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Fundies on Vacation


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Washington DC is a great place to see fundys on vacation. I guess they can't pass on free since the majority of the attractions are free. Plus they probably see a good homeschooling opportunity, as well as paying tribute to the founding fathers.

The March for Life is in DC. You can see thousands of them.

Amish family's are a pretty regular siting on the metro and around the national mall.

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I just saw some fundies on vacation too! It was my first time seeing them IRL. I wonder what they were doing in San Francisco? Why would they vacation in Sodom? What if they caught they gay disease?

They were walking down Grant Ave towards Chinatown. What I wouldn’t give to see their faces when they reached North Beach with it’s strip clubs, sex shops and bars on every other corner!

It was a Patriarch and Helpmeet with three daughters. Two looked just like Helpmeet but one had different colored hair and body type, so maybe she was a friend? The women were in full regalia, denim skirts, poufed hair and giant coke bottle glasses, but the most striking thing was how painfully thin and pale they were. Actually they were downright gaunt (except for Friend, she looked little healthier). Their skin was sallow with dark circles under glassy eyes and their hair was sparse and stringy.

All the fundies with blogs look so apple-cheeked healthy and convincingly happy in photos. I wonder if they Photoshop the images?

The women’s mismatched clothes were enormous on their thin frames too. It looked like it took all the effort they could muster to drag around all that extra heavy fabric. Patriarch looked well fed, almost doughy. He had a stern look on his face but the women all had giant vacant smiles on their faces. It was hard to tell how old the Daughters were, they looked like women-children, despite being as tall as Helpmeet and Patriarch.

One Daughter started squealing, jumping and skipping all over the sidewalk like an excited 5 year old. Seriously. Then she went back to the Daughters, they linked arms and walked three abreast down the sidewalk! BIG NO-NO on a city sidewalk! :naughty: I guess they didn’t read up on their urban etiquette before coming down to the big city for some culture. They probably don’t walk on the left and stand on the right when on an escalator, either. Tourists....

Oh man, fundies on Broadway or in the Castro (TLC drove Boob and Mullet's limo through there on Halloween when they came out this way, now almost 4 years ago). Boob at the headshop still remains one of the comedic highlights of that sad show.

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