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Government Response to Coronavirus 4: The Reality Show From Hell


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Talked to religious leaders.

80 million deposits and if you didn't get yours go to irs.getmypayment .gov.  

Sec Sonny Purdue is a handsome man.  He's going to be dispursing money for fanrmers ranchers who are great people who never complain, do what they have to do.  They get the food to the people in need.  They'll get another 40 billion in July - money well deserved because they were targted by China and they never complained.

Hands mic to Purdue:  Says presdident tweeted promis to stand by farmers and this announcement is proof that was true.  America now knows the wholesome food we depend upon comes from Anericams frmers and ranchers.  Thanks to Trumps direction and leadership 19 billion dollar Corona virus food assistance program.

Distribute food to food banks and religious based programs to distribute to fellow americans in need.  Heroic patriotism of food chain network.  President unwavering support, USDA will do everyhting in their poiwer to facilitate program as efficiently as possible.  God bless trump and god bless america.

I think Pence is jealous of the great love between Purdue and Trump.

Trump back on mic:  all out war invisible enemy.  Said we've done more testing including per capita than any other country.

That's a lie

ID Now point of care diagnostic test.  Fantastic.  It's the hot one.  Saliva test just came out and is fantastic.  Thanking Pharma companies.  Tremendous amount of unused capacity for governors to tap.  Gov responsible for testing and he hopes they can use the capacity.  One million tests per week, think of that.

Swabs can be found by governors - easy - its just cotton.  But if they need help the fed will help them.  Polyester q tip type swab is available (so not just cotton?)  We are the king of ventilators.  If gov need them they'll send, wishes the media would get word out how well they've done with ventilators.  they are expensive and highly complex.  we're going to help mexico and other countries with our high level, high quality ventilators.

Media spreads false and misleading info about our testing capabilities.  We started at ground zero, outdated and obsolete from past, but media understands capability and it's false reporting.  Everything is perfect.  Fed will help NY and all other states get even better on testing.  

Some states have vast amounts of area with few people and few infected - their governors will be open sooner rather than later.

blah blah blah better than ever before, sooner rather than later, back to ventilators requests were made for too many....40,000 and turned out 7-8k were plenty.  if they need more they can have them - surge seems to be over.  working together with govs

I need a fucking macro - he repeats himself so much typing is pointless.

more about governors over estimating what they thought they needed.  "I did just a spectacular job with jabbot center"  blah blah more about what a fucking hero he was for that center which wasn't even needed but gave it anyway.

more about sufficient testing capacity nation wide.  Putting safety first - dramatic but safe steps being taken.

More of the 2.2 million people if not for him.  More about the deaths in the civil war.  literally he needs a macro, not me.  He is so redundant.

Thinks deaths may be between 60-65 k deaths.  One is too many.  This is a horrible thing and no reason for it.  

Earlier this week FDA approved 2 more antibody test bringing total to 4.  Who has wonderful, beautiful immunity.  Other countries even powerful countries say off the record that there is no one like us, beautiful tech, economy, no one is like us.  

Best economy ever, had to close it up, but it saved lives...paid price but price is unimportant compared to lives.

We are working on treatments and that will be good as it will help people get better.

Thanks, captain obvious.

Blah blah staying on script talking about J & J and other companies working on vaccinated - might be over a year but therapies will be immediate.

Project air bridge is incredible.  He's reading list of numbers of PPE that have been disbursed.  More about the invisible enemy that is smart and vicious.

Does he think viruses are sentient?

He's thanking people and some of the media for fair coverage.  Trump is hanging it to Pence and will leave but come back.

Pence drinking game - do a shot whenever he defers to Trump

#1 in intro.

New cases low and steady on west coast and declining in greater NYC are, NO, and Detroit...and elsewhere.  Tribute to nurses and doctors on front lines and every american for social distancing.  Today President approved disaster for America Samoa.  All states and territories are declared emergencies.  

Shot two...Presidents guidelines (which I promise you he didn't write) - shot three for the loving tone he uses whenever the words "the president" drop slowly over his thin lips.

repeating the stages for reopening covered yesterday, testing, etc.

President Trump took it upon himself to reinvent testing in America (down the fucking bottle)

They can double amount of state testing by activating all the labs.

There is enough testing for all states to test for criteria for phase one should they choose.

He's trying to hard to sound presidential but he cant hide his sycophantic little self.  Shit weasel

Dr, Fauchi:  Productive teleconference with democratic senate.  Are there enough tests to allow us to go to first phase putting safety first.  He wants to clarify.  Two general types of tests.  One tests for the infection and the other tests for anitbodies.  Can assume there is protection with having recovered, but they need to prove immunity after recovery.

