line because I ony wear the pants that pertainth to the menfok who wore dresses back in the day.... But Lori and her humpers can be self righteous all they want whie they sneak peaks for 'reasearch purposes ony!'   

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Unless Lori was avidly watching (which I fervently believe) she would have absolutely no idea that the women are immodestly dressed drunken harlots (in her self-righteous opinion).

I always get the feeling that the idea of immodestly dressed drunken harlots excites Lori in exactly the same way that women in throng bikinis excite her.  After all, she fantasizes about paddling their bare bottoms.

Lori, you do you. Just admit and own your kink. No shame, no shade.

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Y'all. Lori has joined TikTok. 


Most of her FB followers are warning her about the evils of TikTok, but she's got her fingers in her ears, singing 'lalalalalalala I can't hear you!'



Thank you for all of the warnings but all of social media can be dangerous. I choose to walk by faith in Almighty God and not by fear. We are pilgrims and strangers passing through. We must use our lives as a testimony to the goodness of God wherever we can! Living in this world as a believer in Jesus Christ is dangerous.

I give her about a week. Maybe two.

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1 hour ago, Loveday said:

Y'all. Lori has joined TikTok. 


Most of her FB followers are warning her about the evils of TikTok, but she's got her fingers in her ears, singing 'lalalalalalala I can't hear you!'


I give her about a week. Maybe two.

Yes. Jesus came that Lori may live for social media. It's in the Book of Zuckerberg, chapter 6. 

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Did she say a man encouraged her to get on Tik Tok?

It was Ken. It had to be Ken. He encouraged her to “expand her ministry” so she’d spend more time locked in that bedroom and not around him. “Babes, why don’t you go make some videos? In fact…have you considered Tik Tok?”

Can you block comments on Tik Tok? She’ll be disabling comments soon if that’s possible. 

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This morning she's nattering on about the difference between dating and courtship. She 'researched' the origins of dating*. Her blog post is a little more coherent than most, but that's because a high percentage of it is from her 'research,' and of course she's a little careless with attribution and use of quotation marks. But some of her fans aren't too discerning about that: 


You are an excellent writer. This article is clear, concise and makes sense. Good work. I consider you to be the one of the few sane voices for women in society today, and thus also for men. I continually get insights about life form you. Keep up the great work. Thank you.

Does she set the fan straight by explaining that most of her post is from an article written by someone else? Does she say, "Thank you, but most of my post is from 'A Brief History of Courtship and Dating in America' by Skip Burzumato?" Of course not. She says this instead:


You’re welcome! I am a truth seeker. Our culture has drifted so far from biblical norms that my goal is to measure everything against God’s Word, not by what our culture and even most churches have accepted as normal.


*By 'research,' I mean she used an article from a Focus On The Family-affiliated website called "Boundless." Second-hand research, at best, and heavily filtered through a Dobson-esque world view. 😕

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1 hour ago, Loveday said:

This morning she's nattering on about the difference between dating and courtship. She 'researched' the origins of dating*. Her blog post is a little more coherent than most, but that's because a high percentage of it is from her 'research,' and of course she's a little careless with attribution and use of quotation marks. But some of her fans aren't too discerning about that: 

Does she set the fan straight by explaining that most of her post is from an article written by someone else? Does she say, "Thank you, but most of my post is from 'A Brief History of Courtship and Dating in America' by Skip Burzumato?" Of course not. She says this instead:


*By 'research,' I mean she used an article from a Focus On The Family-affiliated website called "Boundless." Second-hand research, at best, and heavily filtered through a Dobson-esque world view. 😕

Pretty soon all of her blog posts will be done by ChatGPT with no errors!

This goes against the fundy ethos but here they are.  I wish JillPM would see this so she and Lori could go toe to toe.  It would be like King Kong vs. Godzilla.




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Forgive me for agreeing with a fundie! But I, in a way, agree with Michael Foster, above. I don't think Moms should be "side hustling" -- when I see Moms doing that, it's usually a disaster in the making. I think a lot of ways can work for balancing income earning and child raising in families, but a "side hustle" for a primary parent without outside childcare is the worst of both worlds.

On the one hand: if someone (a mom *or* a dad) is going to be a primary parent 'at home' -- they don't need to be pushing ("hustling") to make something else happen in their (fictional) extra time. Being an at-home parent on a 24h basis is genuinely enough. Anything else is pushing exhaustion.

On the other hand, if a parent (a mom *or* a dad) wants to pursue something extra, some employment for either money or meaning... that's fine -- but don't "hustle" for it, and don't expect it to magically fit into gaps in your parenting day without any consequences. Instead, just purchase some childcare for the amount of time you need/want to spend earning money and have a balanced life with multiple priorities. None of your priorities need to be defined as on the "side" or in the form of "hustle" -- working is just working. Do it if you want to.

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First, Ken sounds very different than I had imagined he would. I certainly don’t get a “Command Man” vibe from him. 

Second, despite what he claims, I don’t think even the smallest percentage of wives are worse than LazyLori. She truly is one of a kind. 


