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Modest Mom Blog-What I want to be


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I'm also inclined to give any "princess"-oriented little girl the ThinkGeek t-shirt that says "Self-rescuing princess." Because no little girl should have to sit around waiting for a guy to come do things for her.

I actually have that shirt. It's a running joke because I'm definitely the princess of my family (being the baby and the only granddaughter, etc etc), but I did things like kick out my brother's front teeth when I was four and generally finagled my way out of trouble (a combination of cuteness, lying by omission, and once faking a mild asthma attack... God I was good!).

And I wanted to be an astronaut/farmer/daredevil, all before the age of seven. I was completely and utterly bonkers.

And when a little boy in my kindergarten class told me I couldn't be an astronaut because I was a girl, and girls can only be teachers, nurses, ballerinas, or mommies, that little boy tasted dirt, courtesy of my tiny little five year old fists.

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I remember my oldest telling me when she was 4 that she either wanted to be a mommy or a cop when she grew up. I explained that she could be a mommy and a cop and she said "only if the daddy will stay home with the baby while I'm out arresting people so he won't be afraid". I thought it was cute. /off topic.

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Yep. I remember She-Ra. Ah, childhood. :D When I was little, I wanted to be a vampire when I grew up (with Stoker-esque powers). I'm still waiting on that one. :lol:

Same here, She-Ra was one princess I really loved growing up.

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I remember my oldest telling me when she was 4 that she either wanted to be a mommy or a cop when she grew up. I explained that she could be a mommy and a cop and she said "only if the daddy will stay home with the baby while I'm out arresting people so he won't be afraid". I thought it was cute. /off topic.

My daughter wants to be a doctor, and also wants to be married and have children. She is hoping to find a husband who is willing to be a sah dad because she doesn't want to put her kids in daycare, but she doesn't want to be a sahm. :D

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For the longest time, I wanted to be an astronaut. I was a scifi nut and thought traveling in space and meeting aliens was the ultimate career. Later, I wanted to wear a white coat and play with beakers because that's what my mom, a molecular biologist did. Well, my job now requires me to wear a white coat but I opted out of the beaker work. :~0

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I wanted to be the President of the United States. It was a very sad day when my mom told me that that was impossible since I was not born an American. After that I moved onto famous actress, not just any actress but a famous one :lol: .

Obviously neither of those worked out (I was about 13 when mom told me that famous actress was not a realistic career choice).

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My youngest son once told me he wanted to be a mummy and also a wrestler! When I told him he couldn't be a mummy because he wasn't a girl, he said "but girls can do whatever boys can, so why can't I do what girls can?". We had a quick chat about biology, but he was disappointed. Then he told me that I would have to have another baby when he was grown up so he could marry me and be it's mummy, cause I would be too old to be a mummy then anyway.

So yeah, kids get all sorts of ideas about their futures. It must be wonderful to still believe anything is possible.

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Yesterday afternoon, I left a comment saying there's no reason the daughter can't be both a mom and an ambulance driver. So far, it hasn't been approved. I wonder if it will be, or if this blog is another fundie echo chamber.

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When I had my 2nd she was my mother's 9th grandchild, my grandmother's 13th great-grand.... and the 1st girl. I swore up and down she would have all the play options the boys had - fire engines, cars, etc. Damn if by 18 months she pushed those aside and doted on her dolls, sat on the lap for hours of any woman wearing lots of jewelery she could ooh and aah over, and walked around daily in a tutu or Disney princess dress. Oh yeah... I took a lot of snickering and "well, would you look at her"s. A true lesson in "nature over nurture". In either case, one of my friends gave her a book that so delightfully told a tale with a message that for the past 20 years I gift it to all baby girls in my sphere. It really is a gem.

http://www.amazon.com/Paper-Bag-Princes ... g+princess

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When I had my 2nd she was my mother's 9th grandchild, my grandmother's 13th great-grand.... and the 1st girl. I swore up and down she would have all the play options the boys had - fire engines, cars, etc. Damn if by 18 months she pushed those aside and doted on her dolls, sat on the lap for hours of any woman wearing lots of jewelery she could ooh and aah over, and walked around daily in a tutu or Disney princess dress. Oh yeah... I took a lot of snickering and "well, would you look at her"s. A true lesson in "nature over nurture". In either case, one of my friends gave her a book that so delightfully told a tale with a message that for the past 20 years I gift it to all baby girls in my sphere. It really is a gem.

http://www.amazon.com/Paper-Bag-Princes ... g+princess

I give that book along with the more routine princess paraphernalia to all the little girls I know who are obsessed with princesses. You are right it is a gem.

