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Gilead Is Real: The War On Abortion And Women's Rights 2


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"I asked about abortion at a Texas gun show. The answer I got was grim."


DALLAS — Standing next to a display of military-grade weapons, I wondered aloud to the dealers at the gun-show booth if more women should get guns in Texas to protect themselves now that they will be forced to carry a pregnancy to term even in cases of rape.

“You can’t rape a .38,” one of the gun dealers said, smiling.

The line was equal parts laughably cheesy and tragically grim. As we spoke, a little boy walked by waving around a toy machine gun, pretending to spray everyone in the vicinity with imaginary bullets. A few booths over, a female attendant wore a black-and-red “All Lives Splatter” T-shirt.

The Fort Worth Gun Show, at the Amon Carter Exhibit Hall, is one of the oldest gun shows in gun-loving North Texas. I attended the two-day event this month to see what it would be like on the heels of both the Uvalde school massacre and the overturning of Roe v. Wade. I wanted to see how the Texas gun community would make sense of the two events.

A dealer asked me whether I wanted to hold an MP-5, a military-grade rifle. “I’m sorry to say this,” he said. “But for women who deal with break-ins, many times the woman gets raped.” For my first gun, the dealers agreed I should start out with a .22 rifle.

Does the end of one constitutional right mean women should rush to embrace another that our Supreme Court is rushing to expand? Even before the fall of Roe it was a common pitch of gun enthusiasts: Women are safer when they own a gun. But the reality is, women who have guns are more likely to have them used against them. And the biggest danger is not a stranger slipping through a window or lurking in a parking garage, but a man already in their life.

Sadly, the threat of gun violence is even more true for pregnant women. According to a study published last year in the journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, homicide is a leading cause of death for pregnant women and those who have recently given birth.

The study, conducted by Tulane University researchers, revealed that the “pregnancy-associated homicide” rate in 2018 and 2019 was 3.62 per 100,000 women — 16 percent higher than homicides of women who are not pregnant or haven’t recently given birth. Homicide beat hemorrhage and pregnancy-related hypertension as the top single cause of death. A majority of the slain women were killed with guns, and two-thirds were killed in their homes, suggesting partners were involved, according to the authors. The rates were highest among Black women and younger women.

In Texas, the news here is a sad reflection of this. In October, 25-year-old Cavanna Smith had told her boyfriend that she was pregnant, and sent him a card with a picture of the ultrasound; she was later found dead, shot in the head. The boyfriend has been charged with her murder. In April, 20-year-old Dontia Clark was found shot to death in her Houston apartment a day after learning she was eight weeks pregnant. According to reports, there were no signs of forced entry.

Much has been said and written about women who seek abortions for medical threats such as ectopic pregnancies. But what of women who seek to end their pregnancies to protect themselves from violence at the hands of the men in their lives? Or who don’t want to bring a child into the world with a potential abuser? In Texas, women can no longer choose a safe abortion as a means of self-defense. What are we going to do, tell them to get a .22?

Much has also been made of the Senate’s recent agreement to close the “boyfriend loophole” on gun restrictions. Previously, under federal law, domestic abusers could be prohibited, via the national instant criminal background check system, from having guns only in cases where they have been married to, lived with or had a child with the victim; that’s now been widened to include those who have been in a serious relationship with the target. But in Texas, which allows private gun owners to sell to others without background checks, another enormous loophole remains open.

It’s no stretch to expect that even more pregnant women will be assaulted and killed by partners now that abortion is all but banned here. Texas lags other states in mental health resources and has faced funding shortages for domestic violence prevention. If women are to be forced to carry pregnancies — if Texas truly wants to “protect life” — so much more must be done about the issues of maternal homicide and interpersonal violence.

I left the gun show without a .22 rifle. Sad to say, but as a woman who values access to safe reproductive choices, my best form of defense is probably leaving my home state altogether.


