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What movies CAN the Duggars watch?


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National Velvet: Independent GIRL

Independent girl who wins an athletic competition, urged on by her mother, who funds her with the money she won as a girl, swimming the English Channel, and that her husband always respected as her money and not "theirs."

Velvet cuts her hair short and passes as a boy, and is only discovered when she passes out and the male doctor discovers she's female.

I think that one's out. :D

"Yours, Mine and Ours" - the original

Lots of voice-overs about the adult characters wanting sex, teenage girls discussing liasons and affairs when their mother starts dating, a teen being pressured to have sex, and a scene in which the teenage boys get Lucille Ball's character roaring drunk to humiliate her.

Oh, and probably worst of all, to Gothardites, this line, when they go to see the judge to adopt one another's children, and the judge asks how Ball's character can do it all, when his wife has only two children, a maid and other help, and still can't manage their home.

She replies that it takes "a little love, a little discipline and (looking sharply at the judge) a husband who doesn't criticize."


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That wasn't allowed at our house because the kids were disrespectful.

But the disrespectful kids all ended up in seriously deep shit while the one respectful little boy inherited the kingdom.

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The Duggars continuing to censor their childrens' viewing and reading choices is a joke when they are happy enough for them to travel around the world having guided tour round places like Stonehenge, and being exposed to other cultures and lifestyles firsthand. As we've seen with Josh and his widescreen TV, they're not going to be able to dictate to them forever (well, maybe they will with the unmarried daughters). I find it sickening that they are so scared of their kids forming their ideas and making their own choices. I'm not talking about letting a four year old watch a horror movie - just maybe something with the odd magic wand and a bit of excitement.

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What about McGee and Me?Possibly Last Chance Detectives. I'm sure they can listen to Adventures in Odyssey too.

Would I Love Lucy be allowed? If you think about it, it does have a "men are superior to women" undertone (ex- Lucy and Ethel screw somehting up, Ricky and Fred fix it. All is well.) Or would Lucy and Ethel be too strong (read- stubborn) for the Duggars and other fundies?

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Seriously... it's TERRIBLE. That is ALL we were allowed to watch when we got to watch movies at school. This was public school, mind you! Seriously? It got old a couple minutes into the first viewing. Cheesy crap. I used it as an opportunity to catch a nap or read. Haha

Holy God, I forgot about The Buttercream Gang. If any movie ever made me have an outburst in school.....I swear. Who can watch that crap?

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They can watch "The Sound of Music"? But there is premarital kissing in there! The captain kisses Maria before he marries her. Even Liesl and her boyfriend share a brief peck in one scene. Sounds very suspect to me.

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Holy God, I forgot about The Buttercream Gang. If any movie ever made me have an outburst in school.....I swear. Who can watch that crap?

my son brought that crap home from school and i can't even stand to eat buttercream frosting anymore!

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Holy God, I forgot about The Buttercream Gang. If any movie ever made me have an outburst in school.....I swear. Who can watch that crap?

my son brought that crap home from school and i can't even stand to eat buttercream frosting anymore!

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What about McGee and Me?Possibly Last Chance Detectives. I'm sure they can listen to Adventures in Odyssey too.

Most of the McGee and Me episodes would probably be okay.

Last Chance Detective talks about "desert big foots" and aliens. So that's out.

I'm sure they could watch the adventures in Odyssey episodes they sell on tape/DVD! Those are all clean and Christian-oriented.

Those are actually all good series, but some of the Last Chance Detectives would be too "mythical" or some nonsense like that.

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I wonder what kind of video games they play, too. I mean, someone who had visited the house once posted here about how they have a video game system in the playroom. And I remember Jed once mentioning that he prefers playing outside and doing his camera stuff to playing video games, saying something like 'and video games aren't very good, anyway'.

