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New Blog: 'Rebellion' of a Adoptive Daughter in C/P Family


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*I use rebellion in the title b/c the author referred to herself as rebellious. Here is a quote from her latest entry:

I’m sorry you have to live your whole life torn between being a good and normal person and a resentful, angry and powerless control freak in the name of a perverted religion in order to make yourself feel powerful. Fair is fair…you read my diary and separated me from my friendships and blackmailed me. Did you really think I was stupid enough not to do the same?

PS Keep reading for further installments in the blog. And pass it on to all your friends who are “struggling†with “family strife†from “rebellious†children.

I'm sending her prayers/good vibes/warm wishes.


Definitely one to follow. Good thoughts and prayers going out to her. :clap:


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