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Junk Food Causes Tachycardia aNd ThE dEvIl Is EvErYwHeRe


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I feel really sorry for this poor kid; her heart rate probably went back down because she spent a few hours away from her crazy mother.



My aunt is younger than I am. She was born 10 years after my grandmother went through early menopause (no periods for 10 years). The doctor thought my gma had a tumor and they did a series of x-rays that revealed she was pregnant. As a result of the x-rays, my aunt was born with a hole in her heart. They babied her all her life: no gym or physical activities, they gave her an ounce of whiskey every night so she would get to sleep easy. When she got married, she had two children against medical advise with no complications. But since she was given alcohol since she was a year old, she became a raging alcoholic. She finally got help for her alcoholism and it turned out the hole in her heart had healed itself- probably by the time she hit puberty. She now works for a pediatric cardiologist and is sober. Kind of OT but just an example of the weird crap that your parents can assume about your healthcare.


My cousin has a caffeine and diet come addiction because her other grandma put coffee and diet coke in her baby bottles. Lord have mercy I am SO glad that this grandma was not my grandma. My relatives raised me with proper nutrition.


Maybe this little girl has heart problems, but it sounds to me like plain old anxiety attacks. I remember being especially prone to those around that age, except I didn't know what they were, so I thought there was something physically wrong with me. It's a tricky age: puberty hormones starting to buzz, but you're still mostly a kid. If I had a hypochondriac worrywart of a mother constantly lecturing me about the evils of junk food, I'd also have been having a heart-racing, lightheaded freak out every time I ate a chocolate bar. Poor thing, I just want to give her a hug.


Wow. So this mom wasn't sure if the remaining two heart chambers they found on the second ultrasound were due to the tech misreading the first ultrasound, or if God miraculously added them in the 48 hours between ultrasounds. Wow.

I understand praying for miracles and having faith and all that....but if you have one extremely likely explanation for a human error, and the other option is " miracle"......I don't know that just seemed really weird that she would even consider that.


It sounds to me like this little girl grew up with the fear of heart problems drilled into her and responds to those with anxiety attacks. Sugar does not elevate heart rate- sugar doesn't do damn near anything to activity levels, either, that's a myth. Sugar isn't the thing turning your children into monsters.

Poor kid. She may very well have a heart issue, but she may very well not.


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