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Radio host: Lincoln was a Marxist


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While discussing Abraham Lincoln’s “war against the South,†Swanson had neo-Confederate author Walter Kennedy come on the show to explain just how Lincoln’s socialism worked. What follows is a racist, nonsensical descent into madness.

According to the two, the Civil War wasn’t about freeing black slaves, it was an attempt to enslave the rest of the country with the shackles of Red Communism.

His historical knowledge needs an refresher too, because as any high school student could tell him, post-Civil War America went a little capitalism crazy. It was the beginning of the rise of the mega-corporation, the most egregious exploitations of the working class, and the ascent of many of the wealthiest families ever to walk the Earth – many so rich that their descendents are still some of the wealthiest people in the country over a century later. All the while, the government did nothing to curtail this Industrial Revolution mania. They preferred to stay out of it, which is not exactly how “tyranny†is supposed to work.

Kennedy doesn’t see it that way. Instead he cites things like “public schools†(yes, really) as examples of communism run amok in modern society. Apparently, if the South had won, public schools would exist only in the imagination and the country would be an idyllic idiocracy. Sure, everyone would be much, much stupid but at least we would be free to be dumb.

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I had read about Lincolns legal career before. Here is an interesting article about Lincolns legal career.

http://www.indianahistory.org/our-servi ... torney.pdf

The link isn't broken, since this is from the Indiana Historical Society. The author is a professor at Vanderbilt University.

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Given that Lincoln predates Marx shouldn't it be that Marx was a Lincolnist -- if this guy was not just pulling his theory straight from his ass.

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" what you've just said... is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul..."

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I have to admit, this is a new one...

Lincoln didn't go to war to preserve the union or free slaves...he went to war to institute public schools?

Christ Jeebus, I can't even with this... :snooty:

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The first public school in America was established by Puritan settlers in 1635 in the home of Schoolmaster Philemon Pormont and was later moved to School Street. Boys from various socio-economic backgrounds attended Boston Latin School until 1972 when girls were also accepted.

A portrait statue of Benjamin Franklin overlooks the former site of Boston Latin School which Franklin, Samuel Adams, and John Hancock once attended. Franklin's place of birth was just one block away on Milk Street, across from the Old South Meeting House.


n 1785, the Continental Congress mandates a survey of the Northwest Territory. The survey is to create townships, with a portion of each one reserved for a school. These land grants came to be the system of public land grant universities in the years 1862 to 1890. These universities include many of those named “University of †or “ State University,†such as University of Vermont and Pennsylvania State University. In 1790, the state constitution in Pennsylvania required free public education for children in families that could not afford to pay for an education. Also concerned about the education of poor children, the New York Public School Society in 1805 set up schools that had a school master to teach the older children with a system in place for the older children to teach those who were younger.

In 1820, Boston is the site of the first public U.S. high school. And in 1827, a Massachusetts law makes all grades of public school free to all. Massachusetts innovation continues with the state’s first Board of Education formed in 1837, headed by Horace Mann. And in 1851, Massachusetts makes education compulsory


I guess he is suggesting the Land Grant Universities are/were socialist?

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