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Genuinely PISSED - Obamacare


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Well I knew I should have stayed away from Facebook today but like an idiot I checked my feed and my sister-in law just really pissed me off. She's going on and on about Obamacare and how anyone who voted for Obama must be a Godless heathen with absolutely no morals. I voted for Obama not because I'm a super-feminist or because I'm a Welfare Queen as she and some of my husbands family like to call us even though my husband work a fulltime job plus overtime, weekends and most any holiday where the factory isn't completely closed. He usually volunteers to do maintance jobs around the factory during his week off for the 4th and if he's not doing that he's helping her husband at his business during his vacations, so yeah we sit back and collect a check every month. But what really pissed me off is that my best friend has multiple health issues and right this minute she is sitting in a hospital because she has having multiple seizures for the past three weeks. My friend has no health insurance her husband's employer's insurance denied her previous to Obamacare, and because of all the procedures and hospitalizations she had before Obamacare creditors have garnished her husbands wages right now they are scraping by on a paycheck that after the garnishment is less than $300.00 dollars a week. My friend didn't ask to draw the short end of the stick in the major health problems lottery, she just happens to have some amazingly bad genetics.

My friend is a good Christian woman and maybe just a bit fundie-lite in some of her thinking, but she's also the type of person who does things like take in a girl from the Girl Scout troop she leads whose mother was so abusive and neglectful that the kid started refering to my friend as her new mommy, because she actually loves me. My friend and her husband are getting no extra money from the state, but are stretching thier already limited resources to try to help a child in true need. The kid's mother is a meth addict, and her daddy is in prison the mom gave my friend gaurdianship without batting an eyelash. She's a good person who certainly does not deserve the disdain of people who consider her a lazy drain on society because she just recently had to apply for disability, because her seizures have become so frequent that the doctors sent a letter to the DMV to suspend her drivers license until she has been seizure free for six months.

I'm just really pissed I may not be a Christian I do happen to follow another path and worship a different God but that doesn't mean I have no moral compass or that I can't tell right from wrong. I voted with my beliefs just as my sister-in-law did but my beliefs include generousity and loyalty to your friends. In voting for Obama I was being a loyal friend she has a need Obama seems to genuinely care about, so out of loyalty to my friend I voted for the candidate I felt would be most likely to do something positive for her situation. I guess if that makes me a horrible, godless, evildoer I can live with that title.

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I know what you mean. I saw all the facebook feeds this morning: "I can't believe people turned their back on God" and all of that nonsense. They need to get out their gospels and read them. I mean it. Jesus was scathing to the rich who lived for themselves. He loved and cared for the poor and protected women from being stoned. Etc. Etc. The republican party has gotten so far right they don't even make any sense anymore. They are anti-abortion but won't support birth control..hello? They are anti-Obama care but won't support the sick who can't help their predicament. I know people who work and aren't even on the dole but cannot afford to get health insurance and a medical situation such as you have described could put them into complete financial ruin. How is providing healthcare for the young, the sick, the elderly....ungodly or unbiblical???? I feel your pain.

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I just don't get their thinking why is making sure everyone has healthcare such a horrible idea to them? I bet they'd be glad of it if something were to happen and they needed it. The truly stupid thing is my brother and sister-in-law don't have health insurance themselves because they can't afford it. What worries me is my brother-in-law had me check his blood sugar last year it was over 400. Maybe he'll change his mind about Obamacare when he goes blind and starts losing toes.

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Maybe she hates Obama because ObamaCare carries with it the suggestion that she is one of those people who could benefit from a government hand, just like all those people she's looked down on all these years.

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What pisses me off is that I AM a christian, and I am looked down upon for my liberal beliefs more than the "ungodly" people on FB. Because I should know better or something. I see so many passive aggressive comments with the theme: "you can vote for whoever you want, but I personally am going to vote for the one christians are supposed to vote for..."

I apply my religion to MY life, and I dont feel I have the right to legislate others into my religious views.

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And my mom, who is super fundie, said she was against obamacare of course. I asked her, do you really think Jesus would be AGAINST healthcare for people? And she said YES. Because government is not supposed to do such things. I mean really, I dont think Jesus has a political party, but I cant see Him being against healthcare. Or taking care of the poor, or elderly. In fact I seem to remember Him talking extensively about it.

But I digress.

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Maybe she hates Obama because ObamaCare carries with it the suggestion that she is one of those people who could benefit from a government hand, just like all those people she's looked down on all these years.

I think this is it. There are very few people who won't benefit from government mandated insurance. Of course, they'd benefit a lot more from a single payer system, but I'm guessing this is about the best you guys will ever get, which is kind of sad really. No one comes out ahead when their access to healthcare is contingent on either being employed in a job that provides it, or being able to afford to pay independent of employment. Either way, unless you're incredibly wealthy, you're absolutely stuffed.

What's wrong with just admitting that most people need a hand up at some point in their lives? Unless you're born into privilege, you're not going to get anywhere without accepting some form of assistance.

