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Religious headgear ban in Quebec soccer


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http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/nat ... e12470936/

Ok folks, here's a leson on why freedom of religion and banning religious discrimination are important.

Sikh kids wear turbans. Many do not cut their hair for religious reasons, so the turban is needed to keep all the hair out of the way. It's not just a symbol - for them, it is a religious obligation. If you ban the turban from the soccer field, you ban these kids from playing. That's discrimination, and it's wrong.

If the Canadian Soccer Association kicks out the Quebec Soccer Association for engaging in religious discrimination, that's their right. Quebec Premier Pauline Marois, however, decides to make this a political issue by throwing her support behind the organization - and its discriminatory policies. Apparently, asserting Quebec's independence is so important that Quebec has the right to be different...even when that means refusing to accept multiculturalism or minority religious rights. [Quebec politicians have a funny definition of secular - apparently, it means that you have issues with religious headgear (worn mostly by religious minorities), but not with a crucifix in the legislative assembly (because that's part of the history of REAL Quebequois.)]

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Ah Quebec...it's always all about them :) It seems like we are revisiting the 1960's with this crap. I am breathless with anticipation to see what's in this so-called charter of values.

I have heard that this has not been going over well in Montreal, which does not surprise me given the population of french speaking Muslim residents.

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