The thing that fundies can't seem to understand is that you can be a "girly girl "AND have a career or conversely you can be a "tom boy" and love being a stay at home mom. They deny the idea that you can have many different facets. They (fundies) seem to want to put everyone in a box. Maybe the freedom to define yourself is just too much freedom for them.

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"You look like a real prince, but actually you are a toad."

[silhouette of princess dancing into the sunset]

They didn't get married after all.

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When I had my 2nd she was my mother's 9th grandchild, my grandmother's 13th great-grand.... and the 1st girl. I swore up and down she would have all the play options the boys had - fire engines, cars, etc. Damn if by 18 months she pushed those aside and doted on her dolls, sat on the lap for hours of any woman wearing lots of jewelery she could ooh and aah over, and walked around daily in a tutu or Disney princess dress. Oh yeah... I took a lot of snickering and "well, would you look at her"s. A true lesson in "nature over nurture". In either case, one of my friends gave her a book that so delightfully told a tale with a message that for the past 20 years I gift it to all baby girls in my sphere. It really is a gem.

http://www.amazon.com/Paper-Bag-Princes ... g+princess

I can't wait to read that book with my cousins! Thanks :D

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"You look like a real prince, but actually you are a toad."

[silhouette of princess dancing into the sunset]

They didn't get married after all.

And yet... she lived Happily Ever After!!

Who would have thunk! (certainly not a fundie!)

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Let's be real, she didn't ask her what she wanted to be, she asked the boys and led the girl by saying, you want to be a mommy, riiiight?

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Yesterday afternoon, I left a comment saying there's no reason the daughter can't be both a mom and an ambulance driver. So far, it hasn't been approved. I wonder if it will be, or if this blog is another fundie echo chamber.

Looks like we have another fundie echo chamber. She approved a comment this evening, but it wasn't mine.

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Looks like we have another fundie echo chamber. She approved a comment this evening, but it wasn't mine.

Huh. Looks like she did approve my comment, and one other that pointed out you can be a mom and an ambulance driver. But only after she'd approved comments made later that agreed with her. (If you look at the comments, the ones by Tara H and Jennie were approved last night and mine wasn't yet approved). I guess she had to think about letting them through.

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If you read the blog entry, it gets worse. The little girl was torn between being an ambulance driver or a mother. Apparently, it never occurred to anyone to tell her she could be both. :(

This, exactly. Something about the "eventually 'mama' won out" line is what made me saddest. Heck, there's nothing wrong with wanting to be a mama or a daddy. But to be made, at the tender age of three, to choose motherhood at the expense of other dreams is downright tragic.

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You know as a child in the eighties,we played Barbies, My little ponies, Pound puppies/kitties Rainbow Bright(why have not they brought her back?) and Strawberry Shortcake... The only princess in sight was She-Ra, Princess of Power.And she was far from a stereotype waiting for a man :)

I had the Strawberry Shortcake pretend kitchen. I do love baking and once thought of going into culinary arts in order to be a pastry chef.

I can't really recall what i want to be when I was 3 or 4. For some time I wanted to be a ballet dancer. Then there was an Olympic equestrian rider and in the 4th grade I was convinced I'd be a lawyer. My parents never tried to convince me otherwise well except for the equestrian part because we couldn't afford a horse. They did send me to summer camp that had horses and I rode a neighbor's horse in the afternoons.

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I wanted to be in the military. Soooooooo badly. RAF at first, then I switched to regular army. Growing up, my favourite thing to play with was a toy - well, I remember it as a toy Uzi:


but really it was just a generic "looks like what people who don't know much about guns think guns look like" thing. Anyway, life happened and the military were spared me, for which they would be devoutly thankful if they knew :bow-blue:

(I'm actually considering a career change at the moment but I haven't decided what yet).

Small wants to be "a boy" but at various times she has wanted to be "a baby", "a police lady" "a truck lady" and another vote for "pirate" here too ;)

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You know as a child in the eighties,we played Barbies, My little ponies, Pound puppies/kitties Rainbow Bright(why have not they brought her back?) and Strawberry Shortcake... The only princess in sight was She-Ra, Princess of Power.And she was far from a stereotype waiting for a man :)

They have! Did you miss this trailer?


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