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Fidel Castro dead at 90


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It's about damn time.  These dictators hang in there forever.  I hope Obama's opening to Cuba, although still limited, will start making a positive difference in Cuban lives.  Whether Fidel's passing will make much of a difference will be interesting to observe. 

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I'm not really sure what to say. I really don't know much about him or what type of ruler he was. I do very much hope that Cuban and American relations continue to improve though - I feel like it's only beneficial to the people of both nations to continue on the path of reconciliation.

I suppose my sympathies are with his loved ones? Is that appropriate in this situation?

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I'm not really sure what to say. I really don't know much about him or what type of ruler he was. I do very much hope that Cuban and American relations continue to improve though - I feel like it's only beneficial to the people of both nations to continue on the path of reconciliation.
I suppose my sympathies are with his loved ones? Is that appropriate in this situation?

Hopefully the Orange Toxic Megacolon doesn't mess things up too much with his microscopic cheeto inspired chest thumping.
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My father once heard Fidel Castro speak live. A long time ago, in the 1970ies.  He was "3rd row" so to speak and did not came close to him at all  in any way of course, but he always loves to tell how he could feel Fidel Castro´s  persevance and diligence carrying right into one´s mind. 


¡Adiós a Fidel, nunca te olvidaremos!

La lucha por la dignidad y la libertad continuará.

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Yeah, the Orange Toxic Megacolon didn't act all that Presidential about the death of Castro;



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Unpopular opinion but......I don't really see how DT's tweet is that bad? Is it unprofessional? yup but Castro was a terrible leader. A lot of fellow millennials are putting Fidel Castro as some anti-capitalism  hero and I wouldn't be surprised if they start wearing Castro shirts a la Che Guevara. Yet, you look at Little Havana and people are rejoicing. Many of these Cuban-Americans had family members who escaped Castro' regime.....or attempted to but were met with severe  punishment. Sorry, but we don't have a problem calling Stalin or even Putin a terrible dictator but many people on the left will tip toe saying anything negative about Castro because he fits into their agenda. Both are  bad. I have cousins who are Cuban-American and their grandparents lived in  Castro's Cuba.  They discussed how many had hopes it would change but they just interchanged one dictator for another. One thing their grandma said was how she was disappointed about the amount of Cubans who voted for Trump.  I know they have a dislike for anything remotely socialistic but they should be able to see how Trump has the potential to be a dictator just like Castro. Authoritarian government doesn't discriminate against political agendas. 

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5 minutes ago, Eatingintheprayercloset said:

Unpopular opinion but......I don't really see how DT's tweet is that bad? Is it unprofessional?

IMVHO, yes, Don's tweet was unprofessional.  Certainly there is a more "president-elect"-version, with a neutral, calm vibe. 

Someone needs to delete Don's Twitter account ... 

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Well I hope Cuba will get to a better place. And Castro, if theres an afterlife I hope he pays for everything he did. I`m restraining myself from saying horrible things but he wasn`t a good human being  to say the least.

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2 hours ago, Eatingintheprayercloset said:

Unpopular opinion but......I don't really see how DT's tweet is that bad? Is it unprofessional? yup but Castro was a terrible leader. A lot of fellow millennials are putting Fidel Castro as some anti-capitalism  hero and I wouldn't be surprised if they start wearing Castro shirts a la Che Guevara. Yet, you look at Little Havana and people are rejoicing. Many of these Cuban-Americans had family members who escaped Castro' regime.....or attempted to but were met with severe  punishment. Sorry, but we don't have a problem calling Stalin or even Putin a terrible dictator but many people on the left will tip toe saying anything negative about Castro because he fits into their agenda. Both are  bad. I have cousins who are Cuban-American and their grandparents lived in  Castro's Cuba.  They discussed how many had hopes it would change but they just interchanged one dictator for another. One thing their grandma said was how she was disappointed about the amount of Cubans who voted for Trump.  I know they have a dislike for anything remotely socialistic but they should be able to see how Trump has the potential to be a dictator just like Castro. Authoritarian government doesn't discriminate against political agendas. 

I'm not in mourning over his passing either.  After all the shit he's put the Cuban people through Fidel had better hope God is in a forgiving mood, to say the least.  I would agree though that the Orange Toxic Megacolon could've had a neutral, more Presidential response to this whole thing.  That's part of the job of being President, expressing condolences to families even when the person who passed was as big a shithead as Mr. Trump is.  The Orange Dumbfuck thinks he can act like a chest thumping blowhard and every other leader on the planet will kiss his backside.  But what he doesn't realize is that every slight, every insult he makes is noted, cataloged, and logged for future reference by other political leaders and they may not be as willing to help down the road when the US needs that help.

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16 hours ago, Eatingintheprayercloset said:

Unpopular opinion but......I don't really see how DT's tweet is that bad? Is it unprofessional? yup but Castro was a terrible leader. A lot of fellow millennials are putting Fidel Castro as some anti-capitalism  hero and I wouldn't be surprised if they start wearing Castro shirts a la Che Guevara. Yet, you look at Little Havana and people are rejoicing. Many of these Cuban-Americans had family members who escaped Castro' regime.....or attempted to but were met with severe  punishment. Sorry, but we don't have a problem calling Stalin or even Putin a terrible dictator but many people on the left will tip toe saying anything negative about Castro because he fits into their agenda. Both are  bad. I have cousins who are Cuban-American and their grandparents lived in  Castro's Cuba.  They discussed how many had hopes it would change but they just interchanged one dictator for another. One thing their grandma said was how she was disappointed about the amount of Cubans who voted for Trump.  I know they have a dislike for anything remotely socialistic but they should be able to see how Trump has the potential to be a dictator just like Castro. Authoritarian government doesn't discriminate against political agendas. 

