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Maxwell Dog and Pony Show - Fall 2014


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"God fixed Daddy because His will is for us to have more children." Enough said.

I'm sure it was something like: "Daddy had an operation to prevent Mommy from having more babies 'cause Mommy was sick in the head all the time. She didn't trust God and didn't obey Daddy. Daddy decided to reverse the operation because he knew it was what God wanted and Mommy would learn to obey." :cray-cray:

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Whoever posted above about Joseph having flown the coop has got it all wrong.

He's gone, baby, gone. Just look how Sarah wrote it. Fini. End of story. Gad! These people make no sense to me.

I read that they're heading for Sullivan's Island in South Carolina and I weep as I scratch my head - Sullivan's Island? Gorgeous if gentrifying, shoulder-deep-In-history Sullivan's Island? Where the actor Bill Murray has a year-round home?

Suppose there's a Baptist church there, though the only one I saw was Roman Catholic. The whole SI/Charleston area is *so* **incredibly** cool and fun and life-loving .... I had no earthly idea there were wannabee Maxhelldwellers there.

It's soiled, now. Defrauded. Pieces of its heart given away.

I must go back there as soon as possible and enjoy a big dinner and some alcoholic beverages. Just to try to even out the juju.

The Maxdolts on SI. Sadness. No place is safe. :wtf:

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No, Joseph hasn't flown the coop. He's "gone," in Sarah's own terms. Egad, the way these people think eludes me totally. Thank heavens.

I see they're headed for Sullivan's Island, SC. Is no place safe?!?! SI is part of the coolest area on the southeastern US coast AFAIC. Laid back, gentrifying, yes, but still arty, historically aware, Bill Murray the actor has a fulltime home there ... I can't believe there are wannabe Maxhelldwellers there. When I get back, I'm going to have a big dinner complete with alcoholic beverages. Just to help even out the juju. :embarrassed:

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I have to add this totally off topic because the Maxwells have infiltrated my thought process. I moved in July, and I've had my ceiling fans on constantly, until I stopped them today because I was sick. Then, I noticed they were filthy. I half assedly cleaned them with a long feather duster sprayed in linen spray, congratulated myself on a job well done, and settled down to watch baseball and drink a milkshake even though I am already fat.

Damn, it feels good to not be a Maxwell.

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Urgent query (but not urgent enough to start a new topic at this point):

Does anyone have a draft or copy of a letter of concern, intended for a mainstream church that's planning to host a Maxwell infomercial?

I ask because the South Carolina church that's hosting them is the antithesis of all things Maxwell (http://www.holycross.net) and even though they used the church before in January '09, it wouldn't hurt to let the rector know that some Christians (me and my little friends, heh) consider the Maxwell message to be decidedly unfaithful.

If anyone has the text of such a letter or has the talking points in mind, would you please share them with me? Many TIA. I'm just too frazzled to think it through on my own, right now.

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Urgent query (but not urgent enough to start a new topic at this point):

Does anyone have a draft or copy of a letter of concern, intended for a mainstream church that's planning to host a Maxwell infomercial?

I ask because the South Carolina church that's hosting them is the antithesis of all things Maxwell (http://www.holycross.net) and even though they used the church before in January '09, it wouldn't hurt to let the rector know that some Christians (me and my little friends, heh) consider the Maxwell message to be decidedly unfaithful.

If anyone has the text of such a letter or has the talking points in mind, would you please share them with me? Many TIA. I'm just too frazzled to think it through on my own, right now.

I'm not aware that any such letter exists. I am sick with a cold and probably should not attempt such an endeavor in my fuzzy state of mind. But this might help:

Dear Pastor X,

It has come to my attention that your church will be hosting a conference featuring the Steve Maxwell family. While the Maxwells' materials offer helpful advice to homeschooling families who are having difficulty getting organized and sticking to a schedule, other aspects of their message are troubling.

(Start with something about extreme sheltering. Check the church website to see if they offer youth programs. If so, make Pastor aware that the Maxwells are against Sunday school, youth groups, outside friends, kids having any relationship with adults who are not their parents. If you have a copy of "Keeping Your Children's Hearts" include some quotes.)