What is misunderstood about infection test is if you get a test today it means you are fine - you'd have to test someone daily or every other day to be certain.  

He's weighing every word.  This is painful.

A test for infection only means you're negative right now.

A test for antibodies shows the penetrance of the infections.  Reasonable assumption that antibodies offer protection but we need to know the titre level and for how long the protection lasts. 

He doesn't want anyone to underestimate the importance of testing.  

No doubt we had a problem early on, a problem from within, but now the private sector is involved in testing it's better.  When we say there are x number of tests out there there are areas which will need to be corrected.  We have to figure out how to close the gap and get health care centers to get what they need.  

All the issues Trump said were resolved he's talking about how we've corrected some and the rest will be corrected.  What "people" don't appreciate, through no fault of their own...and he explains supply and demand.

That was a total apology and correction of Trump and and I am so tired of these people covering for him.

CDC guy Dr. Redfield - neckbeard.  We know a lot about pandemic because of developed monitoring systems...comparing it to how they track flu.  Charts he's referencing aren't in camera view.  

OMG this guys voice is sedating and I'm starting to nod off.

He's still talking about flu surveillance.  CDC enhances states' public health capacity.  Critical as we open America.  Importance of testing, isolating infected, and contact tracing.  This worked in the beginning when we were able to control it until we...weren't.

Dr. Birx:  Can do front of nose sampling now for infection.  Testing is part of exquisite monitoring system with the CDC and states.  Adding asymptomatic component monitoring will help protect people in nursing homes, native Americans, and people in the inner cities.  

Antibody tests have different sensitivities and  specificities.  Tests perform better in areas with high prevalence of disease so they can test quality of the tests - false positives have been a problem.  With strep and malaria they test for antigen.  We don't yet know if covid sheds in the front of the nasal cavity.  Working on that for the future.

Again showing map indicating high low throughput, but it's off camera.  Wtf camera person?

Working with labs to find out what they need so they can utilize all potential testing capacity.  She has been talking for minutes and hasn't said a word Fauchi didn't say first.  She said she was going to reiterate what he and Redmond said and she wasn't kidding.  

It will never be possible to do nucleic acid tests on everyone before returning to work, but there may be with the antigen tests.

Pence says he believes they have the tests to do a sufficient amount of testing to determine if they can move into phrase one.  He's shoring up Trump.  

Gioir is speaking now.  Going on about how many tests we're doing as it's its an awesome number.  He's speaking in absolutes and not per capita.

Slides still unviewable and he's going into the specifics of the tests...I had to feed my dogs so missed the specifics which ...seriously he's just repeating what Fauchi, Redfield, and Birx already said.

Science tells us we have, and will continue to have, enough tests to go into phase one.  

There is a fine gentleman by the name of FartingFatso69, (whose prestige is evident by his name written case correct) who is holding political debates.  It's like Lincoln-Douglas have rejoined us across the ages.  "TRUMP PENCE 2020 MAGA."  He's as eloquent as he is loquacious.

Gioir is still going on about the stats for what the testing needs to be for phase one.  Again - this was covered.  It's like they are being instructed to draw this out.

Pence is calling the team back up for question and said his beloved President should be back momentarily.

Birx - the unknown is asymptomatic spread and if there is a lot then there will need to be increased testing for phase 2.  

Pence:  President has made clear governors need to manage testing in their own states.  God, they dodge responsibility like Ben Stiller can dodge a ball.

Trump is back:  Insleys said tweets encouraging protests were going against what hes saying about guidelines.  Apparently Trump needs to talk about Insley being against the second amendment.  SOme states where protests are, Va - taking away second amendment is too much.

Is he worried that the protests will spread covid.  No, they seem to be very responsible people to him and they've been treated rough so they need to express their view.

And I'm going to have a fucking stroke. 

Trump said numbers of sick people dropping precipitously.  Who taught him that word?

He mentions various states - no specifics - dropping every where.  

Asked about rumors came from lab in Wuhan and they had been given a grant of 2.7 million from the Obama administration.  Trump said they are looking into it.  

YEP - Obama paid for it!  How is he allowed to speak unsupervised?

Asked about small business loans - did you know a lot of people didn't know we had so many banks?  Democrats are fighting against giving money to small business and workers.  Republicans and people want it badly but democrats don't want to help.  And some wont be able to keep businesses open, even though executed flawlessly, because Nancy Pelosi is on vacation and not doing her job which is not new for her.   A lot of people say best thing for country would be payroll tax cut which hes been suggesting for a long time...

Someone named Art Lauffer agrees with him - he looks great - like he's 25.  Why can't he just swipe left and stfu.

