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Upcoming Babies Part 2

happy atheist

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OMG YOU GUYS - Steven and Rebecca Loomis - baby #2 dropped yesterday. Girl named Priscilla.

Where did you find this info? I knew it had to be soon. I want to see photos! Priscilla -- ugh. Does she have a middle name?

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Yeah see link above. 8lbs, 7 oz. Pretty darn cute. I love the middle name. May she grow up to find freedom from her family's oppressive dogma and possibly go by PJ because that would just be kind of cute and cool.

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Baby number one is 2 yrs & 7months. They're faster than Kelly & Sippy but Blair's two kids are less than a year apart. If Blair keeps it up she'll be the moat fertile of the lot. I did the math once Kelly's average 14 months apart, Monica's are 15.5 and Blair's about 11. I wonder how long they can keep it up.

Is Blair pregnant again? Her Pinterest is filled with weight loss and exercise tips; getting pregnant 2.1 months after birthing a baby doesn't really give her much time to lose any of the baby weight. I know that the Brown kids are all adopted, but dear god those kids are fertile- maybe it really is something in the water?! I'm shocked Kelly hasn't added a new blessing to her brood... Maybe petey has found a new young intern to distract him from his husbandry duties?

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Is Blair pregnant again? Her Pinterest is filled with weight loss and exercise tips; getting pregnant 2.1 months after birthing a baby doesn't really give her much time to lose any of the baby weight. I know that the Brown kids are all adopted, but dear god those kids are fertile- maybe it really is something in the water?! I'm shocked Kelly hasn't added a new blessing to her brood... Maybe petey has found a new young intern to distract him from his husbandry duties?

Blair and David are obviously genetically related, and if Kelly would allow her hair to be it's natural brown, it might be more obvious that she is genetically related to them, as well. I think Claudia came from different stock. She doesn't look anything like the others.

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Blair and David are obviously genetically related, and if Kelly would allow her hair to be it's natural brown, it might be more obvious that she is genetically related to them, as well. I think Claudia came from different stock. She doesn't look anything like the others.

Now I definitively think that David and Blair are related. But I also think that Claudia and Kelly are related. Someone posted a picture of a Kelly a long time ago when she was like 13/14 and her hair was still brown- and Claudia looks a lot like her in that picture. I can't seem to find it though, ugh! Sometimes I think Blair and Claudia resemble each other, but unusually pick Kelly as the odd man out. But I guess they could all be related in some way.

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Aw, cutie. And looks like she was born at home, so if there were problems when Nimmers was born, things were different (better) this time.

But I got a double-chuckle, enjoying the blog page and the commenter who said she saw "piano fingers." Indeed, nice long fingers - but Auntie MJB saw a decided engineering-frowning-problem-solving look in that baby's eyes in the first photo!!!!

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Did we add Katie Hornor to the list?

Blessing no.5 is due to arrive in Feb 2014.


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Wait. Master list says Anna Maxwell is pregnant. Did I miss that announcement?

They announced a few weeks ago, she's due early in the new year. Anna and Christopher, that is. Reversal Anna isn't the 2nd comning of the Virgin Mary (or should that be, virgin Anna?)

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Aw, cutie. And looks like she was born at home, so if there were problems when Nimmers was born, things were different (better) this time.

But I got a double-chuckle, enjoying the blog page and the commenter who said she saw "piano fingers." Indeed, nice long fingers - but Auntie MJB saw a decided engineering-frowning-problem-solving look in that baby's eyes in the first photo!!!!

Were there problems when Nimmers was born? I assumed he was born at home, too.

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WonderingInWA, you know, I don't know that there were problems, but I do recall that the first few pictures of Nims were with Aunt Sarah Serven, and when he was several days old, there finally was a photo of the mom, dad and baby with the caption "Together again at last" or words strongly to that effect.

.....I seem to be remembering that somebody guessed Rebecca may have had some complication that resulted in a lot of water retention, but I really don't know. I shouldn't've posted what I did, since most of it was my very faulty memory.

(I can't help but hold out hope that Steven with his education and Rebecca with her storied compassionate, gentle nature will some day come around to a less-extreme pov. They're my faves, what can I say?)

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They never did post a birth story, which I thought was odd since Rebecca was always so forthcoming in her blog posts before she got married. IIRC, Nims was a big baby (like maybe 9-10 lbs?) and she'd miscarried before, so maybe she did have a hospital birth with him. I'm happy for her if she got her homebirth this time. She's one of my fundy faves, too. Just wish she would blog more.

