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kirk cameron does it again


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i saw an ad in our podunk weekly paper for a showing of this dvd (http://www.christianbookDOTcom/monument ... TAodQV4AdA). sorry, tiny url wasn't cooperating!

the cover shows kirk in the middle, with the heavenly light illuminating him like jesus. on one side is the statue of liberty and the other side is a woman and girl doing a forehead smooch.

the ad reads, "america is broken! the founding fathers left a blueprint of how to fix it. Come see the movie monumental at blah blah baptist church. date, time, blah, blah! to show this movie at your church, call blah blah!"

to save you from c&p that ungodly long link, here is the blurb:

Product Description

How did the U.S. become the freest, most prosperous country in the world? Kirk Cameron challenges you to discover America's true "national treasures"---the people, places, and principles that have empowered this nation. Beginning in England and moving forward, you'll learn about the founders' motivations, designs, and goals and how to apply the same truths today. Rated PG. Approx. 90 minutes.

Special Features:

Special Interviews with Executive Producer and Kirk Cameron

Music Video

Fathom Live Open

Extended Interviews

Spanish Subtitles

Closed Captions


at least hopefully there are no duggars acting in bit parts in this one. it might be its only redeeming quality.

edited: to prove i wasn't homeskooled!

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the cover shows kirk in the middle, with the heavenly light illuminating him like jesus.

And shlepping the American flag like a used beach towel -- you forgot that part!

We did have a thread about this masterpiece -- I will try to find it.

ETA link:


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Facepalm. WHY is that not offensive????

I'm a good Catholic girl, and it seems to me that Jesus' soapbox was about faith and kindness, not total self promotion in his name. That and that you should keep your prayers and faith to yourself, in a closet, because anything else is blatant pride and hypocrisy. How do they rationalize shrieking their religion at the top of their lungs at every single opportunity? God will reward you for what you do in PRIVATE, not when you toot your proverbial horn 24/7.

I can't even watch Full House any more, knowing who DJ Tanner really is. Please go away, Kirk. Please.

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Notice that there's no footnote showing why the US is supposedly the most prosperous nation in the world.

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Oh, I'm going to have to be a thief and find it online.

Then again, I could only get through about 8 minutes of Left Behind. This looks to be even worse.

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And shlepping the American flag like a used beach towel

I am far from conservative--in fact, I'm so far left I fall off the chart--but I HATE seeing bad flag etiquette! The more jingoistic a person is, the guiltier he (and it's almost always he) seems to be. After 9-11, every redneck in town was flying a ginormous flag, dragging in the dirt, from his Harley or pickup truck. I guess it's the old Girl Scout in me.

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I am far from conservative--in fact, I'm so far left I fall off the chart--but I HATE seeing bad flag etiquette! The more jingoistic a person is, the guiltier he (and it's almost always he) seems to be. After 9-11, every redneck in town was flying a ginormous flag, dragging in the dirt, from his Harley or pickup truck. I guess it's the old Girl Scout in me.

I am old enough to remember when incorporating the American flag in clothing was strictly taboo. It's not anymore. Now there are American flag running shorts.

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I found this today, and it seems appropriate to share it here; If only Kook Cameron would realize this:


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Ah, but exoticfamilarity, you're talking to people who reason away evolution. They can't see facts if it's standing stark naked in front of them, they're too busy covering their eyes and screaming NIKE!

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ExoticFamiliarity don't start using your facts and logic and truth stuff. Kirk and his ilk know that the truth lies beneath the facts and logic in their gut. And their guts never lie.

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I saw half the movie so far. Honestly- I want to know if what is being said is historically accurate

Probably not. It looks like he's got proven liar for Jeebus David Barton involved. (No surprise here.)

"One of the clips available online," said [Chris] Rodda, "shows Cameron visiting Barton's personal museum in Texas, and hearing a few of Barton's lies about the early Congress and Thomas Jefferson printing Bibles to spread the word of God to all American families."

Rodda prepared a short video, titled "Monumental" Lies, which focused on the elevated status that Cameron confers upon Barton in the film. According to Rodda, Barton's followers think "that because he owns all these books and documents, he can't be lying about them, he can't be misquoting them, he owns them."

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bill-berk ... 06930.html

Here's Rodda's brief rebuttal:


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Dear Kirk Cameron:

The 80s are over. No one cares about you anymore. Take your bigoted and hateful ass and go away, please. Even Jesus is shaking His head at you now like, "Seriously? That's not what I meant!"


The World

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David Barton's got a museum in Texas? He's not the "Paluxy prints" guy, is he?

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I am far from conservative--in fact, I'm so far left I fall off the chart--but I HATE seeing bad flag etiquette! The more jingoistic a person is, the guiltier he (and it's almost always he) seems to be. After 9-11, every redneck in town was flying a ginormous flag, dragging in the dirt, from his Harley or pickup truck. I guess it's the old Girl Scout in me.

Ditto. And I also hate how burning the flag now seems to always equal "bad." What are you supposed to do with the older, worn-out flags? Throwing them away is so much worse than burning them in a respectful, traditional manner like I learned about and did in Girl Scouts.

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I had to watch Left Behind for a class. It was laughably bad and fairly predictable. At one point, I turned to my best friend who was also in the class and said "Now the car blows up." Three seconds later, BOOM! Thankfully, we were allowed to be silly, since this was a class on various "end of the world" beliefs. It was also one of two classes where I got to watch Fight Club.

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:lol: :lol: :lol:

I just want to point out, having helped burn a flag, hold it away from you then drop it and stand back. If you don't, it sticks to you, and you don't want that.

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Why did MST have to go away? They could have a field day with Left Behind/Courageous/Fireproof.

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Why did MST have to go away? They could have a field day with Left Behind/Courageous/Fireproof.

There's always Rifftrax and Cinematic Titanic!

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I am old enough to remember when incorporating the American flag in clothing was strictly taboo. It's not anymore. Now there are American flag running shorts.

Also this!! As a child in the 70's I remember hearing from an American about how it's so terrible that those British people make clothing of the Union jack all the time, they make T-shirts and whatever else, punk stuff, but the US? Oh no, that wouldn't do, no, you can't just wear the flag...

...and yet now living in the US in 2012 I see the flag all over all sorts of clothing, complete with mustard stains half the time. Remember those "these colors don't run" shirts? :roll:

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Former Child Celebrities don't like Kirk

OMG That is effing hilarious!!!

I'm a CCOKC! Kirk you're just a dick :lol:

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  • 3 months later...

NEW on Kirk' website: The Bible, Slavery & America's Founders


America’s Founding Fathers are seen by some people today as unjust and hypocrites, for while they talked of liberty and equality, they at the same time were enslaving hundreds of thousands of Africans. Some allege that the Founders bear most of the blame for the evils of slavery.

The Bible teaches that slavery, in one form or another (including spiritual, mental, and physical), is always the fruit of disobedience to God and His law/word.

He's gotta be doing this on purpose, right?

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I've read the first Left Behind book. It's OK if you just treat it as surreal. The horrible thing is that the writers actually think the Rapture as they described it is going to happen.

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