China must have most deaths - doubling up on numbers in Wuhan.  It is what it is, a sad state of affairs.

Talking about the bat people blame wasn't in wet zone, it was 40 miles away.  Whatever form we know it came from China and now 184 countries are suffering.

About the payments - 80 million payments went out and less than 1% error rate.  All errors caught and minor errors.  Obama care website had a lot of mistakes, how about that?  Spent millions could have been done for peanuts.

No fucking clue what it takes to build a website with that kind of traffic.

Our esteemed FartingFatso69 said we are lucky to have Trump as President.  That's good enough for me!

I missed the question because cat was yelling at me, but he keeps saying the Spanish Flu was 1917.  Why does he insist on being wrong on the year?  Like Zsa Zsa Gabor about her birthday, but at least she had a motive.

He's blathering about how amazing the economy is now.

Schools will open soon.  Lot of governors talking about schools being open.  Have to take care of our seniors (he's a senior - own it Trump.) 

Called him out for wanting to liberate Michigan and other states who don't have decline in cases.  He's saying beyond the plague they want to take their guns away - gov of VA should be under siege.

Does he know Virginia and Michigan are different states?  No.  He doesn't.  They don't even have the same accents.

VP is traveling tomorrow to Colorado, when will he be able to travel again.  He has been in white house for months...said goodbye to the comfort even though NY didn't need it.  Converted to covid...so not the fucking question.  

He is going to CO to make air force commencement address.  Way to set an example, suck monkeys.

Trump is listing places he's made commencement addresses.  big distances, he doesn't like the look of big distances.  It won't be like this forever, baseball games, football games...will get better and better and will get lives back to way they were.  Lot of restaurateurs calling him asking about their business and they all call him Sir.  

Lot of discussions going on with China and he's not happy.  Blaming China and WHO for virus.

Asked Dr Fauchi about whether virus was man-made?  He said there is a study recently by highly qualified evolutionary biologists and looked at sequencing and is totally consistent with jump from species to animal - not man made.

Asking if he's worried about congregating and if it's being encouraged.  He side steps saying he understands their frustration but hopes they will listen to guidelines.  Trump turns everyone into a cuckhold.

Trump back on 2.2 million would have died if trumps admin didn't take action.  Others made mistakes but he doesn't want to name and embarrass them.  Trump repeating himself...I can't type this nonsense again.

While he repeats himself a quote from the comments...


Trump is anti-China and wants to bring manufacturing back to America. Biden and the Democrats are pro-China and want to keep the sweatshops running. Need I say more? TRUMP 2020!

No, FartingFatso69!  You need say no more, I will follow your lead.  Where can I buy a MAGA hat?

This is OVER and I have wine










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3 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

Some states have vast amounts of area with few people and few infected - their governors will be open sooner rather than later.

And here is where the next hot spots will be. Fools.

As always thanks for recapping enjoy your wine. Heading for the hard seltzer right now.

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8 minutes ago, WiseGirl said:

Heading for the hard seltzer right now.

I really want to try that.  I saw some Irish people drinking something called White Claw in Florida and the back cherry and ruby grapfruit sounded yummy.  Idk if it will be sweet enough for me, though.

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Senate Dems seem to be as sick of Pence's shit as they are of Twitler's: "'I have never been so mad about a phone call in my life'"


Senate Democrats exploded in frustration during a conference call with Vice President Mike Pence and Trump administration officials on Friday afternoon, with one normally laid-back senator asserting it was the most maddening phone call he’s ever taken part in, according to participants and people familiar with the call.

The call between President Donald Trump’s coronavirus task force and Senate Democrats on Friday left the Senate minority “livid,” according to one Democrat on the call, because of the lack of clear answers about national testing for the disease.

Sen. Angus King (I-Maine) called it a “dereliction of duty,” said a second person on the call. King added: “I have never been so mad about a phone call in my life.”

King is generally among the most mild-mannered senators but was extraordinarily frustrated with the Trump administration’s testing woes. He said the administration had left states adrift.

Pence responded to King by saying there have been misunderstandings about the federal government’s work with states, according to a person familiar with a call, and the vice president explained the way the administration had been coordinating with states to ramp up testing. Pence was even-keeled in the face of the frustration, that person said. But Democrats said afterward they felt he wasn't giving clear answers to their questions.

Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) pressed Pence on Trump’s Twitter feed at the end of the call, asking why the president was trying to incite division by tweeting “LIBERATE” Virginia, Minnesota and Michigan and aligning himself with protests in those states over their lockdowns. Pence said the administration is working with governors but that the president will continue to communicate with the American people as he always has.