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I get so tired of people thinking they know what god wants and they are always in agreement with god on what they want and do.I am sorry people Your beliefs are yours not gods. This could be what god wants and how would you know if it is not? I am sure god does not follow a 2000 year old manual.

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I know what you mean. I saw all the facebook feeds this morning: "I can't believe people turned their back on God" and all of that nonsense. They need to get out their gospels and read them. I mean it. Jesus was scathing to the rich who lived for themselves. He loved and cared for the poor and protected women from being stoned. Etc. Etc. The republican party has gotten so far right they don't even make any sense anymore. They are anti-abortion but won't support birth control..hello? They are anti-Obama care but won't support the sick who can't help their predicament. I know people who work and aren't even on the dole but cannot afford to get health insurance and a medical situation such as you have described could put them into complete financial ruin. How is providing healthcare for the young, the sick, the elderly....ungodly or unbiblical???? I feel your pain.

This! And also:

And my mom, who is super fundie, said she was against obamacare of course. I asked her, do you really think Jesus would be AGAINST healthcare for people? And she said YES. Because government is not supposed to do such things. I mean really, I dont think Jesus has a political party, but I cant see Him being against healthcare. Or taking care of the poor, or elderly. In fact I seem to remember Him talking extensively about it.

But I digress.

:shock: Where in the bible does it say that government is not supposed to provide things like healthcare? And if it's not the job of the government, then whom? I don't remember anywhere in the bible saying it's my employer's responsibility instead. Like others wrote, I do remember the gospels of the bible stating to take care of the sick, the poor, etc. By paying taxes so that my government can ensure that this happens, how is that unbiblical?

edited to make a sentence a little less muddled

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Guest Anonymous
I get so tired of people thinking they know what god wants and they are always in agreement with god on what they want and do.I am sorry people Your beliefs are yours not gods. This could be what god wants and how would you know if it is not? I am sure god does not follow a 2000 year old manual.

Thank goodness society moves forward or else we'd still do some of these things. http://www.cracked.com/article_15669_th ... story.html

Back when the world had few enough humans that we were an endangered species it made sense to ban gay sex under penalty of death and to make people go off and have babies so we didn't die out. Desperate times in the world (we do the same thing with animals in zoos today to make sure species don't die out and so many people would be pissed if we let animals die if they could be saved, so why argue for letting humans die out?). But it's 2,000 years later, we are in no danger at all of going extinct, and gay people and people in general don't need to be made to procreate. Times have changed, we beat possible extinction. There were old rules against eating certain kinds of meat because of people dying and they didn't know it was from some kinds of parasites that could only be killed cooking at a high heat for a while. But look how many people love bacon on Sunday mornings. Earth 2,000 years ago is the exact opposite of Earth today.

Chuck the bible.

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I've said this a thousand times I have no problem with Jesus he was a wonderful person it's his so called followers that piss me off to no end. Jesus helped people because he cared not so that he could lord it over them, or coerce them into accepting him. Jesus never asked what the lepers had done on their own to cure their leporsy or what they had done to deserve it he just healed them. He never asked the economic circumstances of the multitude he just fed them. Jesus knew the lifestory of the woman at the well and forgave her. When the women caught in adultery was brought to him he showed her mercy pointing out to the crowd who wanted to stone her that they all had sinned and that her sin was no worse than theirs despite what todays fundies might believe. Jesus had a kind, gentle, accepting personality he hung out with the very types of people his so called followers in the fundie community wouldn't be caught dead associating with. For all their self-righteous prattle about how godly they are they are so full of hatred that one can only ask where's the love, joy, generosity, kindness, meekness, patience and mercy. Chastity and modesty are not going to get them into heaven if they are mean, condescending, spiteful, hateful, greedy people. Without realizing it they have become just like the Pharisees Jesus despised so much

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I will be honest about something. In politics I tend to lean to the right in some things more than I have realized in the past but that could also be because there's a huge difference from my vision of free healthcare coming from a poor country filled with corruption and what not. That being said I want to add that if I lived in the US where tax dollars actually DON'T go to the president's retirement funds and go to the people and their needs (mostly, however you put it you can't compare our cxountries in that aspect) I just don't understand how people casn be against helping those in need. This is what baffles me about fundies in general! I would personally never take money from the government here or anywhere else but that's my opwn personal issue and I can work, unlike some people I personally know... And isn't being charitable and nice the BASIS of Christianism. I don't get it.. I am really baffled by it all! I am seriously just awed at the amount of bullcrap from Christians! It reminds me, once again, that being religious does not a GOOD PERSON make. I think I am a better person with all my faults than 90% of the Christians I've been associated with!

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Facebook today was horrible. I decided to hide some people from my news feed, just don't want to continue seeing their nastiness.

I hide people often. I try to be proactive about it. So if someone starts discussing one of those things that push my buttons, they are forever hidden. :) Plus people post such annoying self serving updates constantly. I really may discontinue my FB.

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