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Anna, Josh, & the Ever Multiplying M Kids, Part 11: His Cheating Heart

Coconut Flan

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I thought of some:

Mose Duggar

Methuselah Duggar

Mather Cotton Duggar

Mickey D's Duggar

Martian Duggar

Mad Eye Moody Duggar

Mithras Duggar

Mortification Duggar

Macadamia Duggar

Mmmbop Duggar

Mister Duggar

Morgoth Duggar

Maximus Decimus Meridius Duggar

M'lady Fedora Duggar

Macho Man Duggar

Mob Mentality Duggar

Moshua Duggar

Mackmichmarcmer Duggar

Manson Duggar

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M Kid Number 5 Birth Pool


Gabriel Matthew- shock928 (wildcard)

James Robert “Little Jim Bob”- Mela99

Maccabee Joshua- Lurker

Machiah- aprilx(2)

Machiavelli- onekidanddone

Maddox- ihaveanexamintwodays

Malachi- singsingsing, SapphireSlytherin, clueless, mango_fandango, bananabread, aprilx

Malachi Joshua- MayMay1123

Malachi Nathaniel- eveandadam

Malachi Robert- Dogalog

Malaki Joshua- Million Children for Jesus (1)

Malcolm- ihaveaneamintwodays, Gillyweed

Manuel Christopher- freshlemonade

Mark Isaiah- tsukinokawa

Marshall Joshua- Berty K

Martin- singsingsing (wildcard), VelociRapture(3), albanuadh_1(2)

Martin James- Markie, Melissa1977

Martin Robert- Kelsey (2)

Marvin- Greendoor, MadeItOut

Mason- Markie(3), ihaveanexamintwodays, singsingsing, VelociRapture (1), nickelodeon, MayTheWilberforceBeWithYou

Mason Daniel- Rachel333

Mason Joshua- pook, Jatalie1996 JDuggs          

Mason Robert- Kelsey, HRM1216 (2)

Mathias/Matthias- tabitha2

Matthias- KelseyAnn

Matthew- Markie(2), singsingsing, HarleyQuinn, albanuadh_1(1), JordynDarby5, Daisy0322, frugalitymom, AlwaysExcited

Matthew Asher- Chewing Gum

Matthew Caleb- Million Children For Jesus(1)

Matthew David- VixenToast

Matthew Dobson- Dandruff

Matthew Hosea- The Wanderer

Matthew Isaiah- SorenaJ, anaandrade

Matthew James- sadiZ, VeryNikeSeamstress

Matthew John- NewSeasonOfLife

Matthew Joshua- JermajestyDuggar, anjulibai, Glasgowghirl, jerkit, viii, HRM1216

Matthew Noah- Miggy

Matthew Paul- AlwaysExcited (1)

Matthew Robert- marmalade, VelociRapture, mango_fandango, adidas, season of life, AlwaysExcited(2)

Matthew Zachary- Million Children For Jesus (3)

Maverick- Honeysuckle

Max- onekidanddone

Maxwell Robert- Glasgowghirl  

Melchizedek- Audrey2

Melvin Issac- itqitc

Mepibostheth- Audrey2

Methuselah- Audrey2

Micah- KelseyAnn (2)

Micah Matthew- shock928

Miles- singsingsing (wildcard), JoyJoy

Milo-  So-Virgin-It-Hurts

Mitchell Robert- Gobsmacked

Mobert Mame- Pasta

Morgan Clement- habert

Mortimer Chance- Hortense Peyrac

Moses- Carm_88, VelociRapture (2)

