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Feed Jinger

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  • HerNameIsBuffy 6
  • MarblesMom 6
  • laPapessaGiovanna 2
  • OnceUponATime 2
  • SpoonfulOSugar 1
  • DaisyD 1
  • BlackberryGirl 1
  • CharlieInCharge 1
  • MargaretElliott 1
  • Diggingupdirt 1
  • Maggie Mae 1

About this blog

Feed Jinger is a group blog of the FJ community.  Members will offer their own takes on some of the fundie favorites as well as tips and tricks, gardening hints, recipes and more.

Entries in this blog

Cranberry Orange Muffins for the Three Bears

I want to preface this by saying I am kind of embarrassed that this is my third blog post here in a row and if other people don't start posting let my insecurity be on your heads.  Also - I am well aware that I'm FJ's Jill Duggar of food photography.  I'm terrible ... snark away, judgey people. I love cranberry-orange muffins and in company meetings I'd make sure they ordered one for me from Panera, but I prefer mine because they are slightly less sweet. The three bears reference



Apple Crisp

I was planning on making an apple crisp today and thought it would be fun to blog it, in light of Jill's attempt which looked like potato wedges covered in gravy. It turns out I won't be eating crisp, but rather humble pie.  For the first time I had to fuss over mine to get it to come out right and in the end it's tasty...but ugly. I'm blaming a Duggarville curse. Oh, another Duggar tie in is that with the exception of the cinnamon I got everything at Aldi.) Ingredients



Zsa Zsa's Goulash in Name Only

I attempted to make Zsa Zsa Gabor's Dracula Goulash tonight and in the end I modified it so much it bears little resemblance to hers.  http://travelingboy.com/archive-travel-wendy-zzgabor_goulash.html What she had to say about this dish, "Dahlings, this is the dish I use to catch a man. And if I want to get rid of him I stop making it. It's one of Hungary's national dishes and it's so good that even when you serve it with caviar, your guests will rave about the goulash. Try it, it's my favo



"Hawaiian" style mac salad

This is NOT your grandmothers macaroni salad, and I am not Hawaiian. This is more of a knockoff of the West Coast chain restaurant - L&L. Found in food courts, this recipe is far from healthy.  Salt your water. This is the only time you get to season your pasta. So dump some kosher salt in the water. Alton Brown I believe once said it should taste like mermaid tears. I use a fair amount and find it difficult to add too much.  Boil the water and cook the noodles. I use elbow n

Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae

Chicken Soup

So, I got my carrots, celery and onions in some buttah and olive oil.  Added poached chicken thighs.  Some spices, you know, the garlic, the oregano, the thyme and some kosher salt and some broth.   Man, this was good.



Christmas Recipes

Well, I am bringing the before-mentioned stuffing, and this incredible pie:  http://www.pauladeen.com/apple-crunch-pie-with-red-wine-caramel to our Christmas dinner.  I will post pics if I remember.



pumpkin cheesecake disaster (but delicious)

So I attempted to bake a pumpkin cheesecake (in my new to me fancy oven) for a holiday party. Let's just say it didn't go very well, to say the least.  My new range is electric viking (never used electric before). The oven has settings i have never used such as convection oven, bake, oven, convection bake, and another setting. *side note I didn't buy this range it came with the new house i just purchased. Well lets just say I used the convection bake option and it didn't work out well for me.  



I made die-hard cranberry haters like cranberry sauce, so I've got that going for me, which is nice.

All right guy s, I'm quite proud of the apple-cranberry sauce I whipped up this year. Just toss a bag of dried cranberries, a half cup of cranberry juice, a half cup of apple cider, and a cup of sugar, and a cinnamon stick into a pot. Cook five minutes. Add two chopped apples (I used honeycrisp). Cook another five minutes. Make a slurry with two teaspoons of cornstarch and some of the juice from the pot. Add that, and cook another five minutes. Chill until jiggly. I want to try it with fresh,




Ok, so I made stuffing, too.  Browned Jimmy Dean sage sausage, remove, add in a stick of butter (yes, a whole stick!) to sautee the onions and celery, moxed in two packages of Pepperidge Farms seasoned bread cubes and broth.  Baked at 350 for about 45 mins. It smelled amazing while cooking and it was delicious!  I didn't do any measuring. Clearly, I am never going to be a professional food blogger.  But you are welcome to come eat here anytime.



Bacon wrapped dates

Happy Thanksgiving FJ! We went to a friend's house for the day and brought an appetizer to share. They are really easy, just stuff the dates with a little goat cheese and wrap in bacon secured with a toothpick. Bake at 380(F) for 10 minutes, flip and 10 more minutes. They were a HUGE success and they are a great prep-ahead dish. Hope everyone had a good holiday. 




And my total cheat frozen dough balls, getting ready to rise for 3 - 5 hours, per the package.  "Someone" suggested eating at 1 pm, so I am up before the sun to make this all happen. Please excuse the stovetop - I know, I know, the 80's called and they want their kitchen back.  Working on it, I promise.



