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Ashley Lancaster husband bored by her?Our happily ever After


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So I was parousing GOMI (always a fun way to waste time) & noticed GOMIs thread on Ashley Lancaster had an interesting add.

Newbies: she is a spectacularly superficial mother who adopted a baby from Korea & blogs about Disney crap & how difficult her Korean child is. Anyway she's not the worst but she's pretty amusing

A poster from GOMI revealed herself (think a women unless a gay man?) who's husband knows Kurt & she wrote:


Anyway she's a bit of a running joke amount Kurts classmates that he chose the opposite of his previous girlfriend who was very smart, ambitious (& apparently a fox in the sack).

People think it's a bit odd he would have done such a 180 on the type of girls he liked and Ashley is seen as a dim, easy to manage, Disney obsessed brat.

I won't say much more as I don't want to be identified except to say Kurt has made a few comments to friends of my husband about Ashley's Babyish ways and it's clear he was a bit embarrassed he's married in such haste. I'm sure he loves her to bits but he clearly doesn't respect her that much.



Well FJ what do you think? I think very plausible and makes me think of Mr Bennett from Pride & Prejudice who married his wife in haste and repented in leisure.

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Edited after reading on Gomi:

I think there is much that is snarkworthy and downright abhorrent about Ashley and her husband's "adoption journey".

But I think the "friends" are behaving like a giant sacks of shit for posting such personal things on GOMI. Both to the husband and to Ashley.

FWIW, I never felt any warm fuzzies for Mr Bennett. There are ways of dealing with marital difference that don't involve picking on your partner's perceived intellectual limitations. I always thought he was a disrespectful fuck and, for me, respect is way more important than intelligence, in any relationship.

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The whole "packing for London" stuff on Ashley's blog was hilarious to me, but most beauty bloggers make me :lol: . My slightly overgrown eyebrows would probably do the same for Ashley. Horses for courses.

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I read quite a few posts in her blog and my goodness she starts to grate very quickly. This being said, I think I'd take the words of 'friends' with a grain of salt. I suspect there is some truth but it is only one side of the story - who knows what the husband is like.

For example here is a story about a couple I know in real life:

I know one doctor who has sort of a similar story. He is not a friend - I think he is an asshole. He married an 18 year old girl (he was 32 at the time) who was fundie lite (wore dresses and makeup but was a stay at home daughter (took bible school by correspondence), had been home schooled, had a purity ring (and as he told us - was indeed a virgin) etc. She is nice but seems simple and shallow - she really can't talk about much more than children and homemaking. She seems a lot like this blogger. He on the other hand is very smart and handsome and is superficially very charming so seems like the blogger's husband. If I just listened to her and only saw pictures of her husband I might think she was the dud in the relationship. However, I know him and he is is a nasty piece of work.

I guess my only point is appearances can be deceiving.

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Ashley is truly shallow. It's a pity she's never known privation as it might have made her into a slightly more decent human being. The type of big decisions she has to make usually involve choosing between plum or mauve eyeshadow, or which Gaston shirt to force Kurt to wear on their Disney days.

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It's not that uncommon in particularily narcissistic doctors to marry partners that are devoted and rather simply trophy partners.

It's also fairly common that those physicians seek equality outside of their marriage. The second wives are generally higher intelligence including being very hands on in the practice. Or the first wife is simplistic enough that they never leave.

And I saw wife but I know three female physicians with exactly the same dynamic in their marriages with their husbands so it's not really just make physicians but more common for those that are more narcissistic personalities (not necessarily personality disorders per se).

I have always assumed Ashley was that first trophy wife in one of those marriages because I've seen those marriages play out all too often.

That said, their physician colleagues always know when they are that type and they typically find it amusing because most of them would never act that way.

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I haven't read her blog enough to get a good sense of what her hubby is like, but I don't think it necessarily means that Kurt is a jerk or narcissist because he married someone less ambitious than he is and who seems less intellectual. I think a lot of people who are in high earning careers look for a partner who wants to stay home and take care of the domestic stuff that the breadwinner doesn't have the time/desire to deal with him or herself.

Considering how short their engagement was, he may not have realized at the time what he was getting into as far as being unequally yoked intellectually. I think many young men probably do not honestly spend a lot of time thinking about intellectual compatibility when deciding who to marry. He probably just saw her as an attractive girl who wanted to raise his babies and thought that would be enough.

