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Dying Pregnant Woman In El Salvador, denied abortion


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So they grant her and her fetus a death sentence. the fetus would be a huge burden on the state it looks like too.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/3 ... 60239.html

After El Salvador's Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday that Beatriz, a 22-year old pregnant woman seriously ill with lupus and kidney disease, cannot have the abortion needed to save her life, American progressive groups are launching last-ditch efforts to intervene.

Beatriz, who uses a pseudonym to protect her identity, is 24 weeks pregnant and the mother of a 1-year old son. Doctors determined in her first trimester that neither she nor her fetus were likely to survive the pregnancy. Her medical conditions make it very dangerous for her to be pregnant, and her fetus has anencephaly, a severe birth defect that prevents its brain from fully forming.

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According to the BBC she's been allowed a c/sec because a medically necessary early birth after age of viability is legal, whereas a termination is not.

I can't provide a link because I'm posting on my phone but shouldn't be too difficult to google.

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That's the Catholic Compromise. "Oh, we can't allow an abortion, that's wrong . . . here, have a c-section well before viability. Totes different!"


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I wasn't before viability, 24 weeks is viable -- if the fetus had a chance of living to start with. Also, I found the sidebar describing the abortion laws in Latin America utterly horrifying.

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Can someone pay to fly her to a country where abortion is allowed?

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I hope that she has her tubes tied while they are in there so that she won't have to go through this again. And I hope they let that poor baby die with dignity and palliative care instead of all kinds of heroic measures for it's condition.

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I hope that she has her tubes tied while they are in there so that she won't have to go through this again. And I hope they let that poor baby die with dignity and palliative care instead of all kinds of heroic measures for it's condition.

The baby will not even take a breath. There is no brain present.

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Can someone pay to fly her to a country where abortion is allowed?

I like how you think. That's how Irish women can have abortions. Thanks to the abortion support network in U.K. they can get financial assistance to have an abortion. I have been thinking about the possibilities to organize something similar for Polish women. It shouldn't be impossible to start up something similar?

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The baby will not even take a breath. There is no brain present.

Some babies with anencephaly do live for a while, amazingly some live for weeks. Even though there is no brain there is usually partial brain stem, some of which controls autonomic responses like breathing. So it can happen. However I suspect the anencephaly combined with prematurity will result in a very short life, if there is one at all.

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The baby will not even take a breath. There is no brain present.

There is a brain stem present so it might live for a short time. I hope for the Mom's sake it doesn't.

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So why not just induce labor and call it a day? Why a C-Section? Because of the hydrocephaly?

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So why not just induce labor and call it a day? Why a C-Section? Because of the hydrocephaly?

Either that or perhaps her condition has deteriorated to the point she can't tolerate labor either physically or she can't tolerate the drugs used to induce labor due to her kidney failure.

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Yeah, and these people have the nerve to call themselves pro-life. :roll:

Yeah, whatever that means. It's not pro-quality of life. It's pro-quantity of life. That's what they should call themselves instead.

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A shining example of the true lack of any empathy or care for anything but a blind belief.

I do agree babies can live without a brain as this ass nozzle is a shining example of a human without a brain.

Of course the child's life is more important then the moms life. no mother needed to raise the child.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/3 ... 67595.html

The case of a young woman who was denied a life-saving abortion this week by El Salvador's Supreme Court has captured international attention and exposed the dangers of the country's ban on abortions. But Lila Rose, president of the anti-abortion activist group Live Action, said the case has not convinced her that abortion should be allowed under any circumstances.

"We can do better than pitting the life of a mother against her child," she told The Huffington Post in an interview on Friday. "Abortions are never medically necessary. Some doctors prescribe abortion as if it's a treatment for a disease or a problem, but that's not a solution a truly compassionate and just society should turn to."

Beatriz, a 22-year-old mother in El Salvador, is 26 weeks pregnant with an anencephalic fetus that is missing most of its brain. Beatriz was diagnosed with lupus and kidney failure during her first trimester, and her doctors determined early on that neither she nor the fetus were likely to survive childbirth. Her hospital asked for permission from Salvadoran authorities to perform an abortion to save Beatriz's life, but El Salvador's Supreme Court voted 4 to 1 on Wednesday to deny her request.

Following the court's decision, Salvadoran Health Minister Maria Isabel Rodriguez decided to grant Beatriz a C-section, which would not be considered an abortion because the pregnancy is too far along.

Rose said she doubts that Beatriz actually needs to end her pregnancy in order to live. "I don't know what the doctors are advising her, but doctors have certainly been wrong," she said.

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists estimates that more than 600 women a year die from pregnancy and childbirth complications in the United States.

