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Frothy and right wing Catholicism


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Frothy apologizes for child abusing priests.

Frothy associated with organization Regnum Christi begun by priest bigamist and child rapist.

Skimmed the article. I had read the quote about pedophile priests being the fault of "Boston's liberal and morally relativistic culture" or whatever BS but completely forgotten that it was attributed to Santorum. Uuuugh.

I really liked this from the article:

The truth is, the Catholic sex scandal is about cheating, not permissive culture or moral relativism. It is about cheating on vows, on common decency, and the law. To believers, it is about cheating on God. But most of all, it’s about cheating children.

Santorum makes me ashamed to be a cradle Catholic, and I wish he would shut up and stop embarassing the church further.

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Skimmed the article. I had read the quote about pedophile priests being the fault of "Boston's liberal and morally relativistic culture" or whatever BS but completely forgotten that it was attributed to Santorum. Uuuugh.

I really liked this from the article:

The truth is, the Catholic sex scandal is about cheating, not permissive culture or moral relativism. It is about cheating on vows, on common decency, and the law. To believers, it is about cheating on God. But most of all, it’s about cheating children.

Santorum makes me ashamed to be a cradle Catholic, and I wish he would shut up and stop embarassing the church further.

Wanted to add that Frothy's argument doesn't even make sense. The vast vast majority of society, including people who Frothy would view as "giving in to moral relativity" see child sex abuse as an objective evil.

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