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On 1/31/2023 at 3:35 PM, Fallgirl30 said:

his could be directed at Alyssa who’s bff is Tenley who is a former Bachelor contestant.

I think she frequently is targeting Tenley. I wonder if they get along in real life. Tenley is everything Lori warns against: bikini wearing (and other "immodest" clothing according to Lori's standards -- tight, low cut, short short, leggings, form fitting, etc), materialistic (always promoting products, and buying new clothes, etc. not that there is anything wrong with that if you can afford it, but Lori always warns against this), unabashedly alcohol drinking, not wanting to rush into having another baby right away, frequent vacation going, etc.

The only thing Lori would agree with is her "health eating."  But honestly, I follow Tenley and I find her insufferable. 

19 hours ago, HoneyBunny said:

First, Ken sounds very different than I had imagined he would. I certainly don’t get a “Command Man” vibe from him. 

Second, despite what he claims, I don’t think even the smallest percentage of wives are worse than LazyLori. She truly is one of a kind. 

I listened to the whole thing over two days.  I agree, Lori was horrible and while I know some difficult wives, NONE come close to Lori.  I didn't hate everything he said, and I disagree with much but my take on the whole thing without going section by section: Lori (and Ken's) opinion on everyone else is based on their won miserable experience. If WE were like this, everyone is like this.  If LORI was a MISERABLE CONTROLLING wife, EVERYone is.  

that is just not true. 

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36 minutes ago, SongRed7 said:

I think she frequently is targeting Tenley. I wonder if they get along in real life. Tenley is everything Lori warns against: bikini wearing (and other "immodest" clothing according to Lori's standards -- tight, low cut, short short, leggings, form fitting, etc), materialistic (always promoting products, and buying new clothes, etc. not that there is anything wrong with that if you can afford it, but Lori always warns against this), unabashedly alcohol drinking, not wanting to rush into having another baby right away, frequent vacation going, etc.

The only thing Lori would agree with is her "health eating."  But honestly, I follow Tenley and I find her insufferable. 

I listened to the whole thing over two days.  I agree, Lori was horrible and while I know some difficult wives, NONE come close to Lori.  I didn't hate everything he said, and I disagree with much but my take on the whole thing without going section by section: Lori (and Ken's) opinion on everyone else is based on their won miserable experience. If WE were like this, everyone is like this.  If LORI was a MISERABLE CONTROLLING wife, EVERYone is.  

that is just not true. 

I’ve gotten that from nearly everything she says. Her projection of her many undewirqble qualities) onto all women runs all through her preachings. She was stressed at work; ALL woman can’t handle the stress of work. She had to force herself to love her husband and her children; all women must have to do the same. She was hyper-emotional; all women are hyper emotional. The funniest part of this last item is that her BFF Trump is so emotionally driven that he couldn’t accept a loss, something most kids learn in early grade school. But women are the emotional ones?  She is just such an evil piece of work. 

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2 hours ago, HoneyBunny said:

I’ve gotten that from nearly everything she says. Her projection of her many undewirqble qualities) onto all women runs all through her preachings. She was stressed at work; ALL woman can’t handle the stress of work. She had to force herself to love her husband and her children; all women must have to do the same. She was hyper-emotional; all women are hyper emotional. The funniest part of this last item is that her BFF Trump is so emotionally driven that he couldn’t accept a loss, something most kids learn in early grade school. But women are the emotional ones?  She is just such an evil piece of work. 

Yes!  Right down to "Watching the Chargers stresses me out so I don’t do it, Ken loves it.  See ladies? We weren’t made to handle stress".


Part of Lori’s problem is her learned helplessness.  She has delineated so many aspects of life into male and female roles and responsibilities that she has actually done herself a disservice.  If Ken goes before she does, I know she’s counting on her sons and SIL’s, but she is going to have to grow up fast.

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10 minutes ago, Fallgirl30 said:

Yes!  Right down to "Watching the Chargers stresses me out so I don’t do it, Ken loves it.  See ladies? We weren’t made to handle stress".


Part of Lori’s problem is her learned helplessness.  She has delineated so many aspects of life into male and female roles and responsibilities that she has actually done herself a disservice.  If Ken goes before she does, I know she’s counting on her sons and SIL’s, but she is going to have to grow up fast.

I don't know about that. I think she's manipulative enough to get her sons at least to take care of her, and manipulative enough to get her daughters to convince their husbands to help their brothers out as much as possible. They'll be taking care of all the yard work and home repairs, they'll be who she calls for emergencies like toilet backups and appliance breakdowns, they'll either drive her themselves to places she needs and wants to go, or the daughters/daughters in law will do it, they'll see to it that she always has a housekeeper to scrub floors and bathrooms and change bed linens, and they'll make sure she has an accountant to take care of her finances if KenBoy hasn't already lined someone up for that. In other words, they'll be at her beck and call for even light bulb changes. If she outlives Ken, the only thing in her life that will change is the fact she won't have to buy lube anymore. Grow up? Nah. She wont have to grow up one little bit.

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Lori has much to say today. None of it uplifting. All of it anti-women.  She's FB posted 3 times in a 5 hour period.  Ranting about naked women on the beach, then re-posting from her favorite boyfriends Dale Partridge and John MacArthur, with a smidge of Tits 2 thrown in.

