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The Return of Sparkling Adventures - Merge

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I'll repost here.

Silly. I'm sure anyone would be ecstatic to have Lauren arrive to question their authenticity.

I'm surprised you're surprised she doesn't travel more. They don't travel to see new things, they travel to live in successive people's pockets. That trip to see the eclipse was the furtherest she's ever driven. Look at their time in NZ. They fly into Auckland, then hightail it north of Whangarei and stay within a 100x50 mile area.(150x75km). Same thing around Australia as far as I can tell, SE QLD, NE NSW. They'd nevery been further than 7 hours north of Brisbane before. The furtherest inland seems to be Kingaroy. In NSW they got as far as Wagga Wagga, Griffith and Narrandera, not to Mildura or Albury or Deniliquin.

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Guest Anonymous

Over on the FB discussion about dreadlocks, Lauren comments:

my friend Johnny has wispy ends that curl in a lovely way. I think that looks great too!
I wonder if he is still a contender for the role of companion and child-carer, once David is dealt with by the courts?
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Over on the FB discussion about dreadlocks, Lauren comments: I wonder if he is still a contender for the role of companion and child-carer, once David is dealt with by the courts?

I think that she and Johnny will hook up, even if her biggest reason is to have someone take care of the girls (or to get another baby).

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Guest Anonymous

I don't see her rushing to have another baby? I can see her moving away from motherhood in as definite a progression as she has moved away from the church. I think she would welcome a life companion and a carer for the existing kids though. Possibly a sexual partner too, but most certainly a new parent for the children.

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I think that now she's discovered how much work good parenting of a young baby is she won't be in a hurry to take it on again. But, if my baby died I'd want another, so it's a tossup.

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I'm not sure that she'd want another sexual partner. What with all the carry on about the drought between her and David, and some of his comments about her, I don't think she is a sexual creature.

And yes I know she has had 5 children but she probably read somewhere that you're expected to have sex for procreations sake. We all know how much she loves to follow templates with respect to how she acts and looks.

She's never seemed interested in sex at all so I can't see her going all Hellena about it now.

But if Johnny is in a wheelchair, who knows how functional he is so maybe that's a perfect solution for her -companionship, baby sitter, no sex. Sparkly.

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Lilith wrote: "My sister has actually spent time in Arnham land learning traditional weaving techniques from indigenous women. It's not like I think that aboriginal communities are no go areas. I just don't see Lauren's entitlement and the middle class privilege she drips going down well there, especially in truly disadvantaged communities."

That sounds like something I would love to do. What a wonderful opportunity!

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Everybody will be very pleased to know Lauren is getting her dreads maintained while she's in Brisbane. Cause she doesn't buy into the beauty myth and spend hours at the hairdresser like us unenlightened superficial mainstream mummies....... Just four hours (last time) having her dreads neatened and re rolled. That's longer than it takes to get my hair bleached and straightened and styled when I go blonde.

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It must be wonderful to be so open and authentic that you can face the world as you are, without spending hours every day creating a false mask for people to see instead of the real you.

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My teen finds his dreds terribly easy to maintain. He has his younger brothers trained to cut them apart when they start to uni-dred. Otherwise, he just rolls them constantly to maintain them. He would prefer I buy bee's wax for him, but he can maintain them without it as well.

Of course, he has the right hair for it and it was more dreds were the only way for him to grow his hair longer and be able to maintain it at all.

Now that David is gone, WHO watched her kids for the hours and hours she devotes to her hair care? Seriously, no child would sit and cooperate for four hours while mom gets her dreds tightened up.

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Oh, that's easy, chaotic, you just need to post a request on twitter and someone in the local area will volunteer to do it.

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She'll just take them to the salon with her and let them run wild for the four hours, all in the name of not stifling them or restricting them to the company of other children.

I bet she won't spend cash on letting them get their hair done too though, which is a pity, both because they badly need proper haircuts and because little girls (at least my daughter and others I know) usually love getting their hair done with Mummy. I often take my daughter along for a trim and a blowdry when I go to the hairdressers, just cause it makes her feel pampered and grown up and is a fun day together.