(Additional Maxwellianisms that you find especially disturbing.)

(Tie the Maxwells to the larger Quiverfull movement and list a couple of the more extreme elements of this belief system. Again, highlight how this is at odds with the mission of this particular church.)

(Concern for the children... You hope Pastor will learn more about the Maxwells and what they will be teaching the families of this church...)


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I took a quick look at the church's web page and if you click "What we do" it says they have the largest youth ministry in the Diocese of South Carolina. So yes, what this church practices is at odds with the Maxwells' isolationist message.

However, it might be good for the Maxwells to spend time at this church and hopefully talk to some of the people there. They probably don't encounter many mainline Christians.

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FloraDoraDolly, INFINITE thanks!

I am going to be as kind as possible, possibly even asking if the rector would consider saying hello to Steve (yes, I'd hope the rector would be able to plant a seed of questioning in Steve's mind) and certainly asking the rector if he would keep the Maxwell family in his and the congregation's prayers, for their spiritual benefit.

I don't often feel moved to write on issues anymore, these days, but somehow this is a perfect storm of something that bothers me deeply – the Maxwells' heresies – and a place and people that I just adore, in that part of South Carolina. Again, many many thanks.

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FloraDoraDolly, INFINITE thanks!

I am going to be as kind as possible, possibly even asking if the rector would consider saying hello to Steve (yes, I'd hope the rector would be able to plant a seed of questioning in Steve's mind) and certainly asking the rector if he would keep the Maxwell family in his and the congregation's prayers, for their spiritual benefit.

I don't often feel moved to write on issues anymore, these days, but somehow this is a perfect storm of something that bothers me deeply – the Maxwells' heresies – and a place and people that I just adore, in that part of South Carolina. Again, many many thanks.

You're welcome! I agree that being kind is the way to go. Please keep us all posted.

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I suppose when your siblings are your only friends and you spend 24/7 together as a family, one of them moving half a mile away probably feels likes a bereavement.

I can almost feel Sarah's despair flowing off the page.

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I suppose when your siblings are your only friends and you spend 24/7 together as a family, one of them moving half a mile away probably feels likes a bereavement.

I can almost feel Sarah's despair flowing off the page.

Extreme Codependency: Maxwell sibling edition. Someone should be studying them. :geek:

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I suppose when your siblings are your only friends and you spend 24/7 together as a family, one of them moving half a mile away probably feels likes a bereavement.

I can almost feel Sarah's despair flowing off the page.

Migosh, you're right. Your compassion surpasses mine by leaps and bounds. Thank you for pointing out the obvious - which was missed among the general disdain for Sarah's dad's theology!

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I don't like the pet fundie concept at all, but I will cop to having a soft spot for Sarah. We know that once the kids are married, they are only considered "extended family" and not part of the core "children at home". Maybe Sarah and Joseph were particularly close, he is the 1st reversal baby right? Of course, she could never publically admit that she was more close with one sib than another, so we will never know. She definitely won't be seeing him at the 2x/day bible studies or for meals or trips anymore. I agree with the person that said it probably feels like a bereavement, and at the minimum it is probably a very sad end of an era for her. I think as she is aging and her sibs are marrying off, I think she is losing hope for finding a man to marry. She probably already is feeling how lonely she will be as the sole unmarried Maxwell "child", with her siblings downgraded to "extended family" the moment they are married. And for the Maxwells, there is no gray area. Many people move out, go to college, have jobs and their own interests before they marry. In Maxhell, one day you are a child and literally the next day you aren't part of the core family anymore. That has to be painful, and yes it feels like a loss for Sarah.

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Aren't we?

yes :lol: but i meant a clinical study, not sure how those things are conducted. Maybe they could get some help for depression. This can't be healthy for any of them to be so mentally stifled and at the same time putting their lives on display for the public. But real help will never happen, of course. Such a weird family.

