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Thanks, Rick Perry. State-sanctioned rape

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Governor Perry strikes again. It's now law in Texas that we have to undergo this invasive procedure before getting a legal medical procedure. I'll just put this out there and say that I had an abortion a few months ago, and Perry had already mandated that women have an abdominal ultrasound. When I had mine, my doc didn't make me look at the image. He was disgusted by the waiting period. Now this? I have no words to tell you all how much I loathe Rick Perry.

http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/04/opini ... d=fb-share


Wow, I think that is worse then the law that just passed in Virginia, the Dr has to point out all the organs, etc?!? Make her listen to the heartbeat?!?! WTF is wrong with people!?!?!

Had this been forced on me when I had my abortion I probably would have gone home and killed myself. I was 14 and it was a product of rape. I was also a nice little fundie-lite pro-lifer. Being forced to undergo a medical rape and to listen to a heartbeat?!? God, I already thought I was committing murder. There would have been no 24 hour wait for me, I would have been dead.


Seriously? WTF is going on in this country? This made me cry. Why can't people just mind their own damn business? Seriously. I hate Rick Perry and I am get so mad everytime I think of Clay Walker (my favorite singer since 1993, I have his autograph tattooed on my lower back) was backing him and letting him use one of his songs in the campaign. Makes me want to get this tattoo removed ASAP. SMH. There's gotta be something we can do.


Again I say my fellow Texans unleashed a plague upon our land when many years ago we failed to reelect Ann Richards and set loose George W. Thanks to that election, not only were we stuck with Shrub as Governor, but when he ascended the throne Perry inherited the Governor's seat. Perry is two yards of noise with good hair.

Again I say my fellow Texans unleashed a plague upon our land when many years ago we failed to reelect Ann Richards and set loose George W. Thanks to that election, not only were we stuck with Shrub as Governor, but when he ascended the throne Perry inherited the Governor's seat. Perry is two yards of noise with good hair.

Fellow Texan here. I can't believe we re-elected the douchebag. I might've been naive, but I was hoping for Bill White.


Thank you, Texas, for being one of like 15 states that has no limit on the number of times a governor can serve. I love Texas, but damn. Rick Perry makes me want to run screaming and never look back.


Me too, Turtle. I thought he was a good mayor to the city I love and would have been a voice of reason our state sorely needs.

Me too, Turtle. I thought he was a good mayor to the city I love and would have been a voice of reason our state sorely needs.

I do like how the current mayor of Houston, Annise Parker, is sending the fundies up into flames on a regular basis. I'm sure she's a damn' sight better than the mayors Houston had when I lived there in the 70s and 80s (e.g., Louie "Shoot the Queers" Welch and Fred "Disappeared into a Hole" Hofheinz).

Again I say my fellow Texans unleashed a plague upon our land when many years ago we failed to reelect Ann Richards and set loose George W. Thanks to that election, not only were we stuck with Shrub as Governor, but when he ascended the throne Perry inherited the Governor's seat. Perry is two yards of noise with good hair.

If only i had been old enough to vote back then... i was just a toddler at that point.


This is sick and scary. One of many reasons I'd never live in TX.


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