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Fixing a nourishing meal - chapati and chicken salad, the lazy version



Today FJ friends asked Gawd through his Godly Mentor inspired me to blog about cooking something fixing a heakthy(?) nourishing meal. I thought why not, maybe if I'll pray hard enough in my heart I'll finally hear from the Mentor's very own voice how the heck I am supposed to fix a nourishing meal. 

I know that such high inspirations will foster high expectations in your souls. Unfortunately today I felt lazier than Lori, but none appeared on the High Horse of Truth to save me and I had to prepare a good "pranzo della domenica" all the same. So with  a true passive aggressive spirit I decided to take it easy doing nothing special so that "people" would feel guilty for making me cook when all I wanted was (the kitty pic is for Buffy and Destiny to make up for the very average menu)images (7).jpg

I failed miserably because turns out they appreciated it and I am not Lori's best bitch pupil.

Anyway I made chapati with the easy version of a chicken salad. Chapati aren't an Italian tradition obviously, I discovered them thanks to this admirable lady 

If someone wants to try doing them I strongly recommend watching it and making lot and lot and lot of practice without surrendering to despair when/ if the first attempts will turn into pride crushing disasters. Chapati are totally worth the trouble. The tricks are: to prepare the dough an hour beforehand and let it rest in a plastic bag or airtight container, knead the dough for 10 straight minutes, use good quality whole wheat flour and cook on something like a stainless steel/cast iron skillet. The rest is practice. And watching the lady of the video perform her magic.


While the dough rested, I fought against the slugs to save the remains of my poor lettuce. 


Cleaned and washed it and the fennel 20160605_124551.jpg

Cooked 3 coffeecup (the doses are for 5 people more or less, depending on how hungry) of oat in abundant salted water for 20 minutes (usually I prefer barley to oat but I had finished it and oat is a good replacement)


Drained it and put aside. Then I roughly diced 600gr of chicken breasts.

After an hour since kneading I made the chapati. Taking pics doing them is something I am  apparently uncapable to do. After my phone slipped on the floor I stopped trying to take a decent pic. Here is what I have.



Finally I tossed the meat into some flour and on a previously heated skillet with some extra virgin olive oil.20160605_123241.jpg20160605_123914.jpg

It's important to cook it quickly with high heat to make it crispy outside and soft inside. When it turns golden it's ready, it's really quick. Turned off the heat.


I added a good pinch of salt enriched with aromatic herbs and finally I added the well drained oat and  mixed.20160605_124517.jpg

And here it is...


I love it with some mayo too, may the Godly Mentor forgive me for using it even if it isn't organic and it's full of chemicals and preservatives :pray:I'll need to repent and make penance, or not? Am I saved all the same? Of which mind did Lori wake up this morning? 


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This is a nothing special meal? Mister destiny should be so lucky. He gets chicken or fish and a vegetable.

Also, the kitten is adorable.

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This looks fantastic! I am always looking for new ideas! I have made pita bread before I think I am up to the challenge! Oooooohhhhhh, maybe mix a bit of Madras curry powder and lime to the mayo????

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9 hours ago, Destiny said:


This is a nothing special meal?


I feared your expectations were a bit too high so I kept a low profile :pb_biggrin:

Chapati aside, it truly was nothing too elaborated, even more so if you compare with Buffy super dinner.

I forgot to say that for a meal you need to make at least 2/3 chapati per person. Usually I make 2 cups of flour, approximately 16 chapatis. The left overs are devoured during the following morning breakfast. Reheated chapati with Nutella rocks! Imho they are best reheated on a pan but it works in the microwave too. I've seen on You Tube that they can be reheated keeping them directly on the heat with pliers. I am too much of a clod to try it though. 

3 hours ago, Grimalkin said:

Oooooohhhhhh, maybe mix a bit of Madras curry powder and lime to the mayo????

I'd love to try it. Unfortunately my family is dead set against unfamiliar tastes. Chapati are pretty much as far as I managed to make then accept a different taste. Very depressing.

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Oh I get having finicky eaters! My kids won't touch mayo so it would be me and maybe my husband eating it. I have learned to compromise making simple meals and jazzing them up with sauces. Sometimes I like simple too.

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This looks amazing!  And def going on the menu here although I probably won't do it justice.  I'm glad it was laid upon your heart to share it with us!

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    • SassyPants


      9 hours ago, Gobsmacked said:

      The worst case of this was at Anne Franks house 2 years ago. Everyone respectfully murmurs - same as in a library. A group of high school aged children were running through the rooms and watching stuff on mobile phones with the volume on. Not one teacher said anything. They were there! 
      A few visitors did have a word with them. Things didn’t improve though. 

      The most tense place I have ever been is a Holocaust Museum where several people were being disrespectful and a brawl broke out right next to me. This was maybe the 3rd HM we have visited. I told my husband that’s enough. No more of those. I know what happened and have seen enough. 

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    • Howl


      Whatever the results were for the recent scan...if it was showing the cancer shrinking to nothing, they'd be shouting the good news from the rooftops, right? 

      My recent experiences with MRI were that the results were read by the radiologist and posted in the patient portal within a day or two and I assume other scans would be equally speedy. 

      Shalom posted an Instragram story: "Microbiom[e] plays a role in healing from cancer"  

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    • Hane


      @Columbia, thanks for digging up that account! I remember that depressing saga as if it had happened yesterday. IMO, Bradrick! has many, many miles to go before he's able to redeem himself.

    • SassyPants


      Today she is in cargo type pants that are form fitting with her shirt tucked in. She doesn’t look obviously pregnant.

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    • Jasmar


      5 hours ago, Columbia said:

      Kelly was supposed to be the shining example of how stay-at-home-daughterhood was the perfect prescription for a young woman to seamlessly move into courtship, marriage and motherhood. She spoke at one of the VF Father-Daughter Retreats, she wrote articles for Vision Forum, the magazine carried a book she wrote about her grandfather in WW2, she had a big section in Return of the Daughters (starts around 26:60.) Their wedding was a huge event, and Doug Phillips made a big deal out of seeing their first kiss at the altar (I believe this indescribably weird photo came from that wedding.) I've always thought this was a good overview of her life within Vision Forum.

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      I don't think so. They ran their own little "family ministry" on the side and frequented the conference circuit. One of the daughters also wrote occasionally for Vision Forum.

      Isn’t the infamous Wide Stance photo from this wedding, too? That one still makes me laugh til I can’t breathe!

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