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Miss Raquel is making a video blog!


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It's true! And she is encouraging questions in the comments to answer on video! I KNOW there's got to be an FJer with a real zinger for her. I honestly can't wait to watch it. She is so self absorbed on a regular basis and it oozes through her writing. The effect on camera is probably x473842389

http://god-sdaughter.blogspot.com/2012/ ... tions.html

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And she's going to gravitate right toward the questions that reflect her emotional depths. Such as "What is your favorite wild animal?" :roll:

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I want to know if she thinks courtship is the biblical way to find a spouse (pretty sure she has claimed this) and if she does, does that mean people who date aren't following the Bible. And if they aren't following the Bible, will God bless people who don't follow his word?

She won't answer tough questions though.

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Or, is it better to be modest in spirit and actions than in how you dress.

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Is it just me, or does this just sounds like a desperate attempt to reassure herself that people are interested in what she has to say? Overall, she just comes across as very desperate for attention and popularity.

As a matter of fact, she and I are members of the same forum community, and whenever she posts something on her blog, she links to it there. It's kind of annoying. :?

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Is she as annoying on that forum as she is on her blog? As much as she goes on about how her focus is only on God and pleasing him, I think she could not handle it if people stopped caring about her.

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Is she as annoying on that forum as she is on her blog? As much as she goes on about how her focus is only on God and pleasing him, I think she could not handle it if people stopped caring about her.

Actually, she doesn't even post on the forums; she just updates her community blog linking to hers. And collects friends and uploads profile pictures of course. Which is just as well- I can't see her doing well on the forums which often turn into a battle zone. A large minority of the community are fundies. The majority are fundie-lite and moderate Christians. And then there is an active minority of liberal Christians and one or two atheists. Every now and then, the forums explode with drama.

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She might actually know how to care for a horse, I think she is just lazy about anything that isn't ALL ABOUT HER! And that horse refuses to be all about her, so she just lets it run and hopes it doesn't eat anything that will kill it or run away.

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I want to know if she thinks courtship is the biblical way to find a spouse (pretty sure she has claimed this) and if she does, does that mean people who date aren't following the Bible. And if they aren't following the Bible, will God bless people who don't follow his word?

She won't answer tough questions though.

I have seen that she likes to veil her dates as group dates by asking a huge group of people to go with. Notice it is never just couples going. I think she rationalizes in her mind that if she is with a group of girls and a group of guys, it isn't really a date. Going with 8+ people means nobody is giving a shit about where one or two people may be. They could be necking in a remote part of the movie theater, or even have snuck away.. who knows?

She does say that any unanswered questions will be addressed in the next vlog. I hope she does stay true to that

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She will not apporve and post any question that might make her look bad so she can just pretend those questions didn't happen.

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