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Mike Pearl says he's Jewish


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I ran across a YouTube video where Mike Pearl said he is Jewish. The topic of video is women and head coverings. I always thought Mike Pearl as a fundie Christian. Is he a Messanic Jew? Am I missing something? Has this been discussed, and I just missed it? :? Here's the video. Skip to the 45 second mark and he plainly states he's Jewish. If he considers himself Jewish, it's an insult to Jews. Actually, he's an evil, sadistic crazy son of bitch who is an insult to humanity regardless of what he calls himself.


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How can people trust someone that creepy, especially for parenting advice? He completely creeps me out, those empty, soulless black shark eyes

I always presumed he was Christian as well-dont they (at least claim to) follow the Bible?

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I'm officially confused. Is he genuinely of Jewish blood, or one of those freaky "I am because Jesus is" like Candace Cameron?

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He is not a Messianic Faux-Jew, as far as I know. He claims to have Jewish ancestry.

A quote:

Now even though I was born with Jewish blood, I am now in Christ, and being in Christ, I am no longer under the bondage of that Mosaic Law.


From the transcript of the video in the OP:

You may not know, but I’m Jewish and I’ve been to a lot of Jewish meetings.


Rebekah once snarked on 7xSunday about someone (I believe she thought he was accusing Mike of anti-Semitism), something like "does he know Mike Pearl is Jewish?"

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I believe Reform Jews say a child with a Jewish father is Jewish IF said child is raised Jewishly. But I don't think that is considered Jewish Law even then, kwim?

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I thought that rule was changed.

It definitely hasn't changed.

Re: the video - :puke-huge: he's sooo creepy!!! Also, I think he's just BSing his way through the question. Pretty sure the only Jewish "meetings" (as he put it) he's seen are from Fiddler on the Roof. I doubt he'd go within 100ft of a Jewish gathering of any sort.

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Nope, hasn't changed; my dad's side is Jewish, but I wasn't raised religiously Jewish. I'd have to officially convert, which I actually almost did once, though Reform which the Orthodox and beyond don't think counts anyway. Whatevs.

If Pearl has as much as a touch of actual Jewish ancestry I think I will puke. *shudder*

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Why are some fundies so anti Judaism?

Now even though I was born with Jewish blood, I am now in Christ, and being in Christ, I am no longer under the bondage of that Mosaic Law.

Do Fundies believe Jesus was Jewish?

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Then MP contradicts himself. He says in the video he's Jewish, but then he says he is "no longer under the bondage of that Mosaic Law". But what do you expect from an evil, sadistic, hypocritical, son of a bitch? :evil:

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Why are some fundies so anti Judaism?

Now even though I was born with Jewish blood, I am now in Christ, and being in Christ, I am no longer under the bondage of that Mosaic Law.

Do Fundies believe Jesus was Jewish?

Umm....Mela99, think you need to put quotation marks around the bolded. I'm 99.9999999....% it was MP would said that & not you (thankfully).

And MP, ya, bondage, I'm pretty sure any observant Jew would not agree that following Mosaic Law is considered bondage, but way to make it look like you're trying to be tolerant. :?

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I don't think he's as creepy as he is gross. His long scraggly beard and dirty clothes. He looks like he stinks. Needs a shave and a hair cut, a nail trim, some new clothes, and a long hot bath with soap.

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I don't think he's as creepy as he is gross. His long scraggly beard and dirty clothes. He looks like he stinks. Needs a shave and a hair cut, a nail trim, some new clothes, and a long hot bath with soap.

Skip the soap and go strait for the bleach. :brain-bleach:

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Skip the soap and go strait for the bleach. :brain-bleach:

Probably needs some de-lousing, too.

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I never saw a picture if the evil Michael Pearl. He is a hideous chud, who would take any kind of advice from a creepy guy like that? I can certainly see how he was a virgin before Debbie. I wouldn't touch him with my exhusband's dick,

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Was his Jewish ancestor from his mothers side? If not, then he is not a Jew.

my father is a full Russian Jew, and my mom is Irish Czech. Does that make me not Jewish? I really don't like it when people tell me I'm not, because being half Jewish has always been a huge part of my identity.

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my father is a full Russian Jew, and my mom is Irish Czech. Does that make me not Jewish? I really don't like it when people tell me I'm not, because being half Jewish has always been a huge part of my identity.

You're right, you're half Jewish in ancestry. I don't think most Jewish people would consider you Jewish though, but whatever. It can be a painful subject for many. Here's a link to the Wiki "Who's a Jew" page. It gives you some background (not breaking the link because it's Wikipedia) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_is_a_Jew%3F

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Why are some fundies so anti Judaism?

