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Josh's "Counseling" Location - Media, Pick this UP!


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Josh's counseling location was the Little Rock Training Center. He was "counseled" by the ministry of Molestor Bill Gothard in a building Hobby Lobby donated to the ministry of Molestor Bill Gothard


This is the "Old VA Hospital" referred to in the police report.


The training center was donated by Hobby Lobby to IBLP. Josh's work there would have been renovations. We know from Recovering Grace that IBLP workers often did renovations as part of their work for the ministry (the Nashville hospital is one mentioned frequently.)


"In 2000, Hobby Lobby donated a 529,717-square-foot building in Little Rock, Arkansas, to Gothard's outfit. The company had purchased this property, a former Veterans Affairs building, two years earlier for $299,000. The Institute now runs a prison ministry out of this location, providing curriculum to a faith-based Arkansas Department of Corrections program known as Principles and Applications for Life. For about a decade, according to Gothard, the Institute leased the ground floor of the building for $1 per year to the Little Rock Police Department for use as its downtown station. Now, Gothard says, the police are paying a regular rental fee."


http://www.motherjones.com/politics/201 ... principles


Gothard touts former governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee's name on materials promoting his "Character Cities" initiative. The two were photographed together at a private campaign luncheon in Houston in late 2007.


For years, Gothard cultivated close ties to Huckabee, an alumnus of Gothard's "Basic Seminar", and to Jim Dailey, mayor of Little Rock. With encouragement from Mayor Dailey, Gothard opened his Little Rock Training Center in an empty VA hospital purchased by Hobby Lobby and donated to Gothard's Institute.


Despite Gothard's grandiose vision, the enormous structure WAS IN POOR REPAIR and was never utilized as fully as the Indianapolis facility. Still, it served as a base for the Institute's prison ministry. Gothard quotes Governor Huckabee's support for conducting his seminars for Arkansas inmates: "I am confident that these are some of the best programs available for instilling character into the lives of people." Having gotten his foot in the door in Arkansas, Gothard combined forces with CCA, the nation's largest operator of privatized correctional institutions, to promote his intense lecture-based seminars inside more prisons."


http://heresyintheheartland.blogspot.co ... thard.html


Here's a picture: http://www.arkansasties.com/Pulaski/Str ... spital.htm

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Good catch, copper.

I went back and re-read the police report. JimBob stated that Josh was sent to Little Rock, to a program held at the old VA Hospital and that he "thought" it had something to do with the police because the police had a "station" there.

JimBob, You are caught in your big fat lie. Gothardism's show family headship - You knew extremely well and very exactly that you were sending him to a Gothard program. Lying liar who lies.

I hope this gets exposed big time. I gotta say, I'm not optimistic, because most who don't have personal past connections with Gothardism don't know about it and most don't care. Most have no clue how widespread the Gothard influences are.

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JimBob & Michelle should know the difference between a real licensed counselor that provides therapy and "Christian Counseling." For the Duggars to suggest anything different is just an out and out lie.

Sadly, their children have been so sheltered and uninformed that I am not sure they would know this. Their children may honestly believe that they received appropriate therapy/treatment.

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For years, Gothard cultivated close ties to Huckabee, an alumnus of Gothard's "Basic Seminar"

Is this common knowledge on FJ? I wasn't aware of it, though I'm not surprised.

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Is this common knowledge on FJ? I wasn't aware of it, though I'm not surprised.

This was news to me as well. No wonder he stands behind Josh. Perverts. All of them.

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This was news to me as well. No wonder he stands behind Josh. Perverts. All of them.

Also news to me. If I needed yet another reason to not vote for Huckabee in any primary or election, this is definitely it.

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They do discuss Gothardism and the Duggar/Gothard connection.

But they still missed the boat on the Little Rock/old VA Hospital/Gothard "program"...

I agree, which is why someone needs to contact the writer.

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Soooooooo they sent their child to serial child molester Bill Gothard, because he molested his sisters. But that isn't going to help at all. Unless they wanted to teach him how to be a more successful sexual predator.

