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Give me Liberty (Phillips) - Photos from Normandy


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Doomed Harlot

Give me Liberty (Phillips) - Photos from Normandy

I admit I am a Liberty Phillips fangirl. From what little we know of her, she seems low-key and straightforward. I think she is in a tough position as a teenaged girl in a misogynist subculture run by her megalomaniac father. Sure, she parrots the party line (one of her photo captions describes Morecraft parading a "Read Calvin" bag as "most epic"), but she has not succumbed to the temptation to become a Fundie Princess a la Kelly Bradrick or the Botkin girls. I've liked everything I've seen of her so far, and my heart goes out to her.

Anyway, here is a broken link to her pictures from Normandy (as well as pictures from earlier parts of the trip). There is a great one of Doug in his military costume, looking all stern and important.


uber frau

I can't get the link to work

Doomed Harlot

You can also find it by googling "Liberty Phillips Picasa."

uber frau



Confirmation that dumbass Kelly hauled her baby to Europe at just 2 weeks old.



Wow, it's amazing how much little Geneva looks so much like her idiot father! Too bad she couldn't look more like her idiot mother.

uber frau

It might buy her a year or two before she's married off-and that's an extra pgcy or two that she won't have to have


Kelly's status elsewhere on Teh webs is " resting with my beautiful Geneva Constance in my arms."

To that, as a mama, I say, "TOOL!"

PS --- PLEASE, DO NOT wreak havoc (or even snark) on her status. She might make it private, and that,we DO NOT WANT!!!!!!

(Apologies for the all caps instead if bf or ital. Blame it on the iPhone )

ETA: So the VF NCFIC version of "bows on the scalp so you KNOW it's a girl" is dresses and bare legs on a two-week-old? The child looks miserable half-dressed & among all that noise and activity -- bagpipes INDOORS? And in a small, low-ceilinged room to boot??

Stupid, stupid people.


This is just too much. Taking a two week old baby on a group tour of Europe?!? Dressing the poor thing up in tiny fundygirl outfits and passing her around at the dinner table? Even with breastfeeding, her immune system is still pretty newish. And aren't women at somewhat higher risk of thrombosis after delivery? That means that long plane trips aren't a great idea.

I can't even imagine why you'd want to travel that far with a child that young just to be part of a bus tour. Yecccch. Stay home, nest, and get to know the little one and let her brothers get to know her too.


OMG who is Kelly married to? I think I know by that baby's face but I don't want to embarrass myself by guessing wrong...

EDIT: Of course I was right. I am dying.


If anybody with Photoshop thinks it worthy, would they be willing to make an LOLDOUG of this



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MamaJunebug wrote:

It's positively Kardashian!

Want More Babies

How in the world did they get a passport that quick?


She's married to Peter Bradrick, he of the Dumbo ears and the delusions of competence (See "Bradrick.Inc" thread).


You have GOT to be effing kidding me. I for one love to see Dougie in his various costumes, but I can't get behind this one--seems super disrespectful. The ONLY way I could get behind Dougie wearing a military uniform would be if he put on a set of Naval officer dress whites and carried Petey B. off into the sunset a la "An Officer & A Gentleman".


As a veteran who is still in the Army, add me to the list of those repulsed by Dougie play-acting at being a soldier.


The title of this thread made my brain do the following:

- complete the quote

- think it's good that nobody would name their son "Death" just so he could court Liberty

- worry that it may, in fact, be a nickname for one of the Maxwells


Well, she's only a couple of weeks old. She may grow up to look like Kelly after all, in which case she will follow in her mom's foot steps and get married at age 20 to the love child of Dumbo and Carrot Top before popping out a new baby every 10 months.


I have a question; what jobs do the Vision Forum men have? What other work does Dougie do besides playing the Emperor's New Clothes all day?


Oh dear. I can't breathe


Glad I could amuse!

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Doug reminds me of a paper doll. Like, I used to get these historical paper dolls with lots of different costumes to put on them, and he's just like them, only a real adult man. o_O

I would be so embarrassed if my 50-year-old husband liked playing dressup so much!

P.S. While typing this, I accidentally wrote "Dough" instead of Doug. LMAO!


I don't believe Mr Phillips ever bothered to put on the uniform for real.


Freudian slip!


I was thinking along the lines of Got A Little Captain In You?


That picture offends me so much I can't tell you.


What a stupid waste of money. How much did this trip cost and who paid for it is what I would like to know. Round trip plane fare alone had to be 10K per family. How the hell do they pay for air fare, hotel, food, and Dougs dress up parties?(and I always write Dung instead of Doug and try to correct it MOST of the time.)


