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Santorum campaign article from Esquire

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The journalist who wrote it was sucked into helping out Frothy's campaign this past Monday. I found the following point one of the more interesting:

I keep hearing that Santorum's campaign has a "problem with female voters," because of what Santorum has said about contraception and the fulfillment waiting for women who stay home and raise children. Well, I've been to a few of his events, and most of the people who show up are women — they're just women of a certain kind, often plain and almost extravagantly modest, and they find justification in his comments about their place in the natural order of things instead of offense. They do not only bring their children; they put them on display, for they are women who put their children at the service of their politics in an effort to put their politics at the service of their children. It was no different yesterday. A dozen people showed up at the intersection to wave signs; all but one was a woman or a conscripted child.

I'm curious about where fundie men fit into this situation. Obviously fundie women feel validated when there is a man on the national stage who tells them their lifestyle is the only right way to be an American, and their husbands must feel the same way. I'm wondering why the men haven't personally been more involved though. Thoughts?

http://www.esquireDOTcom/blogs/politics ... er-7136587


Can I add soemthing to this question? On the nytimes they have a distribution of voters according to particular issues and demographics, and there are more under 30's to vote for Santorum and that's creepy!

it's the front page now: http://www.nytimes.com/


Sophie, it reminds me of the fact that the vast majority of young Roman Catholic priests these days are extremely right-wing and inflexible on social issues.

And I'm compelled to reiterate my conviction that many anti-feminist SAHMs secretly lack the gumption to try supporting themselves and their families financially by stepping out into the big, bad world of salaried employment. It's easy to opt for the SAHM life when you can sit back and expect your husband to do all the financial heavy lifting for you.

On the other hand, the SAHMs I've met here and elsewhere have a far greater consciousness of the choices they've made, and without exception have at least planned some kind of safety net should something happen to their husbands.


Maybe the men think it sends a more favorable message by sending women out to support him. "See? The womenfolk endorse him, so his rhetoric isn't bad!"


Scrolling through the recent pages of threads, I'm surprised how many have Santorum's name in them, and how the other Republican candidates don't have threads dedicated to them. Or maybe I'm not surprised, really.


Elle- maybe it's some kind of Stockholm Syndrome thing. "Wow, this guy says the same things about people who have vaginas like me that my headship does! Totally bringing the blessings to his next volunteer event."

As for so yet another topic on Santorum, I figured I would share the article with FJ since he's one of the fundies we like to snark on here and also I because enjoyed it. I think he trends here because pretty much his entire base is made up of fundies.

Scrolling through the recent pages of threads, I'm surprised how many have Santorum's name in them, and how the other Republican candidates don't have threads dedicated to them. Or maybe I'm not surprised, really.

No reason to be surprised, there's only one candidate for president endorsed by the Duggar family, and it's Rick Santorum. If the Duggars decorated their family bus for Romney, Gingrich, Paul, or Obama, there would be many threads dedicated to them instead.


Frothy really typifies the mindset of a fundy politician. Certainly republicans maintain the attitude of I've got mine now beg for yours. Frothy is the man who writes off 200k a year in medical care for his disabled child, but he wants that law changed. He doesn't think single parents of disabled children should benefit from those deductions. Same with health care for his child, and prenatal testing for Karen during her pregnancies. Fine for them, but lets end it for everyone else.

He is state as JesusFightClub (correct me if I am wrong) and others exclaim. He embodies all that want to diminish our rights, and deny us autonomy over our bodies. The duggars are merely candy coating hoping to disguise or make his politics more palatable for the masses.

No reason to be surprised, there's only one candidate for president endorsed by the Duggar family, and it's Rick Santorum. If the Duggars decorated their family bus for Romney, Gingrich, Paul, or Obama, there would be many threads dedicated to them instead.

Not just the Duggar factor, but the whole part where except for being an evil Catholic (I know, he has a personal relationship with Jesus and the other Catholics are just wrong), he's pretty much a fundie dream of a candidate. Pro-life, pro-women staying home, anti-rationality.

Plus, and it's either go for the Catholic or the Mormon who was a governor in a liberal state and is pragmatic rather than...convicted.


Hmm, experiencedd, State is like (I am insomniac tonight so I may get the wrong word) infiltrator?

It's why I kept on about KSA because he was like it. "Gosh, here I am for no discernible reason to enlighten FJ about what my friends and colleagues in ATI think. Wouldn't you like to hear all my gossip? "

I have no doubt, and it is verified by mods, he was/is connected. Question is then who sent him to a board which is constantly monitored by his fellow fundies (and I doubt they couldn't guess who he was) to be all wide eyed and "Here's some inside info!" ? That's State type behaviour. He had an ulterior motive.

Santorum is a bit different, he's either honest and scarily weird, or he's like a version of insider politics I am frightened to contemplate!

Hmm, experiencedd, State is like (I am insomniac tonight so I may get the wrong word) infiltrator?

It's why I kept on about KSA because he was like it. "Gosh, here I am for no discernible reason to enlighten FJ about what my friends and colleagues in ATI think. Wouldn't you like to hear all my gossip? "

I have no doubt, and it is verified by mods, he was/is connected. Question is then who sent him to a board which is constantly monitored by his fellow fundies (and I doubt they couldn't guess who he was) to be all wide eyed and "Here's some inside info!" ? That's State type behaviour. He had an ulterior motive.

Santorum is a bit different, he's either honest and scarily weird, or he's like a version of insider politics I am frightened to contemplate!

Thank you for the clarification. To revisit that thought then I would say Santorum is a current political tool of the religious right. Foster Fries pac money has ties to Howard Phillips.


I felt a bit thick saying "State" to express my feeling about KSA, but it was as near as I could get to it. The girl in your meeting whose notes are rather too copious and who asks questions that make you wonder "Why would she want to know THAT?". The guy who is never happy if a protest comes off peacefully and always wants full confrontation although no one else thinks this is a good plan. You get the impression...and this was exactly KSA's style. To use and misquote a favourite fundie misquote ;) he had "the appearance of State."

Re Santorum, he is bewildering us in the UK who try to watch US politics! I get two reactions from people, some I think less savvy say "I prefer Ron Paul" and the majority say "Santorum is a fucking mad bastard. Is America no' weel?"


Im of the mind that Santorum is a fucking mad bastard and there is money and god behind him.

Im of the mind that Santorum is a fucking mad bastard and there is money and god behind him.

Well, backed by men with money who think they know what God wants (funnily enough, it always coincides with what they want).


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