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11 hours ago, AlmostSavedAtTacoBell said:

Don’t be too sure. As a cradle Catholic, I said a mighty fuck you to the birth control bullshit before I was even having sex (bad endometriosis so imagine all of the doctors’ surprise when the Taquitos were naturally conceived and with the exception of my Angel baby were all full term and healthy.) I know far more contraceptive using Catholics than those who go with “natural family planning” these days (and while I again note my point is anecdotal, all but one of even the staunchest NFP people I know eventually turned to condoms, finding a “barrier” not Biblically prohibited. The one remaining couple - well, gossip is gossip but the gossip is that she told him to stay out of her bed until she is absolutely unable to conceive again. They have 14 live children and I have been told she has had several miscarriages.) 

My guess is he is either of Jilldo/Deadbeat Dave ilk or just an outright judgmental asshole. But I repeat myself. 

The only individual on my social media who's been rejoicing is Catholic. That same person also has an single-digit number of children, evenly spaced, over a small number of years, with none before or since. Which type of religion you are and how strictly you follow it means nothing regarding if you feel like you can take away someone else's options.

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37 minutes ago, NotQuiteMotY said:

The only individual on my social media who's been rejoicing is Catholic. That same person also has an single-digit number of children, evenly spaced, over a small number of years, with none before or since. Which type of religion you are and how strictly you follow it means nothing regarding if you feel like you can take away someone else's options.

Oh so very much that last line.  I openly admit that I disregarded the birth control prohibition and am also pro-LGBTQ+ rights and pro-choice so yes, I am a hypocrite when it comes to following the Catholic "rules"; however, I don't impose my beliefs or religion on others.  I recognize that it's MY decision what religion (if any) to follow and that my job here on earth is to live my life in a way that honors my belief in Jesus Christ and God by trying (and honestly, often failing) to be the person Jesus Christ told us we should be.  The person on your social media is privileged enough to have had access to birth control of some form that clearly worked for her (unless it just happens to be coincidental that she has had only two pregnancies evenly spaced out) and she, like me, should recognize that she is very lucky to have been in that position.  How different my life- as probably hers- would be if I didn't have the option to control my reproduction.  

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I'm thinking of proposing marriage to Khiara Bridge. What a fucking BAMF.


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1 hour ago, Destiny said:

I'm thinking of proposing marriage to Khiara Bridge. What a fucking BAMF.


The invitation to join her class- "You might learn a lot."  Shutting down his piehole in the best possible way!

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1 hour ago, AlmostSavedAtTacoBell said:

The invitation to join her class- "You might learn a lot."  Shutting down his piehole in the best possible way!

Delightful. FTR, he called her unhinged on twitter. He's ... a special treasure.

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5 hours ago, Destiny said:

Delightful. FTR, he called her unhinged on twitter. He's ... a special treasure.

I guess by using Twitter he can lash out at the smart woman of color who totally owned his sorry ass without even needing to remove the pacifier from his baby mouth. 

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Two more sets of hearings are going on in DC on abortion right now:

Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee - https://www.c-span.org/video/?521594-1/reproductive-rights-advocates-roe-overturned-health-care&live&vod#

House Committee on Oversight and Reform - https://oversight.house.gov/legislation/hearings/the-impact-of-the-supreme-court-s-dobbs-decision-on-abortion-rights-and-access

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This is freaking insane:


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13 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

This is freaking insane:


Please please more more MORE of these women, especially women of color, refusing to allow these assholes to talk over them, refusing to give in, refusing to play their stupid games, and just completely owning them at every turn!!!!  These guys really are flabbergasted when their white male privilege doesn't automatically grant them deference and allow them to make their stupid "points"!  It's like Christmas has come early!