He's come closer to that pose before:


Guess he needed to air things out a bit more in the Amazon.


Please don't correct it. Your heart and your fingers are obviously attuned to each other.

uber frau

Taxpayer dollars. Wait until their form 990 comes out next year and we'll all be able to see how much it cost.


If my WWII Veteran grandfather were still alive, he'd be offended and on a rampage. He took his war service seriously. More seriously than anything else in his life.

I'm offended because - who the hell does Doug think he is? WHO?

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I am totally infuriated at the Dougie dress up hour. He can bite my shinny metal ass. Who in the blue fuck does this bastard think he is? I mean seriously? What the fuck? Are they going to go to Holocaust death camp sites and wear the prisoner uniforms next? This just takes bad taste to an entirely new and previously unseen low. There is not even a word for how totally fucked up that entire endeavor was. Exploitative, culturally insensitive, tasteless ignorance Dougie.

I have posted it before, and I am sorry for doing it to you again, but meet Goalieboy.


Dougie, just so you know this one example of what a real soldier looks like. Your play acting is beyond offensive.


Hubba, hubba!

He single?


AthenaC wrote:

I agree. YUM!


As far as Dougie's capacity for insensitivity and bad taste, he's counting on the following by H.L. Mencken:

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.


There's a great war going on in my mind, between my being amused and my being offended. But then I remembered this:


...and realized that almost everyone outside VF land will immediately recognize Diamond Doug for the tool he is on the strength of that photo alone. When they see all his other, more metrosexual duds, then they'll know for sure what a tool he is.

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If someone were to post, "Thank God for Health!" and responders were to respond to the effect that yes, they are so glad to hear that OP is well, again,

and if the OP were known to have hied herself and her 2-week-old infant across the Atlantic after having looked like cold oatmeal in the hospital photos,

we reading about this would be inclined to say, "Tsk!" and to nod sagely and murmur, "Dumbass!"

Partly because the word fits so well, and partly because it's fun to say.

All the while, we are really very glad to know that there is health restored. We really don't want anybody to be sick just because they are thought-less.

And yes, by "we" I mean me and the mouse in my pocket.


PS: Of course we won't do anything to let the OP know we know about this. Because we don't want that treasure-trove of info to become private, right?

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AthenaC and SnarkyJan, sorry to disappoint but Goalieboy is all mine. After he is home for a while I will run sharing him up the flagpole but for the time being that 6'6" soldier with a little kid stuck inside is taken.

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MamaJ - Holy mackerel! You're right & I'm glad that all seems to well with the OP and, I hope, the wee one...

There is one photo (#11 of 23 in the Rome & Vatican City album) that shows the poor thing sitting on the side of the group (nearest the camera), looking at her cell phone or ipod, while the no-good Dr. Morecraft blathers on. She looks miserable & tired.

Made my whole body ache in sympathy.

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hoi, somebody has asked what happened and I am praying (it's way down my list of prayers, but it's still there) that she gives us at least a little info.

My totally uneducated except for 60 years of life experience totes it up this way:

Long labor


ghostly appearance in hospital


ridiculously unwise journey with 2 demanding babies

(one 2 weeks old, the other in his late 20s)


physical collapse, possibly with life-threatening overtones

I do hope she posts a bit of an explanation. Let's everybody continue to be patient! Love those public walls. Shhh... <---!!! How do I gets smilies in here?

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Oh dear. That poor, poor child. As if the world wasn't WTF enough to her. Now the little one is wondering why she has to be dragged through still more foreign-to-her lands led by a crazy green man with a large butt.

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Just looked at the photo of the mom texting during the great professor's talk (oh, noez!) -- the skin on her hand and forearm are positively grey. I confess to being morbidly curious: i want to know what happened!!!

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Several of the fans have also asked what happened. Hopefully, they -- and we -- will get an answer soon.

As MamaJ has gently cautioned us, :eusa-shhh:

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The answer is up. Posted today (14 June), she says that "3 days ago" (so, unsure if in Europe or USA) she began to hemorrhage, was flown to treatment, received a D&C that produced lots of placental tissue, MDs didn't think she'd pull thru but she did.

(sourly) Who expects the next pregnancy announcement in 6 months, anyway? After all, she must continue to prove to Mr' Tool that she's "the sturdy girl" he required in a brood mare - er, wife...