The thing is, he could have made the same point in a far more dignified and Presidential manner. Obama's statement was far more mature, much more carefully worded, and far better for diplomatic relations with Cuba moving forward. He acknowledged that there were people in Cuba and the US feeling powerful emotions over the death, while also making it clear that history will be the ultimate judge of Castro - basically, a respectful way of saying Castro did horrific things. Trump, on the other hand, once again proved he has no tact for diplomatic relations and just says whatever he wants. What he said might be true, but there's a time and place for a President to say that on the international stage - this was not it.

ETA: To be fair, husband and I don't know much about Castro (as I admitted before.) We were born nearly thirty years after he took power, we aren't Cuban American, and we live in New England. So Castro was never really a person we heard much about or that we really feared - the only time we heard about him was during the Elian Gonzalez crisis (and we were both kids at the time, so we didn't even know much about that either.) It's possible that the people on the left you mentioned have similar backgrounds coloring their views as well.

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20 hours ago, 47of74 said:

I'm not in mourning over his passing either.  After all the shit he's put the Cuban people through Fidel had better hope God is in a forgiving mood, to say the least.  I would agree though that the Orange Toxic Megacolon could've had a neutral, more Presidential response to this whole thing.  That's part of the job of being President, expressing condolences to families even when the person who passed was as big a shithead as Mr. Trump is.  The Orange Dumbfuck thinks he can act like a chest thumping blowhard and every other leader on the planet will kiss his backside.  But what he doesn't realize is that every slight, every insult he makes is noted, cataloged, and logged for future reference by other political leaders and they may not be as willing to help down the road when the US needs that help.

I can't agree more. When I was in graduate school, a professor I had dealt with in undergrad passed away unexpectedly. The man was a nasty SOB who made my life miserable and made sure I couldn't get the degree I really wanted and worked for. My manager, who knew the deceased man in passing, was wandering around the office, almost in tears, came into my office, and said, "Isn't it such a tragedy? Won't you really miss him?" I took a breath before blurting out what I WANTED to say, and instead, said, "I'm sorry that his family and loved ones won't have him around." Sometimes what you don't say says as much as what you do. Cheeto doesn't understand that...he just wants attention 24/7.

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I agree with Trump's tweet not sounding close to presidential but I was just putting the tweet on the scale of some of his other vulgar and ridiculous tweets. I replied before I read his full statement about Castro's death. It's very worrisome how Trump wants to ruin the progress America has made with Cuba during Obama's presidency. Also, I love how he is anti-Castro yet very pro-Putin. Both are (were) dictators. I'm really frightened about DT's tweeter fingers and lack of diplomacy he has.  

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7 minutes ago, Eatingintheprayercloset said:

I agree with Trump's tweet not sounding close to presidential but I was just putting the tweet on the scale of some of his other vulgar and ridiculous tweets. I replied before I read his full statement about Castro's death. It's very worrisome how Trump wants to ruin the progress America has made with Cuba during Obama's presidency. Also, I love how he is anti-Castro yet very pro-Putin. Both are (were) dictators. I'm really frightened about DT's tweeter fingers and lack of diplomacy he has.  

Hell, the Tiny Orange Cheeto of Dumbfuckery will probably destabilize relationships even with people who were previously our closest allies.  The reason he's anti-Castro is so he can suck up to the Cuban exile community.  Any Russian dissidents he doesn't give two shits about though.

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9 hours ago, 47of74 said:

Hell, the Tiny Orange Cheeto of Dumbfuckery will probably destabilize relationships even with people who were previously our closest allies.  The reason he's anti-Castro is so he can suck up to the Cuban exile community.  Any Russian dissidents he doesn't give two shits about though.

Russian dissidents don't make up a sizable voting block in a swing state.

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I suppose it would make a difference whether those dissidents are from a country that is socialist or fascist. 'Cause socialism is sooooooo bad and fascism must be soooooo good because it isn't socialist. *eye roll*

what would Putin be? Is he full-on fascist? A despot? A true dictator? Totalitarian? Authoritarian? Egalitarian? (Jk on that last one.) I would tend to think of him as an authoritarian fascist, but I could be completely wrong.

Of course Fidel is Satan to the GOP, even if he had never committed any atrocity, the mere fact that he is a socialist is reason enough to be evil in their eyes. So naturally the GOP will sympathize more with the Cubans. Besides, as all my Trumpy acquaintances do declare, We r iz frinds with Russhia now! 

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On Saturday, November 26, 2016 at 11:43 AM, 47of74 said:

Yeah, the Orange Toxic Megacolon didn't act all that Presidential about the death of Castro;



Imagine if Obama did this. 

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27 minutes ago, Toothfairy said:

Imagine if Obama did this. 

Imagine if ANYONE else did this. Chaffetz would start a Congressional investigation witch hunt in about 12 seconds.

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