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Introduction, and a weird argument against homosexuality


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Hi, I'm trebello. I posted on the old site very rarely; I'm more of a lurker. I'm a biology professor in middle GA, so I see fundie-lite on a daily basis. I survived teaching a course titled "Evolution" with not a single complaint, much to the chagrin of one of my colleagues, who was sure someone would harass me.

I saw this in the Macon Telegraph (Sunday edition - for reference macon.com). It is a letter to the editor that mentions a pre-incarnate Christ.

"To the person who wrote in The Telegraph a few weeks ago that Jesus never denounced homosexuality in the New Testament, I would encourage them to read from Genesis 18 and 19 through verse 29.. The pre-incarnate Christ and two angels came down to Earth in the form of men. Christ was there when Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed.

Then I would encourage them to read from the New Testament, Matthew 11:20-24 (especially verses 23-24). Jesus did denounce homosexuality and confirmed that what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah was a judgment from God.

God will not alter his word to suit us, but will change our hearts and give us eternal life through Jesus Christ when we believe.

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I have not heard this particular argument against homosexuality. I seemed to have missed this in my readings of Genesis. I have also never heard of a pre-incarnate Christ, which I am sure is my own ignorance. Anyone care to enlighten me?


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The idea is that the two men who appeared to Abraham (and later to Lot) were what are called "Christophanies," a manifestation of Christ before the incarnation. I've heard it said that anywhere someone is described as "an angel of the Lord," it is actually a Christophany.


As far as this being an argument against homosexuality, that's a new one for me.

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Caelam, thank you for that reference. It is very informative. I was not familiar with that term. However, this crazy person seems to say that there were the two angels, PLUS the pre-incarnate Jesus. I really can't see that, and I love the Old Testament as literature.

I am only asking all of this so I can be prepared for questions that come up in my courses. I am ready for most, but this odd reference, in the biggest local paper in central GA, really made me wonder about the extent of the craziness.

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The idea of a pre-incarnate Jesus comes from the opening of the gospel of John, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Word = Jesus

The idea that this can be twisted around as an argument against homosexuality by quoting verses from the Old Testament is strained at best and ludicrous at worst. The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was not homosexuality; it was abuse of hospitality.

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