The Great Thanksgiving Day Disaster Chez BlackBerry

Ohhhhhhhh Lord.. In 1999 we were getting ready for a nice family Thanksgiving just the 4 of us.. me, BlackBerryBoy, 2 young adult kids (BlackBerryKids 2 and 3) BlackBerryKid1 was away in college...The potatoes were boiling merrily almost ready to drain and mash, the turkey was within 5 minutes of being removed from the oven, life was good. I popped the dinner rolls into the oven to bake, shut the door and heard an ominous "click-thud" and the self cleaning turned on, immediately starting t



Roasted Veggies

I make this for every potluck. It is always requested by at least one person so I keep making it. Warning: I don't measure stuff... Ingredients 1 bag of red potatoes (You can whatever kind. I like the red and one bag is the right amount.) 1 bag baby carrots 1 bag pearl onions At least 2 bulbs of garlic (love garlic) 1 TBS each of Thyme, Rosemary, and Basil (I just pour some in my hand to measure) 1-2 tsp pepper A sprinkle of sage (that one's easy to overdo



Sospiro di dama-A dame's sigh

This was my birthday cake this year, I took pics because I meant to post it to celebrate with you the first Madam President (my birthday in November 7th) but we all know how well that plan went. The romantic and delicate name (no idea where it comes from) of the cake wasn't fit for the rage inducing occasion anymore.  Anyway here's it, containing the right amount of chocolate and grappa (or rum, or cognac as you prefer) many of you may find helpful to face a festivity with unbearable relati




Comrades, the turkey is in the brine.  I repeat, the turkey is in the brine.  This is not a drill.



Baking with veggies

So lately I've been doing my best to empty out the freezer. So I got out my pumpkin puree and my lumpy beetroot puree and went looking for recipes. The purees were made from roasted veggies last year. I have a go-to pumpkin waffle recipe thanks to Smitten Kitchen. The trick to a good texture for those is to have a good smooth puree and do not over-beat your egg whites. It makes a huge difference to the recipe if the egg whites are still soft. I didn't take photos because I forgot and I won'



Creamed Tuna

Yesterday, I made creamed tuna for lunch. It's a comfort food here – something we go to when someone is tired or down (and sometimes even sick.) It's also one of the cooking arenas where my husband admits I'm great. (We get a bit competitive in the kitchen.) The reason I think this is worth blogging is because it is made with white (or bechamel) sauce. For the sake of those who don't cook much – or who want to cook with a small child – this is one of the first dishes I learned to make. It's



Start of Spinach Season

I'm not the biggest fan of spinach, but it's one of the earlier crops here. So I grow it and as long as I can harvest it really young I suck it up. And because spinach season has started, that means my favorite spinach recipe gets made. Yesterday I harvested my spinach, but got distracted and never got around to preparing it (I also forgot my camera). So this is what my spinach looked like this morning, so a day after harvesting. Yes, those are weeds you see, and yes I could



Fixing a nourishing meal - chapati and chicken salad, the lazy version

Today FJ friends asked Gawd through his Godly Mentor inspired me to blog about cooking something fixing a heakthy(?) nourishing meal. I thought why not, maybe if I'll pray hard enough in my heart I'll finally hear from the Mentor's very own voice how the heck I am supposed to fix a nourishing meal.  I know that such high inspirations will foster high expectations in your souls. Unfortunately today I felt lazier than Lori, but none appeared on the High Horse of Truth to save me and I had to



Bringing Americanized Deutschland to the table

Today was the birthday of one of the Messers Mini-Buffy.  On their birthdays, like death row inmates, they can have anything they want for their meal.  He didn't want to go out - my boy wanted Jäger schnitzel.  Which made me happy. These are the foods of my childhood...my dad could cook like a boss.  He was born in Germany so for me nutmeg in savory dishes is taste of home. Comfort food.  It's family. But this meal wouldn't be in any heart smart cookbook...we do eat much lighter most o



Collaborative Coconut Cake

Fair warning:  I'm not a blogger, foodie, or photographer.  I don't have fancy equipment or a skill level higher than most fifth graders so judge accordingly. ------------ I asked for help when I needed a great coconut cake recipe and FJ came through.  This is an amalgamation of the recipes shared today. For the cake itself I used http://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/special-occasion-white-cake from @Leftitinmysnood with the following exceptions: substituted the almond and vani



Don't turn off that oven! The pups are hungry, too!

I posted this recipe in a post in the stuffing thread.  This is my trusted go-to recipe for dog treats for the world's happiest pups.   http://www.crazycrumb.com/dog-liver-treats.html   This is one of the only recipes for which I use the food processor (old school - mock away) and our beloved Lucky, who passed a year ago this month, without fail would head to the kitchen whenever I got the food processor out and lay in front of the oven until he had gotten his treats.  It takes over an hour a



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