Also a 529717 square foot building???? Holy shit that's huge.

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Maybe I'm putting in my tinfoil hat here, but could this be the tip of the iceberg with something more widespread and sinister going on in Arkansas (i.e. the British high profile pedophile ring), or is the place just rife with pederasts and molesters?

JB sends his molester son to atone for his sin by working on a building for a "sort of" mentor who turns out to be molester, Bill Gothard. Josh returns home and is taken by JB and church elders to speak to family acquaintance Arkansas State Trooper, Jim Hutchens who , years later, was arrested twice for child pornography.

The media need to investigate this and put the pieces together and not allow the Duggars to get away with their explanation that anyone involved received adequate therapy and support. How much must it suck to be a child or a woman in Arkansas when this could be seen as an appropriate way to deal with abuse? It just seems like more than a coincidental worst case scenario that so many predators/criminals are involved in this unfortunate incident.

The Duggar girls and Josh's other victim deserve justice and support. Their abuser was referred to other abusers for "mentoring" and lecturing, while the girls were sent multiple times to Journey Through the Heart, also run by Gothard, who may have even preyed upon them while there. Please, someone get justice for these abused girls and hold JB and Michelle responsible for, at the very least, a bungled response to the initial abuse at the hands of their own brother.

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I hope a major news outlet like the today show, fox news picks up on this. I remember the lady from Gawker has an email you can send stuff too

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Maybe I'm putting in my tinfoil hat here, but could this be the tip of the iceberg with something more widespread and sinister going on in Arkansas (i.e. the British high profile pedophile ring), or is the place just rife with pederasts and molesters?

JB sends his molester son to atone for his sin by working on a building for a "sort of" mentor who turns out to be molester, Bill Gothard. Josh returns home and is taken by JB and church elders to speak to family acquaintance Arkansas State Trooper, Jim Hutchens who , years later, was arrested twice for child pornography.

The media need to investigate this and put the pieces together and not allow the Duggars to get away with their explanation that anyone involved received adequate therapy and support. How much must it suck to be a child or a woman in Arkansas when this could be seen as an appropriate way to deal with abuse? It just seems like more than a coincidental worst case scenario that so many predators/criminals are involved in this unfortunate incident.

The Duggar girls and Josh's other victim deserve justice and support. Their abuser was referred to other abusers for "mentoring" and lecturing, while the girls were sent multiple times to Journey Through the Heart, also run by Gothard, who may have even preyed upon them while there. Please, someone get justice for these abused girls and hold JB and Michelle responsible for, at the very least, a bungled response to the initial abuse at the hands of their own brother.

I was also thinking about Josh was connected with the AR state rep who re-homed his adopted daughters with the child rapist.

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Here is another article: arktimes.com/arkansas/a-day-shelter-in-the-old-va/Content?oid=865453

The address is 300 E Roosevelt, if anyone wants to do more digging. It was once the downtown substation for the police department, but from the police department website it appears they have moved. The IBLP website gives no information about what goes on there.

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Just want to add to this amazing concoction: Hobby Lobby, Gothard, and Josh Duggar. Unholy crap.

Wonder if someone can get some IBLP paperwork. That's gotta be a treasure trove.

JB and Jchelle: parents of the year. Son molesting younger daughters? Show him how it's REALLY done with Gothard!

We know there are five. We don't know how many more there are.

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I was also thinking about Josh was connected with the AR state rep who re-homed his adopted daughters with the child rapist.

I think this has a lot more to do with their religious beliefs than geographic location. Most people in Arkansas are normal and find this type of behavior abhorrent. These aberrant people are all members of a cult that represses normal sexual expression- eventually those repressed desires are going to warp a person, whether in a criminal manner like Josh or in a creepy hyper-sexualized manner like JB and Michelle dry humping in front of their daughter and her boyfriend.

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What it IS doing is exposing a lot of dirty dirty laundry from people and companies that seem to be "wholesome".

Keep up the good work guys! :cracking-up:

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Please attach the ATI guidelines for counseling sexual abuse. The cult involvement here needs light shone on it!

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