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Oooh MRA/Fundie hybrid!


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Fjianas we have a live one here... I present you a geek in the wildneress, or as I prefer to call it "enttitled antisocial prick seeks perfect Christian wife"




So this dude is a geek, has by his own admission very weak social skills (we might want to internet-diagnose him with something)


here he outlines his perfect wife who is going to cook clean and nuture his every need geeksjourney.com/single-ladies-im-ready-to-provide-are-you-ready-to-cook


here's his plan of how he's going to get his magic christian wife geeksjourney.com/from-zero-to-hero-how-i-plan-to-save-the-girl-of-my-dreams


He talks about why even though he wants a christian wife he doesn't really want to go to Church himself geeksjourney.com/why-i-will-probably-never-attend-church-services-again


Also maybe he doesn't want a christian wife if she spends too much time at church and not at home massaging his ego




Scary thing is I could really see this guy embracing fundie-dom since he already hates the emergent church and wants to find a movement that strokes his ego and home-churching would allow him to be completly antisocial to his heart's content..


So FJians anyone want to play matchmaker? He lives in NYC so that might intrigue JInger but really I would not want to inflict this putz on her. I bet Sarah Maxwell would be his dream girl but there's no way he'd be good enough for Steve.

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I wanted to reach through the computer and smack him. And I'm usually a fairly calm pacifist. The level of entitled douche was off the charts.

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I found his articles on finding a wife naive and grating, but it took me until I reached the comments to hit the threshold of a full-on rage. I saw several comments from women who disagreed with him about the realism of finding a 30-something wife who is single and willing to put her career on hold to make him sandwiches, as well as the difficulty of supporting a family on one income. He and his syncophants called these commenters "trolls" and then speculated about how many cats they must have. Sure, anyone who disagrees with him must be single and lonely...because he is projecting his pathetic lack of success in finding a partner onto them. I don't have many worries he'll find his dream girl.

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Bet he's precisely the kind of MRA neckbeard I've encountered while gaming & at conventions who'll harass female geeks for being female.

Yep, the man of any girl's dreams, right there.

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Feel like taking a spontaneous but short road trip this weekend. There’s something about the open road that really helps me unwind, even though that doesn’t actually start until I’m clear of Manhattan. I just have to pick a direction. West? North? South? East? I probably won’t know until I actually hit the road.

I strongly suggest he heads East from Manhattan. :wink-kitty:

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I strongly suggest he heads East from Manhattan. :wink-kitty:

What? Europe doesn't want him, thanks!!

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I'm sick and tired of people quoting the "proverb 31"woman without obviously having the foggiest what she's about. Because she's doing everything but being locked in the kitchen to cook for her provider husband.

Wanting a partner with a job means (at least for me) wanting someone who's reliable and stable, not someone who's going to "provide" for me.And basic cooking skills are something EVERYONE, male or female should have in order to, you know, survive. Where exactly did he find all these women who can't cook because of "female empowerment"? I and a lot of my friends love to cook and bake, and it doesn't stop us from being independent. The woman who doesn'z cook because she's a feminist (and presumably starves or lives off the microwave??) has got to be the biggest strawman ever.

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I just read the post on his readiness to marry and the comments that went with it. I'm glad there's a lot of posts challenging him on his assumptions. I feel this guy may have some reasonable streaks (i.e stating that if two people work fulltime, they should both do housework). However, his attitude that women's "natural" predisposition is to stay home and cook is bogus. There's some fundie attitude in there, mixed with some mild MRA stuff. I say mild because this guy still wants to marry and is hopeful he can find a girl that fulfills his requirements.

However, his comments generally comes off as arrogant and naive, especially his stance that he could amply provide for a women if it weren't for those darn feminists telling girls they should have a career. Others (rightfully) pointed out that he cannot be so inflexible. People lose their jobs, you may end up marrying someone with a substantial career/income base, children turns out more expensive than anticipated....all these issues crop up as you start a family and find out ideal family structure won't work out. Then what? Let your family starve in order to maintain your ideal family life?

There's also the assumption that modern women are selfish and demanding because they still want a husband who works but then can't cook and clean. Well, didn't the guy answer his own question with that comment? If modern women are all working, isn't it expected that their husbands will have to put in some work? After all, the men can't be so selfish as to expect a secondary stream of income AND someone to take care of the housework, right?

It's also lovely that any feminist who disagrees with these incendiary comments must be single and living with cats. I'm a feminist, I've never lived with cats and I am happily married to a manly doc (you know, not their mythical pansy guys). I wonder how I managed that with my demanding feminist attitudes and entitlement?

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"That’s why honesty is the best policy for me. Letting women know upfront what I expect of them, and what they should expect of me."

Don't worry ladies, he believes in honestly letting women know upfront what a ballsack he is so you can stay far away from him.

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I see he talks about his 'muse'. He is never getting married.

You know, if he hadn't said he was in his 30s, I'd swear he was about 15. Mentally and socially, he probably is.

Edited because I write quicker than I think.

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He sounds very naive, but not as misogynistic as most MRA bloggers. I"m a frequent lurker on Sunshine Mary's blog and Frank appears to be taking lessons in how to manage women from her and her cronies.

For the past several days there's been an ongoing debate on whether women are inferior to men sunshinemaryandthedragon.wordpress.com/2013/06/04/she-married-for-sperm-and-legitimacy-but-now-shes-outta-there/. Sunshine believes they are; Frank isn't sure inferior is accurate though he does want his woman to submit as Sunshine submits to her Alpha husband.

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I think people like this start off as insecure teenagers who see everybody else 'getting some action' & instead of developing their personality to make themselves more appealing they get angry & blame others. It continues like this & they heap more & more blame on others because of their lack of success in relationships. They have such warped ideas about what actually goes on in an intimate relationship. It reminds me of the things loud mouthed 13yr old boys say.

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Oh he's falling in with mary's group of mrassholes? We might need to save him fromhimself if that is possible

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