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Tell me more about Sheila (Love, Honor and Vacuum)


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I noticed Ken and cabinetman getting into a whole long debate on Lori's blog (in the comments to the Do Men Marry Just for Sex post), and this blog came up.

Normally, I wouldn't read something called To Love, Honor and Vacuum, but I figured if the MRA types hate it, it can't be all bad......

Have we discussed her before? I did a quick search but couldn't find anything.

Her sex advice sounds remarkably.....normal (although I've just skimmed it so far). She's pointing out that things need to be mutual, that it's bad for Christian girls to think that sex is all about having an obligation to please him so he won't cheat and never about her pleasaure, that women actually take some time to get aroused, that there are physical reasons for sex to be off the table at times, etc. At the same time, she's trying to encourage good marital sex.

So, why the hate from the MRAs? And will we get a straight answer from Ken and Lori on whether they agree with her or with SSM?

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Got a bit of an answer from Ken. Apparently, Sheila's big crime is that she comes too close to advocating "mutual submission", and doesn't clearly tell women that the Bible orders them to automatically obey their husbands 100% of the time, regardless of how they feel about it. Oh, and Ken also thinks that as long as you've got domination and submission in a marriage, you don't need any other sex advice. So says the guy who talks about how sex is just 10 minutes out of your day, how women's don't have much of a libido anyway, and how sex with Lori when she's not feeling well really isn't all that satisfying for either one of them.

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I've been reading her blog for about two years. I don't agree with her on all points but overall I enjoy it. I wouldn't say she is fundie but, mainstream christian. Fundie light at best.

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Got a bit of an answer from Ken. Apparently, Sheila's big crime is that she comes too close to advocating "mutual submission", and doesn't clearly tell women that the Bible orders them to automatically obey their husbands 100% of the time, regardless of how they feel about it. Oh, and Ken also thinks that as long as you've got domination and submission in a marriage, you don't need any other sex advice. So says the guy who talks about how sex is just 10 minutes out of your day, how women's don't have much of a libido anyway, and how sex with Lori when she's not feeling well really isn't all that satisfying for either one of them.

Well, Shelia is right. 1 Corinthians 7 makes the point that marital sex should be mutual. Hmmm...this is how many times I've said something to that effect?

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