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Bob Jones Univ/GRACE Report


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Libby Anne has some good recent commentary on Bob Jones University and the implementation (or lack of it) of recommendations in the December 2014 GRACE report. GRACE = Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment

As Libby Anne notes, BJU has made a few improvements over the past several years for those reporting sexual assault and sexual abuse

A full-time women’s counselor was hired in 2012. In 2013, the university’s policies on sexual abuse were rewritten and updated again in 2014 based on recommendations of a Fort Worth, Texas, organization called MinistrySafe. Also in 2014, the university separated women’s counseling from the office that handles discipline. That ensures confidentiality, the university said.


Several students told GRACE their privacy had been breached by school personnel, including one woman who said her hometown pastor was called.

But unfortunately, the two people who most need to go are not leaving. The main problem child is Jim Berg and his toxic counseling tactics for sexual abuse victims:

The two most harshly criticized by the GRACE report were Bob Jones III, the chancellor and grandson of the founder, and Jim Berg, who handled most of the counseling during almost 30 years as dean of students.

GRACE found that students who reported abuse were blamed for bringing it on themselves and that proper authorities had not been notified. The organization said Jones, as the president from 1971 until 2005, and Berg, who stepped down as dean in 2010, were primarily responsible.

The report recommended that Jones be disciplined and that Berg be banned from both counseling and teaching counseling and that the school no longer use or sell his books or DVDs.

However,Berg is continuing to teach and BJU continues to sell his books and CDs for their courses.

If this topic is of interest, head over to Libby Anne's Patheos blog, Love, Joy, Feminism to read more.

http://www.patheos.com/blogs/lovejoyfem ... eport.html

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Thank you for posting this update, Howl. It's too bad that BJU isn't following all of GRACE's recommendations.

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Grace made sensible suggestions and BJU in their hubris refuse to implement them. I am not shocked or surprised.

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I always thought that Stephen Jone stepped down for reasons other than "health". Considering people I know personally had seen him out and about (with and without his wife) and acting very healthy, it just seemed off. I am convinced that he knew what was going on. And he was afraid of what the GRACE report would say.

I don't know much about Steven Pettit, the current president, but based on this report, I don't really think he gives a shit about anything regarding the accusations. He just wants to maintain control.

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Jim Berg is a pompous ass of a man. He should be removed. Should have already have been removed. I can't see anything changing with him still in place.

Steve Pettit is a hell fire and brimstone evangelist who has no qualifications for running a place of higher education at all. I mean none. At. All. He spent years making teenagers feel like shit about themselves at Jesus camps across the USA. I was shocked when he was named as the new president. I think he's there because he's a big name in the IFB circles and lots of people know him from the camps. I don't think he'll stick around long. It's not his style to put down roots.

Time will tell but I don't hold out much hope that things will change. The outside has changed, the rules have loosened a bit but the patriarchy and sex shaming is still very much at the core of everything. That's what needs to go away for things to change and I don't see how it can in that belief system.

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In 30-50 years things might be different, but by then society will have moved forward and they'll be stuck back where the rest of society is today.

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In 30-50 years things might be different, but by then society will have moved forward and they'll be stuck back where the rest of society is today.

This has already happened (except I would say that, for the most part, instead of being stuck where the rest of society is today, they will be stuck in the 1950s).

Getting exact numbers is difficult, but their enrollment continues to decline. By 2012, it was already at 1/3 of what it had been at its peak. They laid off faculty. They have sold off various properties. Even their radio station, WMUU, has been sold. They are currently an anachronism. No need to wait another 30 years to see that.

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