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Question for mothers or fathers...Lias kids behavior.


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I was once at a Halloween party playing manhunt/hide-and-seek, and someone did actually hide on the roof of a shed. We were all in high school.

My boyfriend and his friend (my sister's boyfriend) made flame throwers from Axe, bug spray, lighters, and a candle. They are 20 and 19, respectively. This wasn't too long ago.

My sister and her boyfriend also dyed his cat green and his dog blue, for Mother's Day. My sister is 17. They used food coloring, which didn't hurt either pet.

Me, my sister, and some neighborhood friends also shot off bottle rockets (illegal) and set a fire in the middle of the road in a different neighborhood. This was 2 years ago.

so yeah...

Oh my god, fireworks! :mrgreen: I love fireworks!

This year we didn't get to do anything special as we didn't have time to do it, but the year before that, my friend, his girlfriend, me, and another friend drove up to Pennsylvania to the Black Cat Fireworks showroom, and in total, bought almost $3000 worth of fireworks. Then we shot them off in my friend's yard. It was so much fun, and no one even called the cops on us (unlike the year before that when someone called the police because the mortars scared their dog). We put firecrackers in soda cans, launched off mortars, roman candles, and those spinny things that fly up in the air that I can't remember what they're called. It was so much fun.

We were 18. Just proves you can't ever be too old to blow things up.

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We were 18. Just proves you can't ever be too old to blow things up.

We used to have a block party, the neighborhood kids had our share of legal and illegal fireworks. I once set a bag of mine on fire. But we'd usually just blow up green army men with the firecrackers. Or we'd be standing in a circle talking and the dads would throw M80s at us and we'd have to scatter. (then there was a couple a block over who would come and yell at us kids, and refuse to believe that it had been our dads) One year my dad and the one across the street got in a piccolo pete war that included picolo petes being put down mailboxes. (they opened into our houses, ours was in a coat closet) That same neighbor once shot a bottle rocket that landed on his new shake roof. He's SO lucky he didn't burn the house down.

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Guest Anonymous

I gave this a lot of thought. My DD was an only, and she was taught appropriate behavior. Furniture wasn't trampolines, light fixtures weren't for swinging on. I can understand the hair cuts, one brief trim. But climbing into appliances? Nah. Trust me, I wasn't about to replace furniture or repaint walls annually. Nor was I slack in explaining safety. Since she was an only and we lived rurally there were lots of times when we had a houseful of kids for days and never did we experience these behaviors. The kids had arts and craft supplies, trunks full of costumes for dress up, plenty of construction material for forts. Sometimes the play was organized by a parent for a period of time, board games, field games etc. Other times it was free play. Destruction of anyones property was not an ok behavior.

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My brother took a tractor when he was 12, hide me in the hay that he was pulling behind it, and after the babysitter took off down the road after him, had the gall to tell her I'd fallen off and he ran me over. I was 5 at the time.

He also climbed the silo (part way), and tried to tell her (babysitter) he was going to jump if she told our parents.

My sister and I told our parents, and she never babysat us again. No matter how much my parents tried to pay her.

My son pooped in a litter box because he was too lazy to come upstairs to go. He also burned his action figures in his room, and tried to cover the smell with Fabreeze. He'd burn for a bit, spritz Fabreeze for a bit, and then repeat the cycle

Since I'm very, very mad at him, I'll try to think of more...

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Oh. My. God. With children 13.5 months apart, I apparently have so much to look forward to...

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Apparently, my siblings and I had NO adult supervision. My grandmother rented a small trailer from a farmer. The farmer let us wander on his property all that we wanted. He had so many cool, to us, places to hide and get into trouble. In one of his barns, there was a bunch of wild feral cats. My five year old sister decided that the cats needed to go to heaven. Somehow she caught all the cats and dunked them in the pig trough so that they would be baptized. None of the cats were hurt but my sister's arms were scratched very badly. The only way anyone knew what my sister had done was because her arms were very obviously scratched up.