Moshe Joshua- OyToTheVey

Nathaniel Daniel- MissKnowItAll

Robert- Bad Wolf

William Matthew- NeverBeenKissed

William Zachery- MissKnowItAll



July 19th- season of life

July 20th- AlwaysExcited

July 21st- Miggy

July 24th- NewSeasonOfLife

July 25th- eveandadam

July 28th- Million Children For Jesus

July 31st- Vixen Toast

August 1st- The Wanderer

August 2nd- habert, adidas, Honeysuckle

August 3rd- Jatalie1996, MayMay112, OyToTheVey

August 4th- Kelsey

August 5th- sadiZ, Hortense Peyrac

Late Night August 5th/Early August 6th- VeryNikeSeamstress

Late Night August 6th/Early August 7th- MadeItOut

August 7th- Markie, freshlemonade, Daisy0322

August 8th- JDuggs, Gobsmacked, viii

August 9th- aprilx

August 10th- anaandrade, Lurker

August 11th- JordynDarby5, Gillyweed

August 13th- MissKnowItAll

August 14th- JermajestyDuggar

August 15th- itqitc, So-Virgin-It-Hurts, albanuadh_1

August 16th- HRM1216

August 17th- Bad Wolf

August 19th- Rachel333/SorenaJ

August 21st at 2am- KelseyAnn

August 22nd- Carm_88

August 24th- MayTheWilberforceBeWithYou

August 27th- tsukinokawa

August 28th- anjulibai

September 3rd- Chewing Gum

September 5th- frugalitymom



7lbs 3oz- viii

7lbs 6oz- OyToTheVey

7lbs 7oz- MissKnowItAll

7lbs 8oz- MadeItOut

7lbs 9oz- jerkit

7lbs 14oz- freshlemonade

8lbs- JermajestyDuggar, habert, anaandrade, So-Virgin-It-Hurts, albanuadh_1, AlwaysExcited

8lbs 1 oz- Rachel33, MayTheWilberforceBeWithYou, HRM1216

8lbs 2oz- adidas, Chewing Gum

8lbs 3oz- Daisy0322, Jatalie1996, Gillyweed, Bad Wolf, Gobsmacked, MayMay1123

8 lbs 4oz- Sorenaj, The Wanderer, anjulibai, itqitc, VeryNikeSeamstress

8lbs 5oz- Carm_88, aprilx

8lbs 6oz- NewSeasonOfLife

8lbs 8oz- JDuggs

8lbs 10oz- Markie, Lurker, season of life

8lbs 11oz- Million Children For Jesus                

9lbs 1oz- VixenToast

8 pound range- KelseyAnn



19 inches- MayTheWilberforceBeWithYou

20 inches- anaandrade

20.5 inches- AlwaysExcited, HRM1216

21 inches- The Wanderer, Gobsmacked, Lurker, itqitc, viii

21.5 inches- Million Children For Jesus

22 inches- Daisy0322


The updated list. I really want Mmmbop Duggar to be his name! As always, check the list and correct me if I am wrong! :) 

ETA: August 22st? Oh boy! 

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3 hours ago, lomo6 said:

Right but presumably they weren't having sex during those months where he was away. So in a sense, she actually got pregnant more quickly than usual (assuming that previous spacing wasn't due to periods of abstinence between Josh and Anna for whatever reason). 

Her spacing appears to be based on biology and how her body naturally spaces pregnancies while breastfeeding. So I don't really get why you think Josh's absence is relevant. She wouldn't have gotten pregnant any faster if he had been around.

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My guess:

Malcolm Garrett, 8 lbs. 9 oz., 21 inches, 9:29pm on July 29th

The kids all have at least one family name (I think?), so that is where Garrett is from (Michelle's dad and brother, and Joe's middle name)
Not really sure when she is due, though.... So I'll just go with August 29th for an August due-date (but keep my original July guess).

You know, someone could create an ExpectNet game and we could all enter our guesses there.

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I have to say I wear leggings a lot in NC in July-(It's 94 today:happy-sunny:). I'm in a wheelchair and wear a lot of tunics and shorter summer dresses to work in the summer and don't fancy flashing my crotch. ( neither do my co workers ).  I thought I would be really hot doing this but not so much.  Some say 52 is too old to wear leggings but they're so stretchy comfortable. I'm riding this legging wave until it ends. 

With that said- it is my choice to wear whatever I want. I don't wear hardcore denim skirts either. I used to think my little girls in short dresses were cute and not scandalous. 

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17 minutes ago, Exposedknees said:

I have to say I wear leggings a lot in NC in July-(It's 94 today:happy-sunny:). I'm in a wheelchair and wear a lot of tunics and shorter summer dresses to work in the summer and don't fancy flashing my crotch. ( neither do my co workers ).  I thought I would be really hot doing this but not so much.  Some say 52 is too old to wear leggings but they're so stretchy comfortable. I'm riding this legging wave until it ends. 

Hey, the other day I was getting my hair done at a salon and there was a woman, at least in her 60s or 70s, who was dying her hair purple. She said, "If other old ladies can have big hair, then I can have purple hair." (Not calling you old, though, my dad is about to turn 53 and I definitely don't think he's old at all.) More power to you!

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I'm going with Miles Gabriel. Sucks because Miles is one of the few boy names I would consider naming my own, but it seems a solid choice to add to their M-kids.

August 13th, 8lbs 6oz.

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@Suz8710 If it's any consolation, I want to name my daughter Joyanna and have to live with the knowledge that she'd have the same name as one of the Duggars (and a more recognizable one at that). One thing I can't fault the Duggars on is that they tend to pick nice names for their kids.

Except Spurgeon.

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55 minutes ago, MayTheWilberforceBeWithYou said:

@Suz8710 If it's any consolation, I want to name my daughter Joyanna and have to live with the knowledge that she'd have the same name as one of the Duggars (and a more recognizable one at that). One thing I can't fault the Duggars on is that they tend to pick nice names for their kids.

