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Dear Nienie, you are an idiot


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http://nieniedialogues.blogspot.com/201 ... omney.html

Dear nienie,

You are a moron. Being a bigot isn't against the constitution. Besides, if it was your religion would be pretty unconstitutional.

Here is an explain of something that is unconstitutional:

Preventing a candidate from running because of his religion.

People who are not voting for Romney because he is a Mormom and they think that is a skerry cult (or skerrier than your run o the mill Christianity) are showing bias.

And how exactly does "an important thing that our democracy should consider" weigh in? Maybe you mean voters should consider whether Romneys religious views would lead to political decisions that they disagree with? If that is what is preventing them from voting for him they aren't even a bigot (unless it is the crazy talk....)


Treemom (who likes only because you make me seem coherent and intelligent)

edited for massive spelling error

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LOL! I ALMOST emailed her when I saw that ridiculous comment. But then I figured it wasn't worth it. I emailed her once back before she was a big blogger and she replied and I get the feeling she just sort of flits around with her head in the clouds and lives in her own little happy-nie-nie-pretty-rainbows world.

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I think we'd see a Mormon in office before an Atheist. Would she say it's unconstitutional for an Atheist to run for president if people don't want to vote for them? Any candidate can run, and it's not unconstitutional to not vote against them. I just don't want a candidate's religious beliefs interfering with what they perceive is best for the country, Mormon or not.

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I think we'd see a Mormon in office before an Atheist. Would she say it's unconstitutional for an Atheist to run for president if people don't want to vote for them? Any candidate can run, and it's not unconstitutional to not vote against them. I just don't want a candidate's religious beliefs interfering with what they perceive is best for the country, Mormon or not.

I suspect she wasn't referring to people like you and me who are worried about his religious beliefs in the same way i would worry about many religious beliefs but rather the crazy Christians who scream from the rooftops about how evil, evil and cultlike Mormonism is.

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I suspect she wasn't referring to people like you and me who are worried about his religious beliefs in the same way i would worry about many religious beliefs but rather the crazy Christians who scream from the rooftops about how evil, evil and cultlike Mormonism is.

True. Even so, she obviously doesn't understand what is unconstitutional or not.

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I can be bigoted

if I want to be

even in politics

the Constitution allows it

and the Bible told me so

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It seems like she's one of those Mormons who believe that if anyone disagrees with their beliefs, they're being persecuted. If she really wants to feel persecution, she should just go on a mission to Iran or other country that doesn't like Christianity as a whole.

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She's really been stepping up the Momon propaganda lately, and so has her sister, Jane. I wonder if that's what's expected of Mormon royalty, especially if the image of Mormonism could play a vital role in the presidential elections.

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All from one post:

I have no idea who's blueberry patch they raided for blood
I don't think us Mormon's are that bad. Really.
Duh, doesn't he know Bugs Bunny is not real??? Sheesh.
Its coming...Its coming!
Holy fuck she's an idiot.

The more I hear about her, the more annoyed I get, and the more urge I have to rant about how annoyed I am.

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