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What is the craziest thing you'd do for Jesus?


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Can I gay polygamously marry you emmie?

Why of course! We will need a few Uriahs for the harem we are acquiring this weekend.

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We moved from our beautiful suburban home into an economically depressed downtown of a Canadian city that others can't wait to move out of. We moved here to love some inner city kids and to be of some use. The headship is leaving the corporate world and a comfy salary to be a bus driver so he can bring some humour and a smile to the marginalized people he has grown to love.

I've been "economically depressed" for much of my life. Do you know what poor folk need? MONEY. Not cheery bus drivers who have "grown to love" (wtf?) them. Why not tell your husband to keep his good job and use some of that money to actually help the poor? Anonymously.

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We moved from our beautiful suburban home into an economically depressed downtown of a Canadian city that others can't wait to move out of. We moved here to love some inner city kids and to be of some use. The headship is leaving the corporate world and a comfy salary to be a bus driver so he can bring some humour and a smile to the marginalized people he has grown to love.

You fail to recognize the privilege you have regardless of your 'sacrifices'. Hell you sold your suburban home, have money in the bank (ergo economic security) and a safety net. Chances are you have pensions and savings too that you haven't donated. Nest eggs go pretty far when posing as some righteous person going out to the void of the city to walk the walk of the Jman.

I'm with Emmie D on this. I'm poor, I'm a senior citizen. When I read crap like this post of yours I get all stabby.

ETA: You also have the privilege of posting this from a computer that you likely own and an internet connection that you can afford to pay for.

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Well, if you used my exact words, you can point out that I did not say all Christians, just right wing ones. It always amazes me that no matter how someone modifies critical statements about Christians, right wing/evangelicals/conservatives will get offended. If someone said that extremists nonChristians were doing something negative, I would assume that they weren't including me in the group. After all, I'm not an extremist. As long as the person isn't judging all nonChristians by those few, I wouldn't feel the need to point out that there are many good people who disbelieve in Jesus.

My spell check is not working today. Sorry about the mistakes

I said the Christians I know, not all Christians but because apparently that wasn't clear enough I got told I was judgemental towards Christians. I know lots of Christians are decent people, I just happen to know a lot who aren't. I find it funny that the religious people I know are the most judgemental. I think a lot of people in the Anglican church are part of the Conservative party but I'm not sure if that's factual or something I've dreamt up on my own observations.

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Screw that, I would take him to pride and perhaps a gay bar.

Wearing a dress, he could be mistaken for a drag queen! We'd have to do something with that beard, though. :mrgreen:

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Methinks Jesus would not be pleased at *all* that a fucked up, ego-tastic, shaming, "sin and be damned" religion sprang up in his name and that so many of its followers are trying to take over the planet like a horde of crazed zombies. Humble dude never asked to be worshiped, and only wanted to help (plus I don't think he had, or ever claimed to have, any special powers, and was just a simple guy trying to spread a message of hope, nothing more).

I'd like to bring him back to see if he could stop the bloated bastardization of his name that has taken place... but I doubt it would help. No crayzee like Steve Maxwell is going to believe that the real Jesus would come back, tap him on the shoulder, and say, "Excuse me, but you have REALLY fucked up. We need to have a talk and straighten this out NOW." People of that ilk would laugh him off as a fake because he wouldn't fit their warped and self-serving ideas of who Jesus really is. So I think I'll leave him to history and let the poor guy be. He's been through enough.

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Absolutely nothing i don't follow the camp of jesus is God. I would educate him on what has been going on for the last 2000+ years and i would definately show him FJ! Frankly i think he would dump a brick under his robe when he sees what people have turned him into.

As for moving to the inner city , keep your job buy a simple home and help people with th ecash you can provide. Create funds for education, food, buy land and teach people how to grow food. Help them achieve things in life but don't preach, inspire.

A friend of ours has been doing many things for First Nation kids his whole adult life and has always found ways to help them learn new things that could help the tribe as a whole.

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Somehow I suspect Jesus is in heaven facepalming at the actions of fundies and mumbling something that sounds suspiciously like "Father I wish they would STOP doing crazy things in my name."

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Jesus...Christ.... .Klondike Barrr....

Well, that's going to be stuck in my head well into the evening now. :lol:

I too like the idea of introducing a time-warped Jesus to his more extreme followers. Just to watch them go all God Warrior on the hippie.

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I don't know your story (Heck, I haven't even read this whole thread!) but I'm going to suggest you don't do that. As much as we inner city-dwellers are lepers, crying out for your magic Jesus touch, I don't think your intensely patronizing,* moving-to-a-neighbourhood-as-charity approach is going to be met with much of a positive response.

*I base my use of the word "patronizing" on this little gem:

QFT. What the fuck.

Um, you do realise, wallfly, that us povvos are people too? I live on a council estate which is a byword in Edinburgh for "broke or drug dealers, don't go there past 5pm at night". I also live with comrades who claim benefits (welfare) and we nick stuff out of bins to eat. Strangely however we still manage to smile and laugh, even without Christians to show us how.

