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Another bisexual man feels special cause he marries a woman.


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I swear christains don't seem to know about bisexuality. this guy thinks he is gay even though he felt attracted to females too. Now he is all special for denying his attraction.

http://www.npr.org/2015/01/04/374857829 ... s-his-wife

In The Sunday Conversation, Weekend Edition Sunday brings listeners an unexpected side of the news by talking with someone personally affected by the stories making headlines.

Allan Edwards is the pastor of Kiski Valley Presbyterian Church in western Pennsylvania, a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America. He's attracted to men, but considers acting on that attraction a sin. Accordingly, Edwards has chosen not to act on it.

"I think we all have part of our desires that we choose not to act on, right?" he says. "So for me, it's not just that the religion was important to me, but communion with a God who loves me, who accepts me right where I am."

Where he is now is married. He and his wife, Leanne Edwards, are joyfully expecting a baby in July.

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Lots of gay and bisexual men have been married to women and many of those same men have had children. Yeah, they sired those children through heterosexual sex, but that doesn't mean those men were straight. It was easier for the men who were bi, but the guys who were further along the ol' Kinsey scale (5 or 6) tended to fantasize about men while they were having sex.

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It's possible for someone's primary sexual attraction to be to the same sex, even if they get married and make babies.

I've known several divorces that involved that situation. I don't see creating broken families as particularly pro-family, which is why I don't support encouraging people who are gay marrying the opposite sex. [unless by some fluke they happen, without pressure, to discover that they are actually totally attracted to someone and completely in love and ready to commit despite believing that they were gay in the past - I think that was Piper's story when I read Orange is the New Black.]

I'll give a bit of credit to him for at least giving his wife the heads up about his attraction to men, but still have to wonder why anyone would enter a marriage knowing from the get-to that basic attraction to girl parts was an issue. Marriage has enough challenges.

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being bisexual (or pansexual, in my case) and marrying someone of the opposite sex doesn't meant you're denying anything...it just means you're in a committed relationship. much like, ya know, completely hetero people who marry.

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I wonder what his denomination will say about this, if they make a statement. PCA is very conservative.

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I wonder what his denomination will say about this, if they make a statement. PCA is very conservative.

if anything, they'd probably praise him for denying such sinful urges and marrying a woman as god intended. you know, hold him up as an "example" for his testimony and shit.

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Him and 90% of the rest of the world. It's called monogamy, idiot christian, and most people do it just fine. Penises don't have any special powers of attraction that vaginas don't. If I can not cheat with men, you can not cheat with men too. See? Now we're both monogamous.

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Ah yes, I saw this on facebook along with a comment saying how "refreshing" it is to see someone who doesn't define himself by his sexuality.

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Does he actually say that he is also attracted to women? He says that what drew him to his wife was her "understanding" and "acceptance." Of course it's hard to tell what his orientation is when he eschews standard terminology like "gay" or "bisexual" in terms of church-speak like "struggling with same-sex attraction."

Anyway, I hope for his wife's sake that you're right.

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...Penises don't have any special powers of attraction that vaginas don't...

Well, if a man is actually homosexual and not bisexual, that generally means that for him, penises DO hold more attraction.

From the article, it looks like the couple actually agree with the idea that all married couples need to commit to each other and decide to reject any outside temptation.

The article really doesn't say whether this man was bisexual or homosexual (and yes, I understand that it's more of a sliding scale than discreet categories). There's a difference between being attracted to your wife and simply deciding not to go after anyone else, male or female, and being primarily attracted to people who are nothing like your wife but feeling compelled to marry her anyway.

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He said as a kid he was more attracted to men then woman not that he was only attracted to men. Of course he is defining himself by his sexuality he he bragging about it. People like this hurt gay people with their bragging

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He said as a kid he was more attracted to men then woman not that he was only attracted to men. Of course he is defining himself by his sexuality he he bragging about it. People like this hurt gay people with their bragging

I think that kind of statement could go either way (heh)-- either he means he's attracted to women sometimes but to men more often, or that's just his wishy-washy way of saying he's gay.

I think part of the problem is that these guys don't think in terms of "orientations," just in terms of behavior that they label sinful. So his concept of homosexuality v. bisexuality may be pretty vague.

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Plus the bible only describes males having sex with males. not attractions or feelings or anything like that. so either you are gay or your not no in-between.

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After reading the article, the thread title seems pretty misleading, to me. He really doesn't state that he's attracted to women in general. And all of his wording is geared towards being attracted to men, but being attracted to his wife based on non-physical attributes.

I agree there is a huge difference between being bi-sexual and committing to one partner as just being monogamy.

And that is vastly different than someone who strongly prefers the same sex marrying someone of the opposite sex ( or, potentially, strongly preferring the opposite sex but marrying someone of the same sex).

That can be a situation that causes huge harm to the spouse. Hopefully that becomes rare as homosexuality becomes more accepted. I actually have an elderly relative who was a lesbian but didn't realize it until after she married and had several children. She just didn't even have any concept of what that was.

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Well, if a man is actually homosexual and not bisexual, that generally means that for him, penises DO hold more attraction.

From the article, it looks like the couple actually agree with the idea that all married couples need to commit to each other and decide to reject any outside temptation.

The article really doesn't say whether this man was bisexual or homosexual (and yes, I understand that it's more of a sliding scale than discreet categories). There's a difference between being attracted to your wife and simply deciding not to go after anyone else, male or female, and being primarily attracted to people who are nothing like your wife but feeling compelled to marry her anyway.

Well, yes, but I meant in terms of special sparkly magic which makes resisting them impossible. If all his congregants are out there resisting all the penises and vaginas they're not married to then he can too.

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While fundies may congratulate a man for denying his not-heterosexual desires, I wonder what they actually THINK, and believe about him. Think he'd ever get selected to help with the youth camping trips? Think a man would feel comfortable peeing at the urinal next to him at church? Do you think he'd be welcome as a suitor for one of their daughters? I would really like to know how he is viewed by fellow congregation members.

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