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Americans asked about Dominionism & Presidential Candidates


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http://caffertyfile.blogs.cnn.com/2011/ ... =obnetwork


I am very glad that more and more mainstream news outlets are discussing dominionism, what it means, and who has ties to it: I found this question on CNN's Cafferty File (the comments are really interesting):



How much does it worry you if both Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry have ties to Dominionism?

Forget about the separation of church and state... there's reason to believe that religion might have a whole new meaning for the next occupant of the White House.


The Daily Beast reports that two of the Republican candidates for president - Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry - are "deeply associated" with a theocratic strain of Christian fundamentalism that's called Dominionism.


For those of you who haven't heard of it before, and I was one who hadn't - stand by cause this is "out there."


The Daily Beast writes how Dominionists believe that Christians have a God-given right to rule all earthly institutions. Dominionism finds its roots in a small fringe sect called Christian Reconstructionism. People who advocate replacing U.S. law with the laws of the Old Testament, including the death penalty for homosexuality and abortion. swell.


The Daily Beast reports that both Bachmann and Perry appear to have ties to groups that support Dominionism.


Bachmann appeared in a documentary for one of these groups called "truth in action ministries." Also, she often praises or cites different religious leaders connected to such beliefs.


As for Perry, there's a group called "the new apostolic reformation" that sees him as their ticket to power. They talk about "taking dominion over American society" and hope that Perry can claim the so-called "mountain" of government. This group was also involved in Perry's prayer vigil in Houston a couple of weeks ago.


Critics suggest the Daily Beast's examples show so-called Dominionist groups attaching to the candidates.


And the website Newsbusters - which claims to expose liberal media bias - says that the Daily Beast "went a few more steps off the deep end" by publishing this piece.


We've reached out to both campaigns for a response but haven't heard anything back yet.


Here’s my question to you: How much does it worry you if both Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry have ties to Dominionism?


A sampling of responses from commenters:



Pat in New Jersey:

Our nation was founded on separation of church and state. Immigrants flocked to this country so they could worship freely and without prejudice. As an independent voter, I would never vote for either one of them. Decisions for our country should be without religious bias. What is happening to this country, Jack? This is getting really scary.




As a Jew and a homosexual, I guess I should expect the federal funding for a national crematorium after 2012. Seems history could be repeating itself from 1939.



John in Gatlinburg, Tennessee:

Many things about Bachmann and Perry worry me, but not their dominionism. As one travels back through time, the correlation between applied Christian principles and this nation's prosperity becomes increasingly undeniable. Dominionism may be a bitter pill to some, but history suggests that it might be the most effective cure for what ails us.



bonnie from NJ

I have to admit that I had to look up the word before I answered, but once I did I have to say that "worry" is not the word I would use. That is one of the scariest things I have ever read. I just have no concept how voters in this country can follow these people. I am trying to remain optimistic about the future of our country but everyday I only find things that are making that virtually impossible. I am hoping every day that something turns around for Obama and the economy so one of these nuts doesn't get elected. Ron Paul looks good, but I can't see the Republicans letting him get the nomination.


ETA: Bonnie's response, which gives me hope for the average American who is unfamiliar with dominionism.

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Guest Anonymous
John in Gatlinburg, Tennessee:

Many things about Bachmann and Perry worry me, but not their dominionism. As one travels back through time, the correlation between applied Christian principles and this nation's prosperity becomes increasingly undeniable. Dominionism may be a bitter pill to some, but history suggests that it might be the most effective cure for what ails us.

Dollars to doughnuts "John in Gatlinburg" is a middle class or wealthy, white, Christian, conservative, dude. He's definitely a twatwaffle. Fuck you, John in Gatlinburg. Dominionism damn sure isn't the cure for what ails everyone in this country who isn't exactly like you.

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It shouldn't be surprising to me, but for some reason it is a little, how many commenters said that they don't know what "dominionism" is. Some said they had to look it up, and most didn't seem to like what they found.

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I hope that this gets more press. People need to be aware if their candidate has any hidden agenda. Except for Ron Paul-who has his own problems-are there any Republican candidates who aren't Dominionists?

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Hey, Dominionism has its tentacles so deeply into American politics--both parties--that no one dares pipe up with the fact that the Annual Prayer Breakfast is a Dominionist event. (Cf. Jeff Sharlet's The Family.) Even Hillary Clinton is said to be a "friend."

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OK, my tv has been broken for months, and I live in Canada, so I don't get swamped w/ American presidential news, but anyway....

How does Michele Bachmann get around the whole being a woman thing, if she's a fundie, and obviously plans on working,if she gets elected?

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Romney is a Mormon. A few short years ago if you'd told me I'd consider that the "normal" religion...

You know, with these Dominionists, I'm rather glad I live in a significantly Mormon community. Mormons are not dominionists and don't believe that they're going to present Jesus with the world on a silver platter--and they're considered cultists by the Dominionists. Since I'm a former Mormon, I guess I can be with my peeps in outer darkness cultiedom.

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