Now even though I was born with Jewish blood, I am now in Christ, and being in Christ, I am no longer under the bondage of that Mosaic Law.

Do Fundies believe Jesus was Jewish?

I do think most Fundies will have no problem with Jesus being Jewish, unless they happen to be of the "white power" or similar puke-inducing variety, and most of whom we discuss aren't.

The "not being in bondage of the law" any more is actually quite biblical, Paul talks about it all the time, especially in Galatians 4/5. Funny thing, which Pearl obviously doesn't get, is that Paul never ceased to follow the Jewish law, but was against imposing the same rules on new Christians who hadn't been Jews before.

Paul's point is that the observance of the laws does not save, and the belief that it does, labouring to achieve "perfectness" by adherence to all the rules, that is bondage to him, while being in Christ, being saved out of grace, is freedom. This does not mean somebody who believes in Christ's saving grace and still decides to follow dietary rules etc. is in bondage!

So if Mike had actually read the bible instead of skimming it for parts of verses that fit his agenda, he would discover that he should keep the religious laws of the Jews if he is indeed Jewish, as he claims, because being part of the old covenant stays forever, even if you enter the new.

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You're right, you're half Jewish in ancestry. I don't think most Jewish people would consider you Jewish though, but whatever. It can be a painful subject for many. Here's a link to the Wiki "Who's a Jew" page. It gives you some background (not breaking the link because it's Wikipedia) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_is_a_Jew%3F

I understand that, but it still bothers me. Part of me asks, if I'm not Jewish, what do I call myself? I'm not half Russian. I'm half Russian Jew. That's what part of my ethnicity is, and it's so impressed on one half of my family, that that's what they were/are. Most of my relatives died in the Holocaust at the hand of the Nazis. They would have killed me, too. How am I not a Jew?

It's a rhetorical question, I suppose. It has just always bothered me. Even though it is not my religion, I take so much from the culture of my family. I know the Jewish law says I'm not one of them, but if I'm not, what am I? I don't care what they say, I am a Jew, and I will always be proud of that, and I will always correct people when they tell me I am not.

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It is a strange and interesting topic.

My mum found out she was technically kind of Jewish by an interesting route - DNA testing :lol: There'd always been a legend in my mum's family that they were Jewish but anyway, they hadn't been practicing Jews in anyone's living memory.

So it was intriguing when she found it out. Her DNA comes from a Jewish settlement in Eastern Europe originally. Everyone else with the same DNA pattern as her is Jewish.

However I don't think this makes us Jews, and neither does my mum. I asked about this on here before and not knowing any family member who is a practicing Jew (that sounds a bit weird, but you feel me, bruv?) means we aren't Jewish either. That's what we always thought, figuring that if we were actual Jews we'd be doing, I dunno, Jewish things. Such as holding to Judaism and its beliefs and practices (my mum was Church of England then became an atheist, I was Church of Scotland then became an atheist :lol: )

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Isn't that some fad amongst fundies to claim that they're Jewish? (doesn't Doug-is a tool-refer to his Jewish ancestry fairl often?)

Anyway, most people are bound to have some Jewish blood, you're bound to find the odd Jewish ancestor in anyone's family tree.

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It is a strange and interesting topic.

My mum found out she was technically kind of Jewish by an interesting route - DNA testing :lol: There'd always been a legend in my mum's family that they were Jewish but anyway, they hadn't been practicing Jews in anyone's living memory.

So it was intriguing when she found it out. Her DNA comes from a Jewish settlement in Eastern Europe originally. Everyone else with the same DNA pattern as her is Jewish.

However I don't think this makes us Jews, and neither does my mum. I asked about this on here before and not knowing any family member who is a practicing Jew (that sounds a bit weird, but you feel me, bruv?) means we aren't Jewish either. That's what we always thought, figuring that if we were actual Jews we'd be doing, I dunno, Jewish things. Such as holding to Judaism and its beliefs and practices (my mum was Church of England then became an atheist, I was Church of Scotland then became an atheist :lol: )

There are lots of folks - including some cousins of mine - who are technically Jewish according to traditional Jewish law, but who don't know it and are actively practicing other religions/no religion. Somewhere in your background, a relative of yours was no doubt organizing in the shtetl to overthrow the Czar.

I draw the line at embracing Michael Pearl, though.

We need a crazy fundie category on this website: http://www.jewornotjew.com/ (not breaking link b/c it's not fundie, just fun)

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