She's obviously not doing all her housewifely duties as a "keeper at home", making Ken lunch, etc, etc, etc. Is she being s rebellious wife by neglecting her God-given role? Is she being a dreaded feminist by doing what she wants instead of laundry and vacuuming? (Answer = Yes by her warped definition she is)

The hypocrisy of her "ministry, of her entire life-- it burns so bright. 

Edited by Red Hair, Black Dress
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Lately when I read Lori's ridiculous posts (and shudder that people actually agree with her), I think of Dana Carvey's Church Lady on SNL. Can't you hear Church Lady spouting Lori's comments on naked breasts and backsides? 

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Her declaration that parents shouldn't take their children to the beach just burns me up. Going to the beach is one of those special things that great family memories are made of, if you're lucky enough to either live near the beach or vacation at one (lake or ocean). I live in a beach town and never go anymore, but we went all the time when I was a kid. And yes, there were plenty of 'scantily clad' women there, even in the 60s and 70s. We kids didn't care, though, we were too busy having fun. Lori's obsession with nudity-as-evil is severely unhealthy.

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it's a good thing Lori appears not to like travel outside of the US. Can you imagine her response to European and Caribbean beaches where not only the adults wear skimpy (or no) swim suits, but also the toddler crowd runs around naked?

She will probably add a post soon about the nursing-in-public women. 

Jesus weeps.

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1 minute ago, Celtic Roots said:


it's a good thing Lori appears not to like travel outside of the US. Can you imagine her response to European and Caribbean beaches where not only the adults wear skimpy (or no) swim suits, but also the toddler crowd runs around naked?

She will probably add a post soon about the nursing-in-public women

Jesus weeps.

You know, it's been awhile, I think, since that was in her usual topic rotation. She's well overdue!:my_dodgy:

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Lori was just asked this question in this morning's post:


what do you think about the article from Christianity Today about John Macarthur and the elders of Grace Community Church? Have you read the article? Do you agree with their abuse of women?

Her response:


 I trust the elders at Grace Community Church FAR more than I do a woman who wrote a piece against them from Christianity Today which is a lukewarm publication.

Completely unsurprised. :my_dodgy:

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1 hour ago, Loveday said:

Lori was just asked this question in this morning's post:

Her response:

Completely unsurprised. :my_dodgy:

I read about the case on the Roys Report blog last night. That clip of MacArthur publicly "disciplining" Eileen Gray while the communion plates were being passed was very disturbing . His invitation to sing "Amazing Grace" after pronouncing his judgment was beyond disturbing. When everyone started singing, well, I wanted to cry. I'm no fan of John MacArthur. He's dry and mocking at best, heartless at his worst. The board of counsellors were no better, repeatedly accusing Eileen of breaking some Biblical principle or another when she refused to take her abusing husband back, despite her husband having confessed to abusing her and their children repeatedly. One of the elders didn't want to see his written confessions and sided with David Gray against his wife. 

The church wouldn't provide professional counselling because they deemed it "worldly" and wrong. They excommunicated her and then denied her request to be removed from their membership list

I'd be surprised if this woman still has time for the church or, for that matter, for God. Eileen Gray didn't bring shame on the Gospel; the so-called pastors of her church did, in direct violation of many Scriptures. 

That's my opinion on the case. Now I'll have to read what CT has to say. 

ETA: I found this here: The Roys Report



Today, Eileen serves as a local missionary in the jail, leading Bible studies and church services and helping women to overcome addictions. She also has a free hotline for inmates installed in her home, where they can reach her anytime, day or night.

Eileen’s also received training in trauma care and critical incident debriefing and serves as a law enforcement chaplain for a local sheriff’s department.

Looking back, Eileen says David’s abuse and the ordeal at GCC was “horribly hard,” but said, “God drew me closer to himself and deepened my faith through the whole thing.”

She added, “I saw God turn it to good, years later. . . . He gave me a heart for hurting women, a deep heart. And after a time of healing, of course not total healing, but healing . . . I was saying to the Lord, ‘Okay, Lord, You’ve been comforting me, strengthening me. Where are the hurting women? Show me. I want them to know you like I’ve come to know you.’”


As for Dave's interview, I've listened to an hour of it and I wonder whether we're talking about the same person here. He makes Lori sound so wonderful! This only seems to confirm the general consensus that Lori wasn't transformed; she just found a new group of people to obsess over, criticize, and harangue. 


Edited by onemama
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I don't understand why they won't remove her from membership. It's been twenty years, right? Let her go. Or do they expect her to eventually 'repent' and return, all contrition and submission, showing up in the pews every Sunday and putting her tithe in the collection plate? 


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4 hours ago, Loveday said:

Her response:


 I trust the elders at Grace Community Church FAR more than I do a woman who wrote a piece against them from Christianity Today which is a lukewarm publication.

I wish someone who can comment to Lori would ask her whether she trusts Hohn Cho, the ELDER at GCC who was asked to investigate the Eileen Gray case and concluded the church had made a mistake and needed to make it right somehow.  

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