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'Freedom is the freedom to say two plus two equals four;'

I don't think Sarah Maxwell has even that level of freedom. Steve is on an insane power trip - how far will he try and push that control? It's genuinely terrifying.

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Migosh, you're right. Your compassion surpasses mine by leaps and bounds. Thank you for pointing out the obvious - which was missed among the general disdain for Sarah's dad's theology!

Ha! I'm not *that* nice but I was just trying to get into her mindset. She's the only 'child' still at home who remembers a more normal life. From what we've heard on here the younger ones are so indoctrinated she probably wouldn't dare to speak to them openly about any doubts or fears she has in case they tell Steve. She probably doesn't understand what she's feeling anyway, since the only acceptable emotion is joy. She probably isn't allowed any one on one time with her sisters in law because they're adults and she's a child so no chance of discussing things with them. She's terrified of hell but must be convinced that's where she's headed since God hasn't sent her a husband and therefore she must have done something wrong. And there's no way for her to deal with this except pray. And when that doesn't work she'll lose her faith too. She'd have been better off becoming a nun, at least it would've given her a purpose. She's the same age as me and I just want to give her a glass of wine and a hug.

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FloraDoraDolly, INFINITE thanks!

I am going to be as kind as possible, possibly even asking if the rector would consider saying hello to Steve (yes, I'd hope the rector would be able to plant a seed of questioning in Steve's mind) and certainly asking the rector if he would keep the Maxwell family in his and the congregation's prayers, for their spiritual benefit.

I don't often feel moved to write on issues anymore, these days, but somehow this is a perfect storm of something that bothers me deeply – the Maxwells' heresies – and a place and people that I just adore, in that part of South Carolina. Again, many many thanks.

Someone is probably just borrowing or renting the church for them and the rector may get annoyed. A friend of mine is on the board at an historic church here and they rent to all sorts of people without judgement. They don't care that their name is associated with other religions, including non-Jesus ones. My yoga studio, where asana is never called exercise or a "work out", rents the space for big workshops. It may be a ministry of the church to open the doors to all (with obvious exceptions like satanists and NAMBLA). My friend's church would likely rent to the Maxwell crowd out of a sense of ministry and openness. They might make fun of them (this woman is in an intown hipster craft brewer with tattoos and vintage clothes) but they'd rent the church.

ETA: they would rent because this is commercial, but they would loan to a Girl Scout troop or school PTA.

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There's a new post up about their stop in New Hampshire. Again, with the lamenting about how they have to relearn everything about their set-up because of Joseph's marriage defection. Stevehovah really loves to preach about his version of leave and cleave, but from the Maxwell branding perspective, why should marriage make the "children" ineligible for the band? Why couldn't Elissa be part of the band? Apparently she's at least somewhat musical, since she was singing at her own wedding.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again: for ppl who pride themselves on their organizational skills, the Maxwells really are pretty useless, aren't they? Part of being organized is being able to adapt when things go off plan.

The Maxwells are so rigid that small glitches throw the whole thing out. They're like poorly programed robots. (Aren't engineers supposed to be trained to work contingencies into plans? You should be ashamed Steve-if not from a parenting point of view, at least from an professional one. )

On an amusing side note: the banner at the bottom is advertising for a housekeeping/cleaning company. One of the pictures includes a prominent ceiling fan.

I love the ads on FJ. I don't think the Google bot can cope with snark. The ads at the bottom of the Baby Thread switch between fertility services and condoms.

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I would like to know why Anna is wearing a plain white Tee shirt over a dark shirt. I know it's for modesty purposes, but the white shirt doesn't cover any more than the other shirt. I kind of like the bright patterned skirts they are wearing in the second set of pictures, but the white Tee shirt just looks sloppy.

Yes, they all seem to be falling apart without Joseph.

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Lots of classic wide stance shots on the latest post.

The post before had them visit a beach, is this a first for the Maxwells? Of course the weather looked overcast so no chance of being defrauded by bikins or mens torsos.

The photo of Terri for once looked rather natural and she looked to be enjoying herself rather than her usual constipated expression.

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