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An arrest has been made in regards to the 10 year old rape victim from Ohio:


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Another contender for dumbest person in congress:


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1 hour ago, GreyhoundFan said:

An arrest has been made in regards to the 10 year old rape victim from Ohio:


I would never, EVER suggest that this child who has already been through far more than a little girl who should be playing with her friends should be subjected to more trauma, but if this case goes to trial every damn inhumane monster who thought she should have to carry that baby to term should be forced to listen to her testimony as she details the violence this abomination did to her.  Not read transcripts but have to actually listen to a recording of a small girl's voice talking about something no adult should ever experience, much less a ten year old girl.  I stop short of suggesting they watch a video recording of it because they don't deserve to see her face and she deserves privacy (and I acknowledge that even allowing an audio recording would cause her privacy to be violated which is why I started my post as I did- as much as I want to see every one of those fuckers have to face up to what she had to go through only to be impregnated and then have to become a subject of national discussion all while needing to travel to another state to undergo a medical event because people think her body is their business I truly hope her privacy will be completely guarded.)

A ten year old child was raped by a 27 year old, raped again by a group of SCOTUS justices, and raped a third time by her state of residence.  Fuck them all. 

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On 7/12/2022 at 11:09 AM, Destiny said:

I'm watching the Judiciary Committee hearing on this mess, and y'all, I may die of stroke listening to fucking Grassley bloviate. Send help and blood pressure meds.

If anyone else wants to suffer with me: https://www.c-span.org/video/?521318-1/hearing-legal-concerns-post-roe-america&live&vod

I traded way the fuck up in terms of Congressional representation moving out of Iowa and up to Minnesota.  Way, way the fuck up.

The Texas Taliban got it into their heads to go after law firms that provide abortion travel support.  There's this article - it's a subscription required one though - that explains how the Taliban might have gotten into a fight it may not be able to win.


The Texas Freedom Caucus may have kicked a hornet’s nest when it threatened Sidley Austin partners with civil and criminal penalties and disbarment in a letter last week, according to firm leaders in Texas and managing partners at firms with Texas offices.

Firm chair Yvette Ostolaza received the letter July 7 after Sidley signaled its intent to reimburse employees who sought abortions in other states. The letter, signed by Texas Rep. Mayes Middleton, a Republican, said litigation was already underway to determine whether Sidley had already participated in illegal abortions, including out-of-state drug-induced abortions in which employees took the second of two pills after returning to Texas.

The managing partners, who requested anonymity because they had not yet received similar demand letters from the Republican legislative caucus, said the threats were more likely to strengthen the conviction of lawyers and law firms that have already chosen to support the reproductive rights of their employees.

“I don’t know how smart it is to go after a bunch of lawyers,” said the managing partner of an Am Law 100 firm with offices in Texas. “We can all spend endless time and energy playing it through, and it might not play out as well for them as it would if they went after a less well-funded organization or people less involved with making legal decisions than law firms.”

Law firms aren't backing down and some of them are noting they may rethink business in red states.  One firm is already suggesting that it may be looking elsewhere to do business other than Florida.

Edited by 47of74
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22 minutes ago, 47of74 said:

I traded way the fuck up in terms of Congressional representation moving out of Iowa and up to Minnesota.  Way, way the fuck up.

The Texas Taliban got it into their heads to go after law firms that provide abortion travel support.  There's this article - it's a subscription required one though - that explains how the Taliban might have gotten into a fight it may not be able to win.

Law firms aren't backing down and some of them are noting they may rethink business in red states.  One firm is already suggesting that it may be looking elsewhere to do business other than Florida.

Texas:  Let's sue people!  How about lawyers?  That sounds like a grand idea!

Lawyers:  Yippee ki yay, motherfuckers!

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7 minutes ago, AlmostSavedAtTacoBell said:

Texas:  Let's sue people!  How about lawyers?  That sounds like a grand idea!

Lawyers:  Yippee ki yay, motherfuckers!

Yeah and even if a legal action turned out the way they like it could bite them in the ass along with a lot of bystanders if a lot of the Texas legal talent pulls up stakes for elsewhere or doesn't even move to Texas in the first place.  Personally I wouldn't move to Texas or work with the Texas government even if they offered to pay me $100,000 an hour.