I've always wondered what games they could even play. I'm sure if they played games of any real quality he might not say they weren't good (I love video games and have played lots of amazing ones, there's seriously a game out there for everyone imho), but they must be so restrictive on what their kids can play. I can't even think of any that would be acceptable. I just looked through the games I brought with me for school (for DS and PSP); I have probably 25 games with me and there's no way the Duggars would let their kids play a single one of them.

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What about Mary Poppins? There shouldn't be anything in there the Duggars can't see, except the dancing...and I think my favorite scene from that movie is when the chimney sweeps are all doing the Step in Time dance....that, and Dick Van Dyke dancing with the penguins, is a close second.

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What about Mary Poppins? There shouldn't be anything in there the Duggars can't see, except the dancing...and I think my favorite scene from that movie is when the chimney sweeps are all doing the Step in Time dance....that, and Dick Van Dyke dancing with the penguins, is a close second.

I don't think they'd approve of Mary Poppins because of all that evil magic ;)

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I really laughed thinking of the myriad reasons that the Duggars could not watch Annie. Dancing, disobedient children, and the whole political setting. Especially if you are talking about the play, with big musical numbers like Hooverville. And there is the implication that before FDR and his evil socialist programs, things were not all cross-stitched cushions and cream-laden desserts for most people.

(I know those of you who are friends with me on Facebook are sick of hearing about Annie... I swear, you have only a little more than two months and then I will shut up about it!)

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I wonder what kind of video games they play, too. I mean, someone who had visited the house once posted here about how they have a video game system in the playroom. And I remember Jed once mentioning that he prefers playing outside and doing his camera stuff to playing video games, saying something like 'and video games aren't very good, anyway'.

I've always wondered what games they could even play. I'm sure if they played games of any real quality he might not say they weren't good (I love video games and have played lots of amazing ones, there's seriously a game out there for everyone imho), but they must be so restrictive on what their kids can play. I can't even think of any that would be acceptable. I just looked through the games I brought with me for school (for DS and PSP); I have probably 25 games with me and there's no way the Duggars would let their kids play a single one of them.

A lot of Wii type games are pretty benign and would not necessarily hold the interest of a tween. Those would probably be acceptable. I think one of the parentables also mentioned the boys play that flight-simulator thing sometimes, so they might be counting that as a video game, too.

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Lucy Ricardo sometimes wears pants and does things without asking permission. Nope.

And Winnie the Pooh does NOT wear pants!!! All that defrauding bear bum!

Listened to their "singing". I am a music teacher. I want to kidnap the children and teach them SO BAD RIGHT NOW YOU GUYS. That was just shouting somewhat on pitch, except for the person who did the harmonic descant. I hope she is the one teaching music lessons, because then maybe there is hope.

But don't worry, they won't get a recording contract and go on the road--at least not for long. That's vocal nodes just a waiting to happen.

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Listened to their "singing". I am a music teacher. I want to kidnap the children and teach them SO BAD RIGHT NOW YOU GUYS. That was just shouting somewhat on pitch, except for the person who did the harmonic descant. I hope she is the one teaching music lessons, because then maybe there is hope.

I'm pretty sure it's Jana who did the descant. Whoever it was has a great voice, though!

I think a bunch of them could be good, but they just need to get some training.

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They can't watch the Brady Bunch because the kids went out on dates, Marcia, Jan, and Cindy wore slacks, and Greg played rock and roll. Oh noes!

Can't watch Leave it to Beaver cuz the Beaver stuck his tongue out during a class picture, and then there is Eddie Haskell.

Nope on Little House on the Prairie cuz Miss Beadle was unmarried and had a career.

No to the Waltons cuz John and Olivia actually wanted the kids to go to college.

Nope to Happy Days cuz the Fonz was a bad influence, and Joanie was a cheerleader.

How about Bonanza, Gunsmoke, Make Room for Daddy, Father Knows Best, and Howdy Doody?

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They should be able to watch Apollo 13. No wait can't do that takes place back in 1970 where women wore short skirts alot.

How about Brian's Song?