Except Spurgeon.

I actually really love the names Jana and Jessa. I reaaaaaally like them. I had no idea they were names until I watched the first special (and everything after that) when they'd first were on tv.

topic drift because I'm loopy. I only realize now how awesome my mom was during that first special... I was 15 and enraptured saying how cool it looked. She looked at Michelle like she was nuts, turned To me and said, "they must be super religious. Did you see what they are wearing? They home school and their hair, yikes, and they don't use birth control. Yeahhh, they're creepy fundamentalists." Haaaa. Now she watches and trash talks the tv too. That is legit when I started, from the very awkward beginning. And dammit, I really like some of their kids names, lol. Jana Jana Jana.... Its so pretty. Sigh. Josiah is a really cool name too.


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34 minutes ago, VixenToast said:

I actually really love the names Jana and Jessa. I reaaaaaally like them. I had no idea they were names until I watched the first special (and everything after that) when they'd first were on tv.

Same, I ADORE the names Jessa and John David. I don't think most people would associate them with the Duggars...no one I know follows fundies except me (and my fiance, since I've introduced him to their crazy world! :pb_lol:)

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38 minutes ago, VixenToast said:

I actually really love the names Jana and Jessa. I reaaaaaally like them. I had no idea they were names until I watched the first special (and everything after that) when they'd first were on tv.


Confession, I named my first hamster Jessa after hearing the Duggars use it for that exact same reason. I really liked it. But since then Joyanna has grown on me so much.

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I always liked the name Johanna because of the Dylan Song "Vision of Johanna."   

I also love Miles and Milo but I fear for the use by the M Duggars. I mean Miles Davis was a Junkie but he got permanently cleaned up. Maybe the Jazz Music is enough to deter the use... 

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15 hours ago, Bethella said:

Technically there wasn't a pause in her babymaking at all, she averages 2 years between births so M5 is right on schedule. Josh's Jesus Jail didn't interrupt her birthing schedule at all.

That is so depressing. If she stays on schedule they will end up with twelve-fourteen children. 

Feel free to correct my guesstimate. 

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16 minutes ago, bananabread said:

Same, I ADORE the names Jessa and John David. I don't think most people would associate them with the Duggars...no one I know follows fundies except me (and my fiance, since I've introduced him to their crazy world! :pb_lol:)

I love the name Jessa too and I think Jessa Lauren sounds so good. JB and Michelle hit that one out of the park. Poor Jinger Nicole. :my_confused:

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8 minutes ago, FeministFunPolice said:

That is so depressing. If she stays on schedule they will end up with twelve-fourteen children. 

Feel free to correct my guesstimate. 

I think 10-12 is a little more likely given that she'll probably slow down as she ages. But 12-14 is not out of the realm of possibility.

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On 2017-07-09 at 6:50 PM, Glasgowghirl said:

Madison Ashley, both are unisex names

Maxwell Robert

Matthew Joshua


I find it interesting that Meridith could have been Madison.... She was born and named well before that scandal. I highly doubt the names Ashley or Madison will ever be used by members of the Duggar clan now.

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19 minutes ago, Eternalbluepearl said:

I love the name Jessa too and I think Jessa Lauren sounds so good. JB and Michelle hit that one out of the park. Poor Jinger Nicole. :my_confused:

I don't think Jinger Nicole sounds bad, but then I remember that when I first saw the name Jinger, I assumed it was pronounced with a hard g.

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59 minutes ago, bananabread said:

Same, I ADORE the names Jessa and John David. I don't think most people would associate them with the Duggars...no one I know follows fundies except me (and my fiance, since I've introduced him to their crazy world! :pb_lol:)

A girl I know named her new baby Jessalyn and they call her Jessa. I was like hmmm... what are the chances?? Went to Jessa's instagram and sure enough, my friend follows her, ha. 

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I am throwing my hat in for August 10th or 11th for the next M-Kid's birth. I am guessing either Mark or Matthew for his name, and 8 lbs 9 ounces for the weight. I am once again basing this on astrological parlor games, so, standard disclaimer, a grain of salt is required here. :pb_lol:

Astrological rationale: The moon is in pisces that day. Josh is a pisces sun, so his "core identity" would be in the same position as the baby's moon, and the moon symbolizes a person's emotional nature. Anna also has a three planet stellium in cancer that includes her sun and moon sign, which is compatible with pisces. Additionally, both Anna and Josh have north node in pisces, and the north node signifies the soul's greater purpose in a chart. If the baby is born with a pisces moon, it would mean the baby's emotional nature is compatible with his parents' greater purpose. Pisces is also the sign that symbolizes Christianity in astrology.

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