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Lina is an Introvert


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Lina's newest post is very interesting for a number of reasons...

She is an obviously autodidact, and is likely very intelligent. This is problematic for, say, a communal religion because you need to learn from others (like a rabbi or older adherents), but may explain her aversion to "regular" college. She is also pretty self aware, or more than I gave her credit for. But not (yet, hopefully) self-aware enough to know that maybe her journey to religion, as a person in the minority who is extremely introverted, might not be for everyone.

However, I feel very hopeful when I see her describing the differences between her and her sister. Perhaps, unlike some of our other introvert bloggers (cough *Anna T* cough), she has or will soon realize that the whole SAHD/SAHW/SAHM thing is a great choice for HER based on her unique personality and limitations (and, to be fair, unique set of skills and brains that comes with that personality) but is NOT a Jewish or Christian or FSM-mandated lifestyle.

Lastly, it makes me worry about her marriage a little more now, knowing how she a) might feel that her limitations in socialization will not enable her to find anyone but TT and b) that she might have a harder time getting out of a bad domestic situation, if one were to arise.

TLDR: this post makes me like her a little more than I otherwise did for her self-awareness, gives me hope for her outlook on religious and lifestyle choices, and also has me worried about what the future holds for her as a SAHW.

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Yes, since I started reading Lina a couple of years ago I've thought that her aversion to College or getting a job arises more from her introversion than any profound religious awakening. She's written quite a few posts on being introverted.

As an introvert myself, I can well understand the temptation to avoid social situations - and sometimes it's fine to do that. But sometimes you've just got to force yourself to do things that aren't in your comfort zone in order to make the most of life's opportunities...and it gets easier the more you do it.

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I know what she means. As an introvert there are many times when I find things overwhelming that other people don't. The prospect of job hunting does not make me happy because of all the socialization that goes along with it. I think that Lina is intelligent, but seems in a rush to do everything in life at once, and has perfectionistic tendencies. How old is she? Anyway, I wish her the best.

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In the respect, Lina is a lot like me. I used to be involved somewhat in that messed up religion. I realize now I used it as a cover up to explain away things, both to myself and other people. If Lina is truly like me, she has a lot of self-discovery to go and deeper issues that need to be dealt with instead of just pushed aside into the "I can't deal with that because of my religion" zone.

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Introvert. Extrovert. Doesn't matter. :mrgreen:

(Couldn't resist, it's this song that's been going around facebook lately...Carry on!)

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I didn't read the whole post on her being introverted, but I skimmed it and it seemed good. I'm an introvert too...I'm somewhat anti-social as well.

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