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Young fundie male bloggers?


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Especially women educated enough to know about all of the following concepts and apply them to his particular brand of theism:

The big bang theory, the fine-tuning argument, galactic habitability, stellar habitability, terrestrial habitability, light element abundances, cosmic microwave background radiation, specified complexity, Dembski’s explanatory filter, amino acid sequencing, the double helix, the Cambrian explosion, chirality, cross-reactions and peptide bonds, the deductive and inductive problems of evil, the is-ought fallacy, objective and subjective morality, the reformer’s dilemma, detailed knowledge of world religions, and the Judith Jarvis Thompson violinist argument.

Besides reading like the Libertarian version of the Encyclopedia Brittanica, a broad education tends to result in some open-mindedness, something his ideal wife would not possess.

What a catch, well-educated and intelligent ladies! The line starts... uh... wherever, I guess.

The sad (well, sadder) thing is that there aren't likely to be any fundie women educated even to his admittedly shitty standards, except maybe some trad Catholics.

Look at the difference between these young man and the SAHDs we look at here: the first are all earnest theology and discussion, the more Chestertonean or Buckleyan ones even cussing a little or mentioning the booze they drink, the second are all ~*tee hee hearts and flowers A DELICATE SOUL WAITING FOR HER PERFECT MAN*~. They may as well be posting from different counties because, in some very real ways, they are.

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