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They do watch Little House on the Prairie, the girls have mentioned in before. And I feel like they have mentioned the Waltons, too.

Remember, they want to keep up the pretense that their kids would be allowed to go to college, so they can't always cut shows on that basis alone ;)

I'm sure they wouldn't be allowed to watch the Brady Bunch or Happy Days, though. No way.

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Jinger is interested in still photography. Some of the little boys are interested in film. Question to people here who have formal training in these arts: how far is it possible to advance in a field when you are severely limited in what you're allowed to view? Do g rated films have the sort of awesome production values that would provide examples/ inspiration for a young kid who wanted to make that his profession? All the evil secular people I know who are into some creative visual art form are always saying that you must see this or that 'great work' to understand/ appreciate x and y.

The fundies who work for Kirk Cameron & the 'big time' fundie film fest stuff seem to be people who got their start in the secular world and then converted to the crazy. And their work still seems to suck, although I'm not a competent judge - they look one step up from home movies to me. The fundie kid work looks even worse. Another thing, when the Botkins and some other VF boys went to Egypt to scream in a mosque or some nonsense, one of them made a promotional visual that was pretty much a replica of the Indiana Jones movie posters. IIRC, they were called out on that on their blog but it was laughed off as unimportant, a silly 'attack' by non -believers. Could they be sued by Lucas Films for something like that? What if it was only indirectly used to promote/ sell their own ministry or products?

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They can watch "The Sound of Music"? But there is premarital kissing in there! The captain kisses Maria before he marries her. Even Liesl and her boyfriend share a brief peck in one scene. Sounds very suspect to me.

There is also dancing, and children defying their father. There is also the "I am 16 going on 17" number which features the daughter alone with a boy in a gazebo. And to top it all off the oldest daughters don't take care of everything, that's why they had to hire Maria in the first place!

Oh, and I'm going to bet that the Catholic references are a big no-no too.

The movies that the Duggars watch have to be mirror images of the lives they lead. But, their lives are dull as dishwater... so who would make a movie about characters just like them? Its sad and stunted to require that everything you see, read, and hear has to back up the crazy philosophy you live by. To me movies, books, and music are a window into how others live. But, when you decide that the way other people live is a sin and therefore unwelcome in your lives in any way shape or form there's nothing left for you to see, read, or hear.

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Guest Anonymous
They can't watch the Brady Bunch because the kids went out on dates, Marcia, Jan, and Cindy wore slacks, and Greg played rock and roll. Oh noes!

Can't watch Leave it to Beaver cuz the Beaver stuck his tongue out during a class picture, and then there is Eddie Haskell.

Nope on Little House on the Prairie cuz Miss Beadle was unmarried and had a career.

No to the Waltons cuz John and Olivia actually wanted the kids to go to college.

Nope to Happy Days cuz the Fonz was a bad influence, and Joanie was a cheerleader.

How about Bonanza, Gunsmoke, Make Room for Daddy, Father Knows Best, and Howdy Doody?

Gunsmoke would never pass muster-Miss Kitty owned her own business and had no headship.

Howdy Doody would DEFINITELY fail-Clarabelle The Clown was male.

Make Room For Daddy? Nope, Danny Thomas' character often defied his Uncle Tonoose, the patriarch of his family.

Bonanza-maybe, since even the Cartwright sons in their early 30s still deferred to their father.

Father Knows Best-probably. The title says it all.

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As for video games, wasn't there Makaziville (sp?).

I wonder if the Duggars ever realize that a good number of the actresses playing SAHMs in the 1950s sitcoms and dramas were full-time working actresses with children.

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But the disrespectful kids all ended up in seriously deep shit while the one respectful little boy inherited the kingdom.

I know that now as an adult. As a kid any media that showed disrespectful kids was banned for the same logic as those idiots who are "if you give them condoms they'll be sluts". If we saw a kid acting out obviously it would immediately plant in our mind that we could too and then the whole world would go to hell in a handbasket.

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