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Frothy is at it again.


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I don't know all the background but there is generally a fear amongst some conservatives that the UN is trying to enforce a NWO (New World Order) and be a World Police so to speak.

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" I don't know all the background but there is generally a fear amongst some conservatives that the UN is trying to enforce a NWO (New World Order) and be a World Police so to speak."

This just confirm how wackadoodle Frothy is. This is part of the same set of right-wing fringe conspiracy theories that claim the ebil UN is out to de-populate the world by 80% for teh ebil left elites. They're gonna force everyone into the cities, kill off all dissenters and make food illegal, y'all. Their plans are right out there for everyone to see in the Denver airport and on the Georgia Guidestones.

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Too bad you can't mail tinfoil, I could make him a really snazzy hat and I bet he'd wear it, too.

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Yeah, I'm not sure why the Republican party have so many paranoid right-wingers. The Left also has its share of conspiracy nuts but they seem to not populate as many top positions in government.

I kind of know where Santorum's is getting his comments from. The idea is that Evil Socialism will result in "death panels" run by bureaucrats who will determine who lives and who dies. Of course, since society is controlled by Socialist Atheists, the sick and disabled and old people will die in droves. This kind of ties in to the "life is sacred" movement which include euthanasia and abortion. With encroaching socialism, Santorum's reasoning is that this is only a stepping stone to giving up all autonomy to a larger political power, which is viewed as the UN. Plus, the UN champions dangerously liberal ideas like women's rights and children's rights.

Yes, it sounds like a whole lot of crazy but a small minority in this country believe in this stuff. It's just weird that these fringe ideas have found such fertile ground in mainstream politics. The irony is that as politicians like Santorum continue to fight to prevent medical coverage of Americans in the name of "personal responsibility", he does institute a type of death panel....by medical negligence, denied access to care and lack of medicine. And instead of those atheist socialist appointed bureaucrats determining the value of a life, it's the insurance company who has to look at the yearly profit earnings.

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Oh, Frothy. You couldn't snag a spot as a pundit with a respectable or at least a mainstream conservative publication, could you? Fox News wouldn't return your calls? Now you've washed up at the crackpottiest of all crackpot websites, WND. I'm embarrassed for you.

My favorite line in his little essay? The opening:

Amid all the media frenzy concerning the fiscal cliff and the drumbeat to increase taxes, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has scheduled a vote on another objective of progressives – ceding our sovereignty to the United Nations.

Yes, that's exactly what Senator Reid wants to do: hand everything over to the UN. Traitor. You're on to him.

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I don't know all the background but there is generally a fear amongst some conservatives that the UN is trying to enforce a NWO (New World Order) and be a World Police so to speak.

Evangelical Christians believe that "one world government" is a sign of living in the end times. So the UN makes them very nervous. Personally, I think they see what they want to see to "prove" that their nutty beliefs have some merit. Have they actually noticed that the UN is a notoriously weak organization? Rwanda? Syria? Kosovo? And the US routinely ignores UN resolutions whenever it suits our agenda. I hardly think that counts as "one world government."

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Yeah, I'm not sure why the Republican party have so many paranoid right-wingers. The Left also has its share of conspiracy nuts but they seem to not populate as many top positions in government.

I kind of know where Santorum's is getting his comments from. The idea is that Evil Socialism will result in "death panels" run by bureaucrats who will determine who lives and who dies. Of course, since society is controlled by Socialist Atheists, the sick and disabled and old people will die in droves. This kind of ties in to the "life is sacred" movement which include euthanasia and abortion. With encroaching socialism, Santorum's reasoning is that this is only a stepping stone to giving up all autonomy to a larger political power, which is viewed as the UN. Plus, the UN champions dangerously liberal ideas like women's rights and children's rights.

Yes, it sounds like a whole lot of crazy but a small minority in this country believe in this stuff. It's just weird that these fringe ideas have found such fertile ground in mainstream politics. The irony is that as politicians like Santorum continue to fight to prevent medical coverage of Americans in the name of "personal responsibility", he does institute a type of death panel....by medical negligence, denied access to care and lack of medicine. And instead of those atheist socialist appointed bureaucrats determining the value of a life, it's the insurance company who has to look at the yearly profit earnings.

This. A million times.

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Oh, Frothy. You couldn't snag a spot as a pundit with a respectable or at least a mainstream conservative publication, could you? Fox News wouldn't return your calls? Now you've washed up at the crackpottiest of all crackpot websites, WND. I'm embarrassed for you.

Well, I guess we know what His Smugness will be reading from now on. I wonder if anyone in his entourage will have the heart to quietly point out that WND is not reputable even among conservatives. I kind of hope they don't...

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