That demurral left Democrats unsatisfied. Kaine said Trump’s tweets were disrespectful and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) asked Pence to answer Kaine’s question.

Anthony Fauci, the leading infectious disease expert in the federal government, and Deborah Birx, the head of the coronavirus task force, were also on the call and answered most of the questions, along with several other public health experts. At one point, Fauci corrected Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) when she attributed a statement about coronavirus response to him.

Another Democrat on the call said the Trump administration hopes to have enough tests at the end of the month to be able to reopen some parts of the country and the economy from lockdown but that it was vague on the details and overly optimistic in its thinking.

“The fundamental problem is a lack of capacity, which at this point they can’t fix. So they are explaining it away,” the Democrat said. “Everyone was livid.”

After the call, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) released a statement saying Pence expressed willingness to work with him on his concerns about the treatment of rural health care providers in the massive aid package passed at the end of March.

Pence also spoke to Senate Democrats last week, a call that ran so long members scheduled Friday’s call to continue the discussion.


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25 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Senate Dems seem to be as sick of Pence's shit as they are of Twitler's: "'I have never been so mad about a phone call in my life'"

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Senate Democrats exploded in frustration during a conference call with Vice President Mike Pence and Trump administration officials on Friday afternoon, with one normally laid-back senator asserting it was the most maddening phone call he’s ever taken part in, according to participants and people familiar with the call.

The call between President Donald Trump’s coronavirus task force and Senate Democrats on Friday left the Senate minority “livid,” according to one Democrat on the call, because of the lack of clear answers about national testing for the disease.

Sen. Angus King (I-Maine) called it a “dereliction of duty,” said a second person on the call. King added: “I have never been so mad about a phone call in my life.”

King is generally among the most mild-mannered senators but was extraordinarily frustrated with the Trump administration’s testing woes. He said the administration had left states adrift.

Pence responded to King by saying there have been misunderstandings about the federal government’s work with states, according to a person familiar with a call, and the vice president explained the way the administration had been coordinating with states to ramp up testing. Pence was even-keeled in the face of the frustration, that person said. But Democrats said afterward they felt he wasn't giving clear answers to their questions.

Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) pressed Pence on Trump’s Twitter feed at the end of the call, asking why the president was trying to incite division by tweeting “LIBERATE” Virginia, Minnesota and Michigan and aligning himself with protests in those states over their lockdowns. Pence said the administration is working with governors but that the president will continue to communicate with the American people as he always has.

That demurral left Democrats unsatisfied. Kaine said Trump’s tweets were disrespectful and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) asked Pence to answer Kaine’s question.

Anthony Fauci, the leading infectious disease expert in the federal government, and Deborah Birx, the head of the coronavirus task force, were also on the call and answered most of the questions, along with several other public health experts. At one point, Fauci corrected Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) when she attributed a statement about coronavirus response to him.

Another Democrat on the call said the Trump administration hopes to have enough tests at the end of the month to be able to reopen some parts of the country and the economy from lockdown but that it was vague on the details and overly optimistic in its thinking.

“The fundamental problem is a lack of capacity, which at this point they can’t fix. So they are explaining it away,” the Democrat said. “Everyone was livid.”

After the call, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) released a statement saying Pence expressed willingness to work with him on his concerns about the treatment of rural health care providers in the massive aid package passed at the end of March.

Pence also spoke to Senate Democrats last week, a call that ran so long members scheduled Friday’s call to continue the discussion.


Looks like Fauchi was full of shit in the presser.  

I'm trying to hold onto respect for him, give him the benefit of the doubt that he's going along with Trump so he can stay where he's needed to keep this from being worse.  But he seems to have crossed a line into active PR and spinning for Trump and I can't reconcile that with being an ethical person.

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1 hour ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

think Pence is jealous of the great love between Purdue and Trump

Ooh.. new running mate?! #conspiracy #weirderthingshavehappened #Iwouldlaugh

1 hour ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

We are the king of ventilators.

I am finding this hilarious, in a really black way. Who is this royal we? Can we crown him with one?

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1 hour ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

Does he think viruses are sentient?

Compared to him? Possibly.

1 hour ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

President Trump took it upon himself to reinvent testing in America (down the fucking bottle)

Reinvent how? This is the weirdest doublethink, seriously. Orwell would have been amazed at how well developed the concept is.

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5 hours ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

Trump said numbers of sick people dropping precipitously.  Who taught him that word?

Word of the day toilet paper.

5 hours ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

Someone named Art Lauffer agrees with him - he looks great - like he's 25.  Why can't he just swipe left and stfu.


5 hours ago, WiseGirl said:

As always thanks for recapping enjoy your wine. Heading for the hard seltzer right now.