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It's not that uncommon in particularly narcissistic doctors to marry partners that are devoted and rather simply trophy partners....

I have always assumed Ashley was that first trophy wife in one of those marriages because I've seen those marriages play out all too often.

That said, their physician colleagues always know when they are that type and they typically find it amusing because most of them would never act that way.

Yep, I've heard the same stereotype about a small contingent of male doctors and medical students. They seek out "starter wives"- women they know will sacrifice their own career to stay at home and/or support their husband's career. And the stereotype dictates that these same men often dump their "starter wife" for a more intellectual or accomplished woman after they've launched their own career. I don't think the stereotype necessarily holds true for many people nor is it isolated to doctors. To me, its indicative of how some men feel like they're entitled to a wife that abandons their own aspirations in order to support their husband, and then have no issue with disposing of their wife when they are tired of their more domestically-oriented partner.

I vaguely remember reading about this woman years ago on GOMI. If the poster from GOMI is telling the truth, I feel sorry for the blogger. No one deserves a husband that trashes them behind their back.

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It's been awhile, since I've read the GOMI thread on Ashley. I did read her post about Lyndsie last week. Back in May and June, I checked her blog, to see if she would comment on the Duggar stuff. She probably will never comment on the Duggar scandals. But, I felt bad for Ashley because in the post about her visit to the TTH, she talked about how her daughter liked watching the Duggars.

Ashley did go onto GOMI, a year or two ago to defend herself, regarding some comments. She was pissed about comments about her youngest child's appearance and also some of the comments about Kurt. Prior to Ashley defending herself, someone who knew her from college posted there and said something that Ashley always wanted to be a trophy wife.

As for the latest stuff, from the spouse of Kurt's friend, I wouldn't be surprised if that stuff was true. I noticed that the doctor friend of Kurt's said that Ashley didn't grow up with money. But, it seemed, like her family, was, at least upper middle class.

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Just read the thread on GOMI and her replies to people over there. To be honest, her responses over there do give me some new respect for her. She handled some very personal insults and criticisms in a calm and mature manner. I think most people would have a hard time remaining that composed while reading such things about their family. And even after seeing all those comments, she hasn't let it stop her from blogging. Credit where credit is due.

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The whole "packing for London" stuff on Ashley's blog was hilarious to me, but most beauty bloggers make me :lol: . My slightly overgrown eyebrows would probably do the same for Ashley. Horses for courses.
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I read her blog. Have to admit it's for the total wtf factor :lol:

I agree I think she dealt well on GOMI although I do think she should have totally ignored it and carried on her thing anyway.

I do find her vacuous and fairly shallow as she portrays herself on the blog, maybe different in real life.

Her husband wears the Disney shit she buys him not sure what that means in regard to the claims above.

I kind of feel sorry for her because I feel and this is very comparative so not an absolute this is the way she is statement..... I feel and have no idea why, that she is not happy. I feel she is probably immature and has been fairly sheltered and has not been encouraged to reach her full potential in life. I think the adoption is awful because it smacks of doing it for all the wrong reasons.

She needs in my view a life challenge and I do not wish her any ill, I just think she needs a good dose of real life and I honestly get the feeling it might make her.

Obviously I detest the whole religious crap and a fiver says she is as hateful as other fundies about for example gay issues, just does not say it.

She needs to undisney her life, that is not going to be cute when she is fifty.

But hey. Her life so....... You have a public blog folks will do exactly what I did, critique your shit and have an opinion :lol:

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Edit 2: Y'all, she had professional photographs taken over there...I don't even know what to say...

Not cheap either: londonfamilyphotography.co.uk/family-portrait-photography-london-landmarks/

Well, she did say she loves Disney and London.... Do we think the blue dress was bought especially to look like PrincessCatherine, Duchess of Cambridge?

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Not cheap either: londonfamilyphotography.co.uk/family-portrait-photography-london-landmarks/

Well, she did say she loves Disney and London.... Do we think the blue dress was bought especially to look like PrincessCatherine, Duchess of Cambridge?

I wouldn't doubt it. She said in her video that the shoes she bought to go along with it (nude high heels) were the same brand that Catherine wears. (Also that she had to save for them, which begs the question of how much they were...).

Sweet Jeebus, 629 quid?! That's a lot of bread and honey, as my grandmum would say... :pink-shock:

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  • 7 months later...

Wonder why Ashley took her blog private? It's not like we've been talking about her lately.

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