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Bad homeschooling situation continued


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I wrote about this situation here;


To recap;

This is regarding a post from the Christian Homeschoolers Forum. A member there had been asked by a family friend to help with homeschooling his kids. Family friend is a single dad with 6 (6!) kids that he wanted this woman to help him with.

It appeared that the six kids have an adult sister who is stuck with doing the homeschooling, however it doesn't sound like she is doing much, or isn't sure what to do, or doesn't want to homeschool these kids.

Anyway, the woman who agreed to help homeschool these 6 kids (along with her own) is now having issues, no surprise. It doesn't appear much schooling is going on apart from the one day a week this poster is working with these kids.

Wonder how long before poster either; a) Gets roped into teaching these kids full time, or b) Gets tired of being taken advantage of by this single dad and tells dad to teach his own kids, or, better yet, send them to school.

Anyway, here is the latest on this situation;

http://chfweb.com/index.php?t=msg&th=82 ... fb21b18367

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Sounds like the sister is either unmotivated to homeschool and/or just is out of her depth in terms of the organization and management that goes into it. Her situation is not unlike that of a teacher in a one room schoolhouse.

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Oh good. More "great" press for homeschool. Let me guess, Dad barely earns a living. Big sis is sick of being Mom. Kids have never really been taught to read but can fold laundry like pros? Wow. Just wow.

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Dad and big sis are unwilling or incapable of roping in the younger kids and actually enforcing schooling. This family friend is trying, but if she only get the kids once a week, there's only so much she can do. In this case, the kids are being done a disservice and should probably be put in school.

I am not against homeschooling in the slightest, but this situation is clearly not working.

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There is no SAHP. Oldest daughters do not count as parents, no matter what the Fundies say. Homeschooling will not work here. The kids need to be in a school, an accredited school. Do people like this ever think about what their kids really need?

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There is no SAHP. Oldest daughters do not count as parents, no matter what the Fundies say. Homeschooling will not work here. The kids need to be in a school, an accredited school. Do people like this ever think about what their kids really need?

No. It's all about their belief system. The children's happiness, education, mental health are always going to be sacrificed to ideological purity. Doesn't matter if your Helena and Currawong or a Christian fundementalist fruitcake, the theories you espouse are more important than the actual people they impact.

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I'm in college studying to be a teaccher, and there us a lot that goes into it. Even teaching 6 kids requires a lot of management and organization skills. Teaching is nothing like preaching, and it is most definitely not about stroking the parents' egos. You have to be aware of your students' needs. And thats the toughest.

A 23 year old SAHD is not automatically a good teacher, even if she is teaching her own siblings. She should be going to college or working, doing something she wants to do. She's probably such of being the junior helpmeet, and I'm hoping the reason her dad is in this bind is because she told him that she is a sister, not a parent and that does not automatically make her Teacher of the Year. Free the anonymous junior helpmeet! If she isn't already free...

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