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Fundie Language


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What are some things or phrases you find most Fundies say? A lot of their blogs sound the same. It is almost like a "Fundie Language". I've noticed things like "So sweet." "Precious" and "Such a joy" and "My convictions" to be very common.

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Countenance. Truth (meaning their opinion/beliefs). Google the "Fundie Word Redefinition Project."

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Countenance. Truth (meaning their opinion/beliefs). Google the "Fundie Word Redefinition Project."

Hmm I can't seem to find it. Can you post a link?

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Hmm I can't seem to find it. Can you post a link?

Hmm, I dunno, I've just seen it mentioned on Fundies Say the Darndest Things (www.fstdt.com). It's just a joke, really, but this is the closest link I could find to what I'm talking about: http://fstdt.proboards.com/index.cgi?bo ... hread=2213

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Blessing or blessed. = it worked out the way I wanted

Let me encourage you to... = do it my way or there will be consequences

Could it be that you have a spirit of... Anger...bitterness...pride? = you aren't thinking like me and I'm right

The Lord's leading me to... = so there will be no discussion

I am not judging anyone, just sharing... I've got it right and you don't

Teachable = willing to change your mind yo think my way

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"purpose" as a verb bugs the living daylights out of me.

...as I sit here enjoying the split infinitives and other literary eccentricities that are seamlessly woven into Austen's masterwork, Persuasion. :mrgreen:

Of course, the fundies would praise Anne Elliot for being such a role model of Proverbs 31, waiting for her Prince Charming, without a clue what's really going on.

Added a few more of my pet peeves in that sentence; it's not just the words or phrases, it's the complete lack of context in just about every situation in "real" life that makes me shake my head in utter bewilderment. You can ingore the ebit gubmint and still be an informed citizen, but these people CHOOSE isolation and anti-intellectualism.

Then use the internets to brag about it. How's that for irony?

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Blessing or blessed. = it worked out the way I wanted

Let me encourage you to... = do it my way or there will be consequences

Could it be that you have a spirit of... Anger...bitterness...pride? = you aren't thinking like me and I'm right

The Lord's leading me to... = so there will be no discussion

I am not judging anyone, just sharing... I've got it right and you don't

Teachable = willing to change your mind yo think my way

You really hit it on the nail with these! And I completely agree Marmalade!

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I have been living and working in rural South Carolina for the last two years. About 6 months ago, I decided that I could not spend my life here. I have older parents who live in south Florida. They really need some help to stay independent. I also have a cluster of old acquaintences in the Fort Lauderdale area. So I applied for a Florida license and went on some interviews. I was a little bit surprised to find that a woman of my age and experience was quite sought after. I was worried that being past 50 would go against me, but it has been quite the opposite.

Anyway, I then had to give notice to my employer in South Carolina. I told them that I was being called to go to Florida to help my parents. I prayed on it for a long time. It has been laid on my heart that I must minister to them and to the community where they live. (Their senior community is full of old folks from my old neighborhood in Philly).

It worked like a charm. I had heard that doctors who give their 90 days often get a lot of grief. I am getting nothing. They expect me to work hard for them until I go. And then they wish me well.

Speaking their language has been a life saver. Everything I said is true. I just framed it for them to hear it in a charitable way.

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- Blessed/blessing

- Laid it on my heart

- Training, when used in any context other than in relation to a new pet, a job, or an athletic event.

- Purposed

- Convicted

- Sweet

- Precious

- Joyful

- Testimony

- Walk/Time with the Lord

- Biblical...anything... daughter hood/womanhood/childhood/manhood

- Headship/Leader of the home/'my head"

-Under my father's protection (BARF!)

- the Lord's protection (Not to be confused with the protection of your earthly father)


- Courtship / Courting / Biblical Courtship

It's not even 7:30am and I'm still on my first cup of coffee. By the time the day moves forward and my brain begins to function, I have no doubt there is more; so much more.

I have very serious (bordering on obsessive?) issues with Christian-speak and it drives me mad; almost as mad as horrid grammar does and sadly, the two often go together.

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- Blessed/blessing

- Laid it on my heart

- Training, when used in any context other than in relation to a new pet, a job, or an athletic event.

- Purposed

- Convicted

- Sweet

- Precious

- Joyful

- Testimony

- Walk/Time with the Lord

- Biblical...anything... daughter hood/womanhood/childhood/manhood

- Headship/Leader of the home/'my head"

-Under my father's protection (BARF!)

- the Lord's protection (Not to be confused with the protection of your earthly father)


- Courtship / Courting / Biblical Courtship

It's not even 7:30am and I'm still on my first cup of coffee. By the time the day moves forward and my brain begins to function, I have no doubt there is more; so much more.

I have very serious (bordering on obsessive?) issues with Christian-speak and it drives me mad; almost as mad as horrid grammar does and sadly, the two often go together.

Haha this is so so true!!! Let me know if you have more!

Edit: My reply was embedded in the text of quote.

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Protect or protection

These are code words for "keep you under lock and key so you will never be exposed to experiences that could turn you off fundyism", as in "No, you can't go on that awesome trip with the youth group, because I wouldn't be able to protect you."

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I don't know why but it always rubs me the wrong way. Too authoritarian.


If something radiates YOU DON'T NEED TO CALL EXTRA ATTENTION TO IT. Ahem. "OMG your radiant purity of vibrant radiating girlhood makes my countenance wet with tears of the lord!".

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I've used defrauding a couple of times since the "....and counting" seasons have been on. That's about it. The phrases "season of life" and "countenance" don't seem to make their way into my speech. I always thought of "countenance" as the person's personality but that's just my definition.

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I use "defrauding" as in "mom, the dog is defrauding me with his red lipstick like baby maker. Why didn't we get him fixed when he was younger." Trust me, the poodle I'm talkin' bout is an absolute hump machine. You should have been there when I had a blast trying to explain to my grandma (we were dog sitting before for her before she died) why her precious shih tzu was covered in "juice".

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'Worldview': A way to dismiss others' opinions.

"You can't see why it's obvious that the rules for ancient Hebrew tribal leaders should apply to parents in 21st century America? That's just your moral-relativist worldview talking."

The alternative (but similar) meaning: A means of giving your own ill-thought-out opinions equal weight to someone else's, regardless of their expertise.

"You may have worked for twenty years in the field of biological sciences and I may just be a 19-year-old Vision Forum intern, but both of our positions on evolution are formed by our worldview."

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Using "heart" where most people would use the word "mind." That tells you a lot about what fundies think about thinking, doesn't it.

This. Fundie-woman-blogs are filled with this –- and it's not just "heart" instead of "mind," but "ponder" instead of "thinkâ€; or "feel" instead of "think," depending on context.

It's not desirable in the fundie subculture that women should use their minds to think, but rather than they should use their hearts - their desperately wicked hearts (Jeremiah 17:9) - merely to feel.

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"Season of life" and "modest" have made their way into my everyday language.

"I'm in a season of my life where I have 2 jobs, so I hired a cleaning lady." or "Honey, have you realized that right now is the season of our life where we have the most free time: no children yet, parents not old enough to need care, no house to do maintenance on..."

One fundie word I can't stand is "training", which really means brainwashing. As in: "Training our daughters to be keepers-at-home." or "Training a child to be obedient".

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