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Just coming here to post about this - you beat me to it! I'm really pleased to see the BBC picking up on this. The article is currently in their top ten most read stories on the website which means quite a few more people will now be aware of the Pearls and their horrific views.

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Thanks for sharing this. It's nice to see that it is pretty substantial, and covers not only the fact that there are petitions asking Amazon to stop selling it, but also their statement about why they won't.

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The UK banned the Pearls from coming into the country several years ago when they were supposed to come speak at a homeschooling convention there. IIRC, British authorities took a stand that Pearl's methods were illegal there. That was why Rebekah Anst wrote her famous rebuttal about how great her childhood was and how she has no scars and does not consider herself to have been abused.

Well,....nice memory lane there but Rebekah can no longer be the 'face' of the empire, since only an idiot would try to argue she has not in fact fallen into exactly the life that an abuse victim would seek out and be stuck IN. These days, Shoshanna is the one they put forth as the face of their empire. She runs the herbal business with her mother and her husband works with her father so it doesn't LOOK like she is the one fully supporting the family, even though she is.

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This is fantastic. More bad press for the Pearls. Soon, more people will be talking about their connection to the Duggars and I bet before too long 19KAC will fade into the obscure mists of history. TLC will probably make a huge effort to ensure that their name does not get dragged through the mud.

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These days, Shoshanna is the one they put forth as the face of their empire. She runs the herbal business with her mother and her husband works with her father so it doesn't LOOK like she is the one fully supporting the family, even though she is.

Good points and very telling in light of current events at NGJ.

NGJ's FB page (https://www.facebook.com/NoGreaterJoyMi ... n=timeline) is soliciting funds for neck surgery for Debi since NGJ stopped providing medical insurance for its employees, apparently including Mike & Debi.

Because of the extreme benevolence of friends that are concerned for Debi's health, she is finally going to get the surgery that is needed to fix her neck! Debi is profoundly grateful and humbled by all who have already given to her medical needs. Debi has degenerative bones in her neck that has needed surgery for several years but she didn’t want to take the time or spend the money to get it fixed. NGJ dropped medical insurance coverage for its employees due to the escalating cost so Debi is without medical insurance. The needed operation will cost $40,000. Friends of hers have contributed about $11,000 toward the needed amount.

Both Mike and Debi take a very modest salary from NGJ and made a decision years ago to not take royalties from the sale of their books. All of the money earned goes back into the many NGJ ministries such as Good and Evil language project, military ministry, prison ministry, etc. This post is for your information only; it is not part of NGJ. If you would like to donate money to her medical fund you can do so through PayPal, use this email address to do so: debipearlsmedicalfund@gmail.com. By check: write and mail to: Debi Pearl, 1000 Pearl Rd. Pleasantville, TN 37033.

[emphasis added]

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This is the second most shared article on the BBC website today.


Not sure that's good thing or whether it's spreading Pearl's ideas in the UK.

Also - I'm curious about this one. Pearl seems to have got away with the way he treated his children, but what happens in the families where, once the kids get bigger than Dad, they start hitting back? At what point does the law allow self-defence against assault?

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There is likely a lot of this that does not get reported. My nephew, 'spanked' by my ex-brother-in-law, eventually stopped the assaults by throwing his father on his ass. No police were called.

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There is likely a lot of this that does not get reported. My nephew, 'spanked' by my ex-brother-in-law, eventually stopped the assaults by throwing his father on his ass. No police were called.

And it doesn't need to get where a kid is bigger than a parent.

While my parents were nowhere near the level of the Pearls, they spank and when my sisters and I got older they resorted to slapping because we were too big to turn over the knee plus my father was not going to spank his pre-teen daughters. However, there was one point at 15, my mother cracked me across the face and while I agree I was being difficult, I decided she was not going to do this anymore. I actually told her that if she hit me again, I was going straight to my high school counselor (who was very aware of abuse in our high school because it was prevalent) and reporting her. She never hit me or my sisters again.

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