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Caitlyn Jenner wants to be Ted Cruz's Trans Ambassador


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13 hours ago, crazydaffodil said:

Yeah, because the GOP is known for being welcoming to anything even remotely different than the norm!  I'm sure transgenders are pretty damn low on their list of concerns!  They aren't the least bit interested in permitting same sex marriage, so why would they want to have anything to do with transgendered people?  Caitlyn just needs to get over herself and live out her life away from the spotlight of fame.  Let others who have had harder paths to cross speak for that community.

If anything, Republicans are the ones in favor of forcing transgendered people to use the bathroom of their biological gender especially if they haven't made the full transition by getting the surgery done.

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I'm just really, really surprised that she would pick Cruz of all people! The idea that he would accept an advisory board made up of Caitlyn and her friends??? Really, made me literally laugh out loud. 

I can understand her being conservative / republican - but Cruz? Seriously? I don't think she needs to switch political parties - even if she were to just vote based on this one aspect of her life --let's get real, Clinton didn't even support marriage equality until - what ? - 2013? - I don't know if she's ever said anything about Trans issues. And I sure as hell cant see her supporting my choice - Sander's - what with her big $$ worship. But Cruz? That just seems completely oblivious or completely self- hateing. He is vocally, militantly anti- anything outside a born man, born woman married relationship. I was actually kind of surprised that he said he and his wife use birth control , he is THAT restrictive on the subject. Or at least that's how he comes across to me. His whole thing is the Christian Evangelical -far right social issues agenda -I don't get it. Seems like the absolutely worst choice of anyone running.

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She picked Cruz, but you don't see Cruz picking her or mentioning her at all.  Cruz has a total "whatever" view of the whole thing.

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My brother transitioned last year. One of my proudest big sister moments was when he told our family and then, a few months later (after taking care of legalities), when he publicly transitioned via Facebook. It takes a completely different level of courage to be open and honest about this with so many people.

I'm not going to sit here and pretend to be impressed by Caitlyn or her political views. I'm not impressed by a lot of the things she has said or done throughout her transition...

But I'm also not going to judge her harshly for her missteps and mistakes. She may be insulated and protected by her wealth and race - but transitioning is incredibly difficult no matter what race or sexual orientation or how rich you are. Quite simply, if you don't have personal experience with this (or know someone very well who has transitioned) then you simply can't understand how tough it can actually be. I had no clue before I watched my brother go through it. I thought I did, but I didn't.

Transitioning also doesn't always mean your political views are going to change either. I think Caitlyn has always leaned conservative and will likely continue leaning that way - and to be honest, she may be naive for wanting to help her candidate of choice connect with the Transgender community, but she does seem genuine in wanting to try. I think she wants to help and simply doesn't know the best way of doing that. She is so new to all of this and the learning curve is steep - if she honestly wants to learn and help her community then she may be able to with some time and a willingness to admit her mistakes.

And for those saying she could have disappeared from public life - I don't think she had much of an option. Even if she wanted to, her family's life in the public eye would have kept attention on her regardless - her very public life now may just be a response to the inevitable.

If you remember, Caitlyn did try to disappear a bit from public view in the early stages of transitioning - the media still hounded her and continued speculating on if she was Transgender or not. I don't care who you are, no one deserves to be outed like that before they feel ready for it.

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12 hours ago, OkToBeTakei said:

Ooh do expand!!!

Also in general (as in unrelated to the quote) I do not understand the I'm a republican since.... Whatever year thing. Same in my own country. It's like people are more wrapped up in a identity than voting on issues or current political climate et three hundred other things.

Even worse is when I hear people say 'my family has always been......fill space.' Seems kind of sheep like, also a bit nuts.

Well, to expand. I think for whatever reason, due to her wealth, relative isolation from the rest of humanity, long career as a respected gold medal Olympian, even as a "kardashian", she has never had to face anything resembling actual condemnation or disapproval based on who she is. She has a pretty long track record of treating former wives badly, was a crap parent to the children from the first two marriages, and even as a part of the Kardashian circus has never experienced any actual, negative consequences. I mean seriously, Annie Lebowitz photo shoot, Vanity Fair cover, and various "courage" awards?  I don't think she can even comprehend the visceral loathing many Cruz supporters, and probably Cruz himself,  feel towards her, because she is utterly insulated from anything that could even be deemed  accountability for any of her actions, ever. (Not that she needs to experience "accountability" for transitioning, I'm speaking more of her adult life overall)

She strikes me not as naïve, but as profoundly arrogant. She has experienced absolute, overweening privilege to act in any way she wants for so long that she can't understand why a candidate with Cruz's professed beliefs would treat her the same way as all those other transgender people he despises.


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  • 2 weeks later...


The above link pretty accurately describes my feelings about anything to do with Caitlyn Jenner.

She could do to maybe follow Laverne Cox's example. 

To be honest, I think it reeks of some sort of internalized self-hatred that she supports one of the people who is really part of the problem. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

The transgender community has a wonderful 'ambassador' in Laverne Cox, who exemplies transitioning and feminism beautfully and somehow she got knocked out of the spotlight by the faux-celebrity fame whore Caitlyn.  Now the public looks at what she says and does and I believe the LGBQT community suffers for it.

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On 3/19/2016 at 0:21 PM, ShepherdontheRock said:


The above link pretty accurately describes my feelings about anything to do with Caitlyn Jenner.

She could do to maybe follow Laverne Cox's example. 

To be honest, I think it reeks of some sort of internalized self-hatred that she supports one of the people who is really part of the problem. 

That link was absolutely spot on!  That guy's comment though, wow!  

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