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Oh, God (and I meant that as a supplication). I am constantly flabbergasted at the stupidity of these ppl. It's sickening and saddening and just plain :angry-steamingears: . For all their talk of the sanctity of life, they do stupid, stupid things that fall into the same category as playing on the freeway (and then 'trust' God will save them.) And then they expect ppl to look up to them.

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Is Doc Sharon around?? I'm wondering how lots of placental tissue can be left, or is this common? I remember - w/o going into detail - procedures right in the delivery room that removed the placenta, done & done. TIA to anybody who knows.

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Oh, God (and I meant that as a supplication). I am constantly flabbergasted at the stupidity of these ppl. It's sickening and saddening and just plain :angry-steamingears: . For all their talk of the sanctity of life, they do stupid, stupid things that fall into the same category as playing on the freeway (and then 'trust' God will save them.) And then they expect ppl to look up to them.

I'd even go further and say that they almost seem to be DARING God to do his worst.

Medical science says women who have just given birth and 2-wo babies shouldn't fly halfway around the world for a long, exhausting "vacation" with your husband's boss? Who cares what the doctors say! God's going to make sure everything's okay!

Medical science says women who have suffered from pre-eclampsia are at greater risk for having eclampsia in the future? Who cares what the doctors say! God's going to make sure everything's okay!

Medical science says women shouldn't have unassisted homebirths? Who cares what the doctors say! God's going to make sure everything's okay!

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:shock: Who is arrogant enough to take a huge risk by going on a two week (?) group tour to Europe with a newborn baby (I hope she didn't get any infections after an eight hour long cross-Atlantic flight with air conditioning and endless tours among crowds) and a woman that just delivered a baby...?

Do they think that they can get away with anything just because they are christians? Poor woman, I hope she'll recover.

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I had a feeling that it was something like this. Although it could have just well happened while she was home in NC, there was no reason for her + the baby to go to Europe in the postpartum/postnatal period. The stupidity & arrogance of these people is appalling. They're lucky she survived this emergency.

Hope Doc Sharon can weigh in at some point.

[Edited for grammatical correction - i.e., not enough coffee when posting the first time around!]

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Oh Damn...I had clearly missed something!

Well Ok, I admit I do feel sorry for her now

I feel bad for her, too. Mostly because she has agreed to submit to Mickey Mouse, I mean Peter Bradrick. I'm guessing he wanted her to go with him on the trip. Or, she was so fed up with him traveling all over and leaving her with the kids she asked to join them.

Regardless, Its so important for new moms to take a few weeks to heal and bond with their baby. Clearly they don't think there is any value in that.

And yes, usually they won't send you home from the hospital without first finding the entire placenta. How that was missed is beyond me.

Did she have an unattended homebirth?????? :o

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Pretty sure she was in hospital for the birth but the photo of baby, pale mom and teeth-baring dad is not where I thought it was.

You know, I remain a Christian & a believer in

Miracles & today I understand the frustration of some of you who have snarked on extremists' habit of acting and speaking as though God worked Her miracles without any participation from earthly medical personnel!! The responses to the news of her survival have begun to take on a drone of sameness that irks me to a surprising extent.

In traditional Lutheran prayers for the sick and the healed we always pleaded with or thanked God for the Divinely given gifts of the physicians' skills!!! The grouptalk that's happening over there is ... Disturbing.

Again, let's keep any comments hereabouts. Do NOT want hers going private. It's instructive in a way I bet she never guessed. SMH

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This thread needs a better subject...

Agreed! But whatchagonnado? ;)

I continue to find this fascinating. Where were they when this happened? If Europe, has she a comment on socialized medical care? IIRC, Doug & Kelly's dad, Scott Brown, were to present at some big-deal conference State-side almost immediately upon return from Normandy. So where are K & GeeCee now? Who's helping her? Personally I'd want my mama but I can't imagine Deborah opting out of traveling with her lordnmaster Scott.

Oh, to be a kindly neighba lady with a source on the inside!!!

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The answer is up. Posted today (14 June), she says that "3 days ago" (so, unsure if in Europe or USA) she began to hemorrhage, was flown to treatment, received a D&C that produced lots of placental tissue, MDs didn't think she'd pull thru but she did.

(sourly) Who expects the next pregnancy announcement in 6 months, anyway? After all, she must continue to prove to Mr' Tool that she's "the sturdy girl" he required in a brood mare - er, wife...

Whoa, Kelly Bradrick?

Mind you, what on earth did they expect, dragging her half way across the world 2 weeks after childbirth. It's a wonder she hasn't developed DVT and had an embolism.

If it happened in the UK, she would have been treated in a NHS hospital - shock! Horror!

Where did you hear this Mamajunebug?

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