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Dougie P. quote re: Judaism, on the Seppi blog

Marian the Librarian

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"I am thankful that my father was rescued from the idolatry of modern day Judaism." Doug Phillips

I'm just the (extremely pissed off) messenger. :angry-screaming:

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Guest Anonymous

Holy shit.


Damn he's got a lot of nerve, considering the idols that he and his ilk make of patriarchy and overpriced, gender essentialist merchandise. I bet you like to watch the interns taking showers in that glass house you live in, eh Dougie? A lot less stone throwing and a lot more putting up curtains is in order, dude.

ETA: I hate the Seppis. They are the worst.

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"I am thankful that my father was rescued from the idolatry of modern day Judaism." Doug Phillips

Phillips is a fairly common Jewish surname but I wonder if Dougie is related to Dear Abby, whose husband was Morton Phillips.


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I was going to ask if Dougie is related to Howard Phillips, the conservative politician but I googled and yep, father and son.


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Well, now we could put Doug down for antisemitism

I always say to myself that its because of Judaism that there is Christianity, and its all centered around the God of Abraham, the God of Adam and Eve, our first parents (which is kinda gross if it were true then we're really related by inbreeding, eww)

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I was invited to a Yoga and Voice workshop by Doug's pants wearing, yoga teaching, operatic soprano sister. She just got back from a 3 week Yoga retreat in Costa Rica.

Doug must just blow a gasket when he hears about her. She's everything he doesn't want women to be, educated, working, and very smart.

Unfortunately the retreat is in the DC environs and I'm here on the left coast.

So we know at least one of the grown Phillip's children didn't toe the party line.

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So we know at least one of the grown Phillip's children didn't toe the party line.

Dougie's youngest brother, Samuel Joshua Phillips, is a student at Christendom College, a very conservative Roman Catholic college. So I guess the Catholic Church isn't the whore of Babylon for all the family.


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Yeah, Dougie can get bent. He's doing a great job of turning himself into an idol to his followers. Not to mention the fact that he's selling things like the Elsie Dinsmore books, things available for free on the internet, and he's charging an outrageous markup. And then there's the DVDs, the CD, the trips to Europe funded by his adoring fans.... Moneychangers in the Temple, indeed.

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Doug makes me sick. Everyone here is correct. He is making himself a little god for his own little band of heathens to worship. Mainstream Judaism has all of the same problems as other religions in terms of finding a line between generating funds to sustain themselves and simply running a business at the Temple.

Dougie has no such subtlty or oversight. He is simply creating a religion as his business. He has created many ideals and he sells the images of those ideals as idols. He is worse worse worse than mainstream religion. If I believed in god, he would smite dougie and all of the golden calves he has created and commanded his minions to bow down before.

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Dougie & the Seppis in one thought/sentence. I need some Tums.

I thank all the powers in the Universe that I was never ensnared in the Dougie idolatry and have, my entire life, been free of him and people like him ...not to mention their god.

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I was invited to a Yoga and Voice workshop by Doug's pants wearing, yoga teaching, operatic soprano sister. She just got back from a 3 week Yoga retreat in Costa Rica.

Doug must just blow a gasket when he hears about her. She's everything he doesn't want women to be, educated, working, and very smart.

Unfortunately the retreat is in the DC environs and I'm here on the left coast.

So we know at least one of the grown Phillip's children didn't toe the party line.

In all parts of the world, knowing a member of someone's family usually gives you a connection to that person or even just a conversation starter, regardless of whether or not the family members are actually close - but I have a feeling that if you were to meet Doug and say "I know your sister", he would immediately blank you and walk off, or make a rude remark. Shun the heathens and publicans, after all.

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Guest Anonymous

Frankly, Judaism is better off without Dougie or his father. My guess is that his co-religionists heaved sighs of relief when Howard Phillips jumped ship.

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Phillips is a fairly common Jewish surname but I wonder if Dougie is related to Dear Abby, whose husband was Morton Phillips.

After reading this, I had to frantically check the Phillipses on a far distant branch of my family tree to make sure there was no connection. No, no there is not.

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Don't see why they couldn't have become ultra-Orthodox Jews or even better, Hassidim with those little sidecurls and weird hats.

Because then Dougie probably just would have been another black hat instead of the head of a burgeoning personality cult. I can see why he's glad his dad didn't stay Jewish; harder to break into fundie celebrity in those circles, since a lot of it is about yichus (pedigree, basically- how many rabbis were in your family tree, et cetera). This way, not only does he get to eat bacon double cheeseburgers whenever he wants, he also gets to be a fundie star, dress up in costumes and go prancing about the Scottish moors, all funded by his adoring public. What's not to love?

Interesting, though, that someone so disdainful of Judaism still hews to Levitical law whenever it's convenient for him, namely those verses about women of valor and avoiding TehGayz. In any case, I'm with SnarkyJan. Christendom is welcome to him; Judaism's got enough problems and culty leaders of its own.

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