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Dillards 48: Proselytising Prick Preaching to People


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Just watched the Insta video...

Wow, some people are just not charismatic. Which is fine, if you're an otherwise good and/or interesting person. We clearly know that's not the case here. 

Unfortunately I've known guys like Derick IRL (I even dated one of them in my late teens). Self-righteous, abrasive, convinced of their own genius and certain that they're disliked only because the people around them are too stupid to recognize/appreciate their glory. These are the kinds of guys who have pretty high IQs but often fail to thrive at any job, and never quite realize their "potential" and become embittered. They then become increasingly socially isolated because most people don't "get them." Nasty comments on social media ensue...

Anyhow, a few pages back, some were wondering why the exchange students would even accept an invitation by the Dillards. Having been an exchange student myself, I accepted all kinds of social invitations that I probably wouldn't have back home, because I was interested in making local friends and experiencing the local culture, which is not always easily accessible. They probably just thought this was some outgoing friendly young couple, and thought it might be an interesting way to experience some American culture. Little did they know what they were getting themselves into.

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The thing with Derick of me is that he is so deep in his own particular version of Christianity that he is painting himself into a teeny tiny corner. Religion doesn't mean that you have to be intolerant or unwilling to learn about different religions/cultures. "We have a Quran..." Yeah, so what? Have you listened to the people who follow Islam? Have you learned about their way or life? Or are you so busy thinking about "You're going to hell, Jesus, Jesus, Personal relationship with Jesus..." that you don't realize that they are just as worthwhile as you. 

That much hate must be hard to carry around. I just can't imagine the weight of it; no wonder Derick isn't looking well. 

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From the last thread:



But what I remember the most is the food! I was a moderately picky eater, but everything tasted so good! I usually didn't like to try new food, but I tried everything that evening. So, please, @HarryPotterFan, can I sit at the cool table? I won't be converting, but I promise not to proselytize. (I don't know how to spell it either, but my phone does!  )

I'm biased but the food tends to be amazing! And yes, please sit at the cool table! There's always plenty of food :) I recently told a friend she has an open invitation to holidays at my house since she loves Jewish holidays and traditions. She drunkenly invited herself to my house for Passover, haha. What's a good vegetarian alternative to chicken soup?

@victoriasponge Not understanding Hebrew isn't a problem! I think it's common to learn to read Hebrew, but not learn how to understand it. At least that's what they did at my Hebrew school. I'm still bitter. I should have taken Hebrew in college, but each class was 6 credits and there were so many classes I wanted to take. 

@VelociRapture The storytime thing sounds awesome! And the Rugrats episodes were amazing. The meanie of Hanukkah!!

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@HarryPotterFan as suggestions for vegetarian alternatives to chicken soup, you may want to look up some Sephardic vegetable soups... My favourite are the vegetable soups (each region has a unique flavour profile) and some even incorporate matzah balls, but there are some good bean and squash soup recipes too - especially from the Caribbean diaspora.

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I usually just pop into the Duggar threads and lurk a bit without posting, but @samurai_sarah, my alliteration loving heart did a little thumpety-thump when I saw this thread title and I just have to compliment you on it. :romance-heartbeating:

That is all. 

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@nastyhobbitses The new thread was started before I could reply to your hippy Jewish camp post. Your description sounds like my kid's camp. One year they sang John Prine songs and even had lyrics posted in the restrooms. In the past few years they've been using their own made up Hebrew words because Hebrew does not have gender neutral pronouns. Now they are trying to work out bunk assignments for kids who identify as non binary.

Very progressive. I wish I could be a kid and go to her camp. Only spiders, I don't do spiders. Sleeping in tents there are many spiders. :my_rolleyes:

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5 minutes ago, MiddleAgedLady said:


Oh do tell Derick. Getting kicked off TLC?  Fired from converting all the brown Catholics in SCA to your version of white bread christian? Having your candidate Roy Moore go down in flames? Having your ass handed to you on twitter? So much winning.

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9 hours ago, lomo6 said:

Unfortunately I've known guys like Derick IRL (I even dated one of them in my late teens). Self-righteous, abrasive, convinced of their own genius and certain that they're disliked only because the people around them are too stupid to recognize/appreciate their glory. These are the kinds of guys who have pretty high IQs but often fail to thrive at any job, and never quite realize their "potential" and become embittered. They then become increasingly socially isolated because most people don't "get them." Nasty comments on social media ensue...

I've known guys like this too. Mostly the sorts of neckbeard dudes who made OKCupid a nightmare to sift through sometimes. Derick really is a Christian neckbeard: thinks he's hot shit despite all evidence pointing to his overwhelming mediocrity, can't hold down a job despite being perfectly able-bodied and having some discernible, desirable skills (either because he gets fired for being a dickweed or because he thinks most jobs are beneath him), thinks that people dislike him because they're stupid/haters/persecuting him (and fails to realize that the common denominator of his failed interpersonal relationships is him), doesn't want a female significant other so much as he wants a Crock-Pot he can fuck, and pretty flagrantly racist/bigoted but will vehemently deny/rationalize this. 

As you can tell, I'm pretty fucking done with Derick. 

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Seeing as 2017 was politically/emotionally/environmentally/etc -I could go on- devastating for basically anyone that's not a rich, white, 'christian' man, I don't want to hear about how great the year was for you , ahole. Read the room.

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"Cathy, get off it." That should be the reply every time she jumps in to make excuses for her son's bigotry and idiocy.

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Just some wild speculation, but is it possible that the Dillards have invested some TLC money? Maybe Dereck has money from his dad passing, like maybe his dad had investments for his sons. I know people who have been reasonably well off after a parent passed because the parent had solid investments prior to passing, enabling these people to work more for pleasure than necessity. Dereck also seems to employ a buy used then grift the difference approach to finances. He may have very little out of pocket expenses. Again absolutely wild speculation. The Dillard's never seem to own anything that is expensive that wasn't a gift from someone else.

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6 hours ago, MiddleAgedLady said:


Dwreck must have found Jeremy’s sermon about drinking being ok. Drunk is the only thing that explains this. 

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3 hours ago, singsingsing said:

Cathy, GROW UP. You are NOT doing your 28-YEAR-OLD son any favours!

Helicopter apologist parents need not apply around here.  A 28 year old father of two is making his own (bad) decisions and writing his own (bad) tweets.  


My adult kids would be MORTIFIED if I stepped into any of their online opines. 

Good lowered... and Rufus Bless. 

And as my dearly departed would say, "Christ on a bicycle!"

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