"Unfortunately, pregnancy is not a risk-free life event, particularly for many women with chronic medical conditions," the group said in a statement after then-Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) claimed abortions are never medically necessary. "Despite all of our medical advances, more than 600 women die each year from pregnancy and childbirth-related reasons right here in the US. In fact, many more women would die each year if they did not have access to abortion to protect their health or to save their lives."

Rose said the U.S. should look to Ireland as an example of a successful abortion ban. "Ireland is abortion free, and look at the way they've succeeded in protecting both the woman and the child," she said. "That's why Ireland has the lowest maternal mortality rate in the world."

Ireland's mortality rate may be among the lowest in the world, but the country experienced its own version of the Beatriz situation in late 2012. Savita Halappanavar, a 31-year-old woman who was 17 weeks pregnant at the time, died from an infection after doctors at a hospital in Galway refused to give her an abortion while she was experiencing severe pregnancy complications.

Rose said the consequences of abortion are worse than the consequences of requiring women to continue their pregnancies. "Think about what a late-term abortion does to a woman," she said. "We can do better than pitting the life of a mother against her child."

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I wonder what is harder on the body a C-section or a late term abortion? I'm thinking a C-section, but I'm not sure. I'm guessing an early abortion like she wanted would have been easiest, but anti-choice people do not give one shit about the quality of life when it comes to a women. They always claim to care about women, but when it comes down to it, a fetus trumps the quality of a woman's life every single time for them.

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Yeah, whatever that means. It's not pro-quality of life. It's pro-quantity of life. That's what they should call themselves instead.

No, it's not. You're being too generous. They want this woman to die. They would rather this woman die than have an abortion. That means less life, which is less quantity. They want to force women to die for their cause while they pretend that they are pro-life. They would rather have a dead woman and a dead fetus instead of just a dead fetus.

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No, it's not. You're being too generous. They want this woman to die. They would rather this woman die than have an abortion. That means less life, which is less quantity. They want to force women to die for their cause while they pretend that they are pro-life. They would rather have a dead woman and a dead fetus instead of just a dead fetus.

Your very right. but they don't really care about the fetus either. they only care about control and forcing their faith on others. of course god is fooled by such people and thinks their great. :pull-hair:

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This is why I am an atheist. You never hear about atheists forcing their beliefs on other people, causing them to die.

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Well there are douchy 'atheists' on youtubes, but they don't go and start little cults and actively churn out babies. Nor do they force the curriculum on other people.

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Well I guess that anti life person was wrong the baby did not have a brain but I guess it would not matter to her. Lets hope she has peace in her last days.

SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP) - A seriously ill woman denied a medical abortion has had a successful cesarean section to deliver a baby that doctors have given little chance of surviving, El Salvador's Health Ministry announced late Monday.

The 22-year-old woman, known only as Beatriz for privacy reasons, underwent the operation in the afternoon after 27 weeks of pregnancy, the ministry said. Her baby girl was born without a brain.

"No one can say how long she will live," Morena Herrera of the Feminist Collective for Local Development told The Associated Press. "It was painful to see the little creature. That's what the grandmother told us, and the doctors confirmed it."

The country's Supreme Court last week prohibited an abortion for Beatriz, who suffers from lupus and kidney failure and whose lawyers said the pregnancy was threatening her life. Her plight drew international attention and a ruling from the Inter-American Court on Human Rights that El Salvador should protect her life and help her end the pregnancy.

The Health Ministry stepped in late last week after the ruling and said it would allow the C-section because the pregnancy was already at 26 weeks and the country's strict abortion laws were no longer at play. Ultrasound images had indicated her fetus was developing with only a brain stem.

The Health Ministry can determine what is most medically sound for a mother versus the unborn baby and was lauded internationally for working to save the woman's life.

Doctors at the Maternity Hospital had been preparing to perform the C-section at the slightest danger signs to save Beatriz's life, said Maria Isabel Rodriguez of the health ministry.

The woman was recovering under the close watch of doctors late Monday.

El Salvador's laws prohibit all abortions, even when a woman's health is at risk. Beatriz and any doctor who terminated her pregnancy would have faced arrest and criminal charges.

A majority of judges on the high court rejected the appeal by Beatriz's lawyers, saying physical and psychological exams by the government-run Institute of Legal Medicine found that her diseases were under control and that she could continue the pregnancy.

Just as the Health Ministry was resolving the case, the Inter-American Court issued its ruling, but it no longer applied in the case.

Abortion opponents said the case was being used to press for legalized abortion in El Salvador, which has some of the toughest abortion laws in Latin America, along with Chile, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua and Suriname.

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Is it illegal there to forcibly harm yourself to induce a miscarriage? I'd be falling down stairs and doing shots

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I suspect that a woman with money or connections in that country would not be going down the hospital-must-ask-court-for-permission route.

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