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Having totally not read the whole thread. But answering the question . Nothing. If he wants me to do something crazy not gonna happen. If he has a problem with my Scottish no bullshit approach we can discuss it when we meet. If his Dad made me in his image they should know this :p

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Look. If you want to move to this neighborhood because for whatever reasons you like it and the people, then do it. But don't do it because "oh, those poor poor people, they need us to come in and be all nicey-nice to them because they must be sooooo unhappy." They live in that area because it is what they can afford, because due to various very complex circumstances they lack a lot of the resources, monetary and otherwise, that you have. They are not stupid. Being patronizing to them is going to get you nowhere. Perhaps if you make this move and you don't put up walls between you and them and manage to become part of the community you might find a way where you can be helpful to the community, but you can't walk in being all, "I'm here to HELP YOU poor unhappy folks!" and expect a good response.

I am super-sensitive to patronization. Please, don't do it. Ever.

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Ask not what you can do for Jesus, but what Jesus can do for you. And lo, Jesus descendeth to Maude's house where, with a snap of his fingers, her housework was thus done...and she acquired an in-ground swimming pool.

Short answer: Nothing. :D

ETA: I'd also like to echo what DistantStar and others have said.

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We moved from our beautiful suburban home into an economically depressed downtown of a Canadian city that others can't wait to move out of. We moved here to love some inner city kids and to be of some use. The headship is leaving the corporate world and a comfy salary to be a bus driver so he can bring some humour and a smile to the marginalized people he has grown to love.

As someone who teaches special education in an economically depressed inner city, I would advise you use the money you got from selling your "comfy" home to donate to schools and/or set up college funds for students. Sure, it's nice to have a cheerful bus driver, but that won't help children like my students. Our school is so underfunded that I have already put in over $1500 of my own money for my classroom. I'm not complaining because I love what I do, but I started the school year with a classroom with two tables, 10 chairs, three bookshelves, and a boxed reading program. No pencils. No pretty posters. No markers for my whiteboards. No math materials. No adaptive materials for my 8 students--all of whom have severe disabilities. I was given $100 from the district for supplies. That went toward two large adaptive calculators, one with a large screen for a student with low vision, and one with big buttons for a student with fine motor difficulties.

Sorry for the rant. I guess my point is that it's great to want to help, and smiles are nice, but that won't really help people. What will help people is to provide them with resources. Smiles don't educate children. Smiles don't provide medical and dental care. Smiles don't provide 3 meals a day. Resources (which you can provide with a smile) do.

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Not to mention that it reaks of missionary bullshit.

Listen, Wallfly, I am poor and I can verify that smiles are free. We poor people smile and laugh and love. Every weekend, assholes proselytizers descend on my building to bring us the joy of fucking Christ. I am actually thrilled with my life right now. My biggest stressors are money and medical school drama.

The best thing you could do would be to keep the high-paying career and donate to causes that will give the tangible help people need. Of course you won't be able pat yourself on the back or cry in big black Jan Crouch tears of sympathy, but you will be giving them something they don't already have.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

If either of you really want to help, educate yourselves about what these people REALLY need, ie. job training, education, etc.


Evil "inner city" dweller

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I suppose the craziest thing I can do I already did- convert to Judaism. Though that wasn't for Jesus so much as it was to get away from him. No offense, I'm sure he was a lovely guy and all, but the belief system surrounding the guy? Thanks, but no thanks.

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Dammit. Now I have "what would you dooOOOooo?? ...for your Jesus Christ" to the tune of the Klondike ad, in my head.

Me too. I feel your pain. :( Only difference is I have it as "what you do, what would you do, what would you doooooo, for a Jesus bar"

Sigh :lol: :roll:

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Having totally not read the whole thread. But answering the question . Nothing. If he wants me to do something crazy not gonna happen. If he has a problem with my Scottish no bullshit approach we can discuss it when we meet. If his Dad made me in his image they should know this :p

For the record, I quite love your Scottish no bullshit approach. ;)

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I don't know your story (Heck, I haven't even read this whole thread!) but I'm going to suggest you don't do that. As much as we inner city-dwellers are lepers, crying out for your magic Jesus touch, I don't think your intensely patronizing,* moving-to-a-neighbourhood-as-charity approach is going to be met with much of a positive response.

*I base my use of the word "patronizing" on this little gem:

"Marginalized people"? :puke-front: I hope that self-righteous, smug and snotty attitude disappears *fast* if you do move (and if it doesn't, get ready for some well-deserved backlash from those you deign to "help"). You've had it cushy. You have no idea what it means to truly struggle. If you did, you'd never be so condescending. Get a clue.

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I don't know your story (Heck, I haven't even read this whole thread!) but I'm going to suggest you don't do that. As much as we inner city-dwellers are lepers, crying out for your magic Jesus touch, I don't think your intensely patronizing,* moving-to-a-neighbourhood-as-charity approach is going to be met with much of a positive response.

*I base my use of the word "patronizing" on this little gem:

"Marginalized people"? :puke-front: I hope that self-righteous, smug and snotty attitude disappears *fast* if you do move (and if it doesn't, get ready for some well-deserved backlash from those you deign to "help"). You've had it cushy. You have no idea what it means to truly struggle. If you did, you'd never be so condescending. Get a clue.

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