Another time, my sister decided that our fish needed a bath and so dumped comet in the fish tank. The fish did not live. My mom found them floating on top of the cloudy water.

When we visited my aunt in Florida, I had to share a room with my sister who was only a few months old. In the middle of the night, I decided that I wanted to hold her.( something that I wasn't supposed to do without supervision) Somehow I managed to get my sister out of her crib. I held her a moment and started to lay her back down. Much to my horror, the crib mattress dropped to the floor. Apparently, it was an old crib that my aunt had found for my sister. Terrified because I could hear my parents asking what the noise was, I laid my sister on the mattress and jumped back into my bed. When my mother entered the room, she actually screamed and I continued to pretend that I was asleep. Years later I told her the truth, but I was safely an adult by then.

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I never did any of the things on that list. However, when I was 7 or 8, my best friend and I wanted to make a comic book. But we didn't have paper. So when encyclopaedias were still in style(the 70's) we had a set. We took the blank page between the cover and the table of contents and tore it out. Yes, that means we destroyed 10 volumes to get 20 pieces of paper. Mom didn't let me live that down for years.

The one that happened at a friends house around the same time was a boxing tournament. There were 4 of us-3 of us classmates and his younger brother. However, we only had one set of boxing gloves, so we got the bright idea to use towels from the closet and wrap our hands up in them. Imagine his mom's surprise when she came home and couldn't find any towels!

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I've hidden in the dryer while playing hide-n-seek. But this was during college, and there may have been lots of beer involved.

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Guest Anonymous
-Dig up wild moles in the backyard and try to pet them

I kind of want to know how that went. Were any moles actually excavated? Did anyone get bitten? I have this vague idea in my head that moles are a dangerous combination of adorable and vicious.

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Rules my 7 year-old can share with my 18 month-old:

Do not cut your own hair to the scalp a few weeks before your flower girl/ring bearer appearance.

Do not use the contents of your diaper as "sunscreen" for yourself, your stuffed animals or dolls.

Do not "paint" the goldfish's "room" by putting colored chalk or marker innards in the tank.

Do not eat lotion -- even if it says it contains oatmeal.

Do not misinterpret the preschool teacher's cautionary tail about swallowing coins as a dare.

Do not play impromptu "hide-and-seek" with adults without their consent -- especially in crowded public places.

Do not ride the escalator without an adult (aren't most little ones afraid of the escalator?)

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I kind of want to know how that went. Were any moles actually excavated? Did anyone get bitten? I have this vague idea in my head that moles are a dangerous combination of adorable and vicious.

When I was about 4, our mama cat brought home a half dead gopher for her kittens to finish off. Just aweful I know but it is instinct not manners. I saw this and decided to rescue the poor gopher and while reaching in the box thinking it would talk to me like Mickey Mouse, the darn thing bit me. It bit me so very well that it was stuck between my first 2 fingers. I did what any normal 4 year old would do and started running in place, screaming my head off while franticlly trying to shake it off. My mother heard me and came out to the garage with a rodent the length of my forearm hanging off my hand. I can't remember how she got it off but the next thing I know is the gopher was in a coffee can and we were rushing into the nearest city 60 miles away. First stop was to the vet's office to drop of the gopher to have it wait it out for the rabbies test, then to the doctor's for the start of my rabbies shots... in the stomach back in those days. Well 10 days later we were both given a clean bill of health and the vet thoughtfully tore up the bill for saving the gopher. (my mom didn't ask him to save, but to find out if it had anything that would kill me) and asked if we wanted a new pet. I don't think my mother was very please with him or me for trying to grab the darn thing again.

So story is kids, it may look cute but wild animals do bite.... or spray you in the face even if you do politely say here kitty, kitty, kitty. I now think skunks smells like roses and roses smell like skunks after that happened. My mom was just happy all of us grew up to the age of 18 as she didn't think that would ever happen.

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