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I’m still working my way through the links I posted earlier, and have apparently made the acquaintance of Josh Hawley’s wife. She’s just as delightful as her husband, which is to say she is awful.

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On 7/11/2022 at 3:03 PM, AlmostSavedAtTacoBell said:

Jackasses already emboldened by the Dobbs ruling.  Walgreens' corporate response was that their policy is to allow employees to avoid handling sales they find morally objectionable.  This part of the article really stood out to me:

She thinks about how much more humiliating the experience would have been for a younger, less self-assured customer. She wonders if the clerk would have said anything if her husband had been the one to approach the counter with a box of condoms in his hand.

I did appreciate that she had commented that, although she was the only woman in the store, another customer patted her on the shoulder as she left and that customer contacted her (and her husband) when her husband's tweet became shared.  The other customer identified himself and gave a statement for the article that corroborated her account including the smug look on the clerk's face when he refused to sell her the condoms.  I must have missed that part in the New Testament where Jesus told His followers "I say unto thee, when thouest judgeth others, haveth thoueth a countenance of assholeth smuggary, so that all may knoweth thoueth art true in spirit and heart!"

I'd be so tempted to have thrown the money in his face and left with the product, but wouldn't want to get arrested for something so stupid. 

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It’s unfortunate his name isn’t known and in the viral article because he might have suddenly found many instances of area employees having religious based beliefs that allow them to refuse service to people who clearly use the Bible to beat others over the head. “Sorry, due to my faith, I can’t take your order. I checked and everyone else here has that same issue.” “Oh my, I know this grocery store is the only one in town, but my religious beliefs won’t let me ring up your order. It turns out I’m the only one here authorized to work the register.” “Well, see, it’s like this. My spiritual guidance prohibits me from selling you and ONLY you this alcohol so no brewski for youski and no booze for youse.”

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If I hear another thing about the poor vandalized churches* and poor Kavanaugh not being able to eat dessert while ignoring the whole they’ve been murdering and bombing and threatening for 50 years i am going to go hoarse screaming profanities y’all. Stop clutching your fucking pearls about violence if you are going to ignore it coming from your people too assholes.

*I shouldn’t have to say this, but obviously threats, violence and vandalism aren’t the way to get your point across. 

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Somehow I missed that the Ohio Attorney General, other politicians, and several “pro-lifers” had been claiming the 10 year old rape victim didn’t exist and was a fictional creation designed to inflame the emotions of people who may be on the fence or “soft” anti-choicers who could be convinced to start seeing exceptions should be made. Now that an arrest has been made, instead of either shutting their damn mouths or doing the right thing by acknowledging they were wrong, they are trying to claim they really didn’t say what they said but the REAL story is the rapist is “undocumented”.  He and others are also trying to claim she- you know, the girl who didn’t exist- could have stayed in Ohio for the abortion under the maternal health provision AS THOUGH NOBODY FUCKING THOUGHT OF THAT PROVISION AND MADE THAT ARGUMENT SO THIS CHILD DIDN’T NEED TO GO TO INDIANA YOU STUPID FUCKWITS!!!!

Guess what, folks? I personally would have preferred that no ten year old child had ever been raped and impregnated so that no ten year old child or child of any age EVER needed an abortion but here we are and by denying she ever existed and was fictional ploy these fucking assholes have just shown how absolutely craven they are because THEY would absolutely make up some horrifying story (and have with their ‘people are killing newborns after they are born’ lies)to try to keep playing overlords of women and their bodies. FUUUUUUCK! 

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4 hours ago, Destiny said:

I’m still working my way through the links I posted earlier, and have apparently made the acquaintance of Josh Hawley’s wife. She’s just as delightful as her husband, which is to say she is awful.

I figured she would be awful. I pictured her as another Lauren Bobert, MTG, or Sarah Palin. No sane person could stand Hawley.