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Why did we start a new page so soon? I thought we usually went to around 100 pages?


Curious is trying to control the mega threads, so we are splitting off and locking the old one sooner.

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And she's flying back to Melbourne. That's a super quick trip, and she and the kids must be wiped out by it.

I'm very curious about exactly what prompted such a hurried, expensive, dash to Brisbane. I'm sure it's something related to David, but I can't think what. If David is going to trial or sentencing at his next court appearance and Lauren plans to be there then she'll have to start driving back up pretty soon if she wants to travel at her usual pace and with her many usual stops for companionship, food, laundries, electricity, child care etc,

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Lilith wrote: "My sister has actually spent time in Arnham land learning traditional weaving techniques from indigenous women. It's not like I think that aboriginal communities are no go areas. I just don't see Lauren's entitlement and the middle class privilege she drips going down well there, especially in truly disadvantaged communities."

That sounds like something I would love to do. What a wonderful opportunity!

:naughty: Disadvantage and poverty are so not sparkly.

(Also, Lauren and company are some of my new "favorite" bloggers. Every time I read a variation on Currawong or Hellena's names here, I actually laugh aloud. Helldong is especially amusing. Also, I like to imagine that David the Pecan Thief Waller had a sparkling adventure in "one of the most sinful cities in Australia" or however the hell he described it.)

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And she's flying back to Melbourne. That's a super quick trip, and she and the kids must be wiped out by it.

I'm very curious about exactly what prompted such a hurried, expensive, dash to Brisbane. I'm sure it's something related to David, but I can't think what. If David is going to trial or sentencing at his next court appearance and Lauren plans to be there then she'll have to start driving back up pretty soon if she wants to travel at her usual pace and with her many usual stops for companionship, food, laundries, electricity, child care etc,

Hairdresser appointment of course. Dreads as sparkling as hers can't be maintained by just anyone you know.

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And she's flying back to Melbourne. That's a super quick trip, and she and the kids must be wiped out by it.

I'm very curious about exactly what prompted such a hurried, expensive, dash to Brisbane. I'm sure it's something related to David, but I can't think what. If David is going to trial or sentencing at his next court appearance and Lauren plans to be there then she'll have to start driving back up pretty soon if she wants to travel at her usual pace and with her many usual stops for companionship, food, laundries, electricity, child care etc,

I think health crisis for him.

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I DID IT! I made it through all 150 pages of thread and the entire blog! It has been so hard to refrain from posting until I felt like I had the entire story but one of the more horrifying things I don't think anyone has mentioned yet is Lauren's original upbringing. There is a really tragic documentary about boarding schools for the kids of christian missionaries in Africa in the 1950s-1970s. They were operated much in the same way as the Hepzibah House and a ton of former students have come forward to talk about how much emotional and physical torment they suffered. I'm not sure if Lauren's actual boarding school is in this documentary, but it appears to have been a widespread problem at a majority of the third culture schools. I thought I would post it if anyone is interested in getting a different perspective.


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She was there in the eighties and nineties.

She talks about how she was ostracised cause she was pale and freckled and surrounded by American blondes. I think if her experience was an abusive hepzibah house style one she would have told us about it over and over again. She's open about blaming and resenting her parents for sending her to boarding school, I'd there were real horrors she wouldn't keep quiet.

Congrats on getting through all the threads and the blog, that's quite a feat!

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I'm betting on David's health. How else would she be able to con people out of that amount of money?

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Guest Anonymous

It has to be David-related because if it were anything she were allowed to talk about, I'm sure she would have. In her latest posts on FB she was talking about how well the children managed the appointments they had to attend, (ALL because of how sparkly and respectful Lauren is to them). Would they need appointments for a health crisis?

I was wondering if they were being assessed as part of the pre-trial work? But I know nothing really of these things.

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Just wanted to interject, Lauren's hair was extremely enviable pre dreads. It wouldn't have been a barrier to entering an alternative community anyway. She could have sold it for a wig and been alternative with a shaved head, if she wants to eschew all things superficial. I know it isn't in the hippy manual she is following but gee, she is rather

unimaginative for someone so 'creative'.

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