I read that too fast and thought you were about to start drinking hand sanitizer. :shock:



Edited by Cartmann99
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"... a very gold conversation..."  ... "Border is very strong!"



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Important reminder.  There is no WH strategy to defeat corona virus.

There is only a strategy to re-elect Trump; the endless chaos deflects criticism and creates confusion about what is true.  That's it. 

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I truly believe Trump thought if he ignored COVID-19, it would go away.

In fact, I think that's how he feels about most parts of the presidency. He wanted adoration and money, not actual work.

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So Biden released this video...

And here is how Trump reacts:


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And now a federal judge has made a ruling in the ongoing Kansas/religious gatherings issue 



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Lindsey needs to go:


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This is pitiful:


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When you have a goon in the White House, this is what you get:


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Here's the interview he was whining about:


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I like George's suggested name for Twitler's daily hate rallies:


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I see former Wisconsin governor and all around fuck Scott Wanker opened his pie hole


Scott Walker appeared with Faux News' Neil Cavuto to discuss how to reopen the nation. Walker started out accusing governors who have extended their states' stay at home orders due to continued high number of cases or, like Wisconsin, are seeing a new spike in new cases - usually thanks to Republicans playing politics with people's lives - are power hungry and are exceeding their authority.

This statement by Walker is breathtaking in its irony, since Walker is actually an expert in being power hungry and exceeding his authority. While governor, Walker regularly grabbed for more power, starting with creating a fake economic crisis as an excuse to take away constitutional rights from workers - an act he repeated over and over during his tenure.

These power grabs continued as he amassed more and more power and methodically diminished the system of checks and balances.

But then Walker really loses all touch with human decency.

I fucking hate this guy.

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Maryland governor Larry Hogan is a rarity, a reasonable R. He calls out Twitler's crap all the time.


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I wonder if the Governors could hold some sort of long-distance conference to set the record straight about what's actually happening...

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On 4/19/2020 at 5:51 AM, fraurosena said:

So Biden released this video...

And here is how Trump reacts:


I appreciate this from a political standpoint, and there are some great points in there about the unpreparedness for ANY pandemic and the value of having people on the ground, but is anyone else slightly uncomfortable with the rhetoric both candidates have taken of “the worst person for president is the one who the Chinese like”? I’m not discounting the problems with China’s government and approach to all this, but honestly a strict and early closing of the US borders to anyone coming from China would not have been enough. I don’t know what the data in America is like; prior to widespread community transmission, was there tracing of where American cases came from? I ask because I’m in a country who has controlled things very well so far, and we’re geographically closer to China, have a tonne of international students from China, a very large Chinese-Australian community with people who travel to visit family as well as for business, and... most of our cases came from people who had been in Europe or the USA. When did border closures to Italy and surrounds, or other hotspots like Iran, come into effect in America? When were cruise ships stopped? 

Obviously China is where things started and a good response there from the beginning sets the tone of everything to come. Trump is lying about what he’s done while he dog whistles and that’s reprehensible. But I can’t help but see Biden’s ad as dangerously close to “it’s China’s fault and if Trump had responded to them properly at the start we wouldn’t be in this mess”.

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4 minutes ago, Smee said:

I appreciate this from a political standpoint, and there are some great points in there about the unpreparedness for ANY pandemic and the value of having people on the ground, but is anyone else slightly uncomfortable with the rhetoric both candidates have taken of “the worst person for president is the one who the Chinese like”? I’m not discounting the problems with China’s government and approach to all this, but honestly a strict and early closing of the US borders to anyone coming from China would not have been enough. I don’t know what the data in America is like; prior to widespread community transmission, was there tracing of where American cases came from? I ask because I’m in a country who has controlled things very well so far, and we’re geographically closer to China, have a tonne of international students from China, a very large Chinese-Australian community with people who travel to visit family as well as for business, and... most of our cases came from people who had been in Europe or the USA. When did border closures to Italy and surrounds, or other hotspots like Iran, come into effect in America? When were cruise ships stopped? 

Obviously China is where things started and a good response there from the beginning sets the tone of everything to come. Trump is lying about what he’s done while he dog whistles and that’s reprehensible. But I can’t help but see Biden’s ad as dangerously close to “it’s China’s fault and if Trump had responded to them properly at the start we wouldn’t be in this mess”.

I don't think there is anything wrong with the ad.  The fact that Trump worships dictators and was praising Xi when we should have had our own people there is just a fact.  

That's not blaming Chinese people, that's saying we need to do what we have to to protect the US and Trump didn't.  He trusted Xi the way he trusted Putin over our own intelligence.

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