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They never did post a birth story, which I thought was odd since Rebecca was always so forthcoming in her blog posts before she got married. IIRC, Nims was a big baby (like maybe 9-10 lbs?) and she'd miscarried before, so maybe she did have a hospital birth with him. I'm happy for her if she got her homebirth this time. She's one of my fundy faves, too. Just wish she would blog more.

I think that's part of my affection for her - she's a good storyteller and really seemed to enjoy being the PR person for the Servenclan and for a while, for SRLoomisfamily. Now, with a newborn and a little barely 14 months old, she's not going to have time for extra breaths, much less blogging with any effectiveness.

They've taken one of their best promoters of their lifestyle/beliefs and effectively silenced her, first by (I'm guessing, here) acceding to her headship's request to focus on other things, and second by covering her up in (precious!) babeeze.

Hoisted on their own petard! :shrug:

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I think that's part of my affection for her - she's a good storyteller and really seemed to enjoy being the PR person for the Servenclan and for a while, for SRLoomisfamily. Now, with a newborn and a little barely 14 months old, she's not going to have time for extra breaths, much less blogging with any effectiveness.

They've taken one of their best promoters of their lifestyle/beliefs and effectively silenced her, first by (I'm guessing, here) acceding to her headship's request to focus on other things, and second by covering her up in (precious!) babeeze.

Hoisted on their own petard! :shrug:

My bolding and complete concurrence! She was actually as level-headed as any of the fundies have ever been and it's sad to miss out on her early motherhood. I imagine she's found her own set of fundie mamas to bond with now.

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I think we should take Dorothy Sanders' name off the list. She doesn't look pregnant in the recent photos posted on the Morton's blog.

Agreed. She looked more pregnant last fall than she does now. I hope she's not miscarrying, and that God just thinks Dorothy needs more time between pregnancies than what her older sister is getting.

OT: if you go to the Morton's blog to read the latest entry, avert your eyes from photo #28 lest ye be defrauded by the sight of Andrew in a tight T-shirt.

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Apparently David and Nadia Botkin named their son Nehemiah. Seems to be a popular fundie name lately :?

With his vast experience of 2 months parenting a son, David is also happy to recommend a program to help turn your sons into Mighty Men™ :roll:

https://www.facebook.com/notes/david-bo ... 6847143939

If my fundie relatives' churches and FB friends are anything to go by, the hot fundie names I've been hearing lately are Nehemiah, Micah, Jubilee, Geneva, Titus and Faith. I have been hearing loads of those lately.

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I understand the popularity of Micah, Titus and Faith, but Nehemiah is so....awkward. Jubilee is also a little strange.

What is the significance of the name Geneva?

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Whatever happened to the epistomologically correct names? I like it when some of the children of the A-list give their children names that are not so obnoxiously 'Christian'(non-hyper-Calvinists need not apply). Blair and Taylor have named their two Aeden and Adalyn, IIRC. Personally, I'm not a fan of either name but a damn sight better than Kelly and Sippy's kids.

I like to think they're choking a little on the kool-aid. I'm quite aware it's probably just wishful thinking but I like to live in hope.

Incidentally, do you know what Ben and Audri's first child is named? He was born after the Botkins issued radio silence.

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Whatever happened to the epistomologically correct names? I like it when some of the children of the A-list give their children names that are not so obnoxiously 'Christian'(non-hyper-Calvinists need not apply). Blair and Taylor have named their two Aeden and Adalyn, IIRC. Personally, I'm not a fan of either name but a damn sight better than Kelly and Sippy's kids.

I like to think they're choking a little on the kool-aid. I'm quite aware it's probably just wishful thinking but I like to live in hope.

Incidentally, do you know what Ben and Audri's first child is named? He was born after the Botkins issued radio silence.

I blame Doug (who is a tool) Phillips for the naming of Sippy and Kelly's kids. It's all part of Sippy's sycophantic behavior -- you know, pleasing HIS God and all. He's by far Dougie's best poster child for the internship program, the golden child, first in line for the throne, etc. so he had to name his kids in favor of HIS headship. The rest of the ex-interns have named their children less asshat crazy names, although David Brown's children have the same type of middles names, IIRC.

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Incidentally, do you know what Ben and Audri's first child is named? He was born after the Botkins issued radio silence.

Their first son is named Ethan Courage. Perhaps Harold is a family name?

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Their first son is named Ethan Courage. Perhaps Harold is a family name?

I believe I've seen Audri's father listed as James H. Verner - perhaps the name is in honor of Grandpa?

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