36 minutes ago, AlmostSavedAtTacoBell said:

Somehow I missed that the Ohio Attorney General, other politicians, and several “pro-lifers” had been claiming the 10 year old rape victim didn’t exist and was a fictional creation designed to inflame the emotions of people who may be on the fence or “soft” anti-choicers who could be convinced to start seeing exceptions should be made. Now that an arrest has been made, instead of either shutting their damn mouths or doing the right thing by acknowledging they were wrong, they are trying to claim they really didn’t say what they said but the REAL story is the rapist is “undocumented”.  He and others are also trying to claim she- you know, the girl who didn’t exist- could have stayed in Ohio for the abortion under the maternal health provision AS THOUGH NOBODY FUCKING THOUGHT OF THAT PROVISION AND MADE THAT ARGUMENT SO THIS CHILD DIDN’T NEED TO GO TO INDIANA YOU STUPID FUCKWITS!!!!

Guess what, folks? I personally would have preferred that no ten year old child had ever been raped and impregnated so that no ten year old child or child of any age EVER needed an abortion but here we are and by denying she ever existed and was fictional ploy these fucking assholes have just shown how absolutely craven they are because THEY would absolutely make up some horrifying story (and have with their ‘people are killing newborns after they are born’ lies)to try to keep playing overlords of women and their bodies. FUUUUUUCK! 

I have been angry sick and disgusted at not only the story of the 10-year-old girl but even more livid at the morons who don't believe her and think that this is just something made up. I've spent 16 plus years in education working with fourth graders and I know that it's quite possible for a girl to start her period. In fact I was subbing in a fourth grade classroom this year and I had one of the girls come back from the bathroom and whispered to me that she thinks she started her period. These girls are not asking to become mothers, no matter what conservatives might think.

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1 hour ago, Audrey2 said:

I figured she would be awful. I pictured her as another Lauren Bobert, MTG, or Sarah Palin. No sane person could stand Hawley.

She’s actually pretty smart and has apparently argued cases before the Supreme Court. She’s lead counsel for some terrible group. I forget which one. She’s a fucking liar though. 

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3 hours ago, Audrey2 said:

I figured she would be awful. I pictured her as another Lauren Bobert, MTG, or Sarah Palin. No sane person could stand Hawley.

I have been angry sick and disgusted at not only the story of the 10-year-old girl but even more livid at the morons who don't believe her and think that this is just something made up. I've spent 16 plus years in education working with fourth graders and I know that it's quite possible for a girl to start her period. In fact I was subbing in a fourth grade classroom this year and I had one of the girls come back from the bathroom and whispered to me that she thinks she started her period. These girls are not asking to become mothers, no matter what conservatives might think.

You are truly doing the Lord’s work. I don’t know your religious/faith belief and I honestly do not intend to offend but as a Christian and I really do hope you understand where my comment originates, you are a Godsend. I was the last of the girls in my class to get her period but my best friend was the first and got hers very, very early. At age 9, none of us had a clue so when she came back from her time with the bathroom pass pale and scared, I had no idea what to say because at that age I hadn’t even received the rudimentary “here’s a pamphlet, don’t bug me with questions” so called I won’t even say education I got two years later. I thought she was very ill and told her to go to the school nurse. Luckily our school nurse was that kind of person who was just born to not only be a grade school nurse but to guide and educate young women and men about their bodies and sexuality. She was far ahead of her time and I truly feel very lucky (and yes, blessed,) that she gave us “the talk” because as I mentioned, until then I received an unclear pamphlet and a clear message that I was NOT to ask any questions. Thank you, Mrs. Moore, wherever you are, for being an Angel to my friend and later a fountain of knowledge to the kids like me who couldn’t get it at home and Godspeed to @Audrey2 who not only had a great name and avatar but who is giving so much at a risky time. To all of you- please please PLEASE keep loud and proud. We MUST be heard in every way!!!


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