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HomeSchooled/Christian Kid kills his parents.

Miss M

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From the DD, looks like the link for the family pictures has already been removed.

http://www.dreamindemon.com/2011/09/27/ ... g-parents/

This is my first thread started since joining, so go easy on me!!

ETA: The wedding pics are still at the link in the article, click pictures on the left hand side.


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Sounds like we don't really know enough about the case at this time. However, if this is true:

The father, Christian Hans Liewald, dangled handcuffs from the rearview mirror of his minivan, walked around the southwest Mecklenburg neighborhood with a gun and once shot a man on the street, they said.

It indicates something weird was going on. Well, that was indicated anyway, but still, the above is particularly disturbing.

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I saw the grandmother interviewed on the news last night. She said that the dad was into "physical discipline" that the child did not accept or tolerate. They totally sounded like they drank the pearl kool aid. The kid has had issues for a while (per the news which I dont trust) and has serious sociopathic tendencies. Either way, he'll be out in a few years.

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What a sad story. If a secular/public school kid did this, the fundies would be using it as an example of the evils of the outside world. Probably won't be seeing this on any fundie blogs any time soon.

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Wow that dad is a creeper. His new wife is only about half his age and closer in age to the son than the father. He seems to have some serious control issues, and in this case the much younger wife seems to be part of it.

Since his dad was abusive, I'm surprised there isn't some exception for battered child syndrome. I personally knew a teenage boy who killed his abusive father, but I was just a preteen at the time and I don't know what became of him. It's all so tragic but it's really hard to get mad at a child for defending himself the only way he knew how.

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The kid probably had all kinds of mental illness going on, only made much, much worse by his dad likely drinking the Pearl kool-aid.

I'm not usually one to comment on large age gaps, since my own mother is 17 years younger than my dad... but this guy couldn't have legitimately fallen in love with a 24 year old. Given that he apparently has several ex-wives...

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I *am* a younger wife, thank you. Two decades younger than my husband. I have stepchildren almost my age.

Of course, he did not marry me for my submissiveness, obviously, and while we once had a lot of jokes about me being a golddigger, those have mysteriously disappeared since dh was laid off last year and I became the primary wage earner.

I hope the courts are lenient considering the background. He could probably argue temporary insanity. Did he kill the stepmother as well?

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I *am* a younger wife, thank you. Two decades younger than my husband. quote]

I'm a younger wife as well. :D

That being said, it's a real heartbreak that's happened to this family. I would be very interested to find out just how much the Pearl's sick "training" methods had to do with what happened.

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Methodists aren't exactly fundies. I doubt this had anything to do with the Pearls, and everything to do with gun culture. It has nothing to do with homeschooling, either. The kid got taking out of school because he was fighting. I'm sure if he was being abused by his father that it was happening when he was in school, too.

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What a sad story. If a secular/public school kid did this, the fundies would be using it as an example of the evils of the outside world. Probably won't be seeing this on any fundie blogs any time soon.

One article says he was in public school til recently, he was expelled. So this doesn't sound like the typical homeschool situation.

And the newspaper article said the father had several ex-wives


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Where are we getting fundy pearl follower homeschooler here?

Sounds to me like the father had mental issues. Not everyone loosely tied to homeschooling or a church is a fundy.

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Where are we getting fundy pearl follower homeschooler here?

Sounds to me like the father had mental issues. Not everyone loosely tied to homeschooling or a church is a fundy.

Some of the family (I think it was the father's parents) made a reference to him being really strict and using "physical discipline", so that could be part of it.

Also, people seem to picture a certain type of person when they hear homeschool and "church website", but some of the other details from the media and neighbors don't really jive with the ultra-conservatie/fundie homeschool type to me.

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One article says he was in public school til recently, he was expelled. So this doesn't sound like the typical homeschool situation.

And the newspaper article said the father had several ex-wives


I didn't say it had anything to do with his homeschooling. Although, he may have had more people to reach out to if he'd been able to stay in public school. I just felt fundies would never post this story cuz he was being homeschooled at the time.

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It sounds like (to me) the dad was mad about the kid getting into fights at school, so he decided to homeschool him, that way he could isolate the kid and beat the badness out of him. It doesn't sound like the kid has mental issues, more like the dad has mental issues.

We don't know the severity of what went on in that house. I wouldn't be surprised if the kid feared for his life.

(I'm not saying he should be excused, I'm saying if these things are true, then he is not a psychopathic monster, just a scared kid who dealt with things the only way he figured things would stop.)

One thing that jumped out at me was the part where the father's brother displayed "irrational behavior" in front of the kid and the kid prepared a knife in his defense. What was the irrational behavior and did his dad display the same type of behavior? Was this frequent? Just some things to think about.

It sounds like all the adults in this family were loopy.

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@ the "younger wives" -

I'm sure you've heard the old saying: Better to be an old man's darling than a young man's slave. ;)

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@ the "younger wives" -

I'm sure you've heard the old saying: Better to be an old man's darling than a young man's slave. ;)

I'd rather just be someone's partner. Or single if my options really are just arm candy or slave.

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