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Fundie bloggers getting less fundie?


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Do u see many getting less fundie instead of more fundie?

I thought that the internet and all the blogs and information and feedback they get on being more crazy and fundie would make them all worse. Was going through the blog list and one of them that visited the old site (i think) back when I was a lurker not a poster seems less fundie.


I think they're just as fundie as ever, but more people are keeping it off the computer. Many of our devoutly fundie bloggers have made their blogs private or deleted them altogether. You can see many of them on Facebook and they're just as fundie there.


I have noticed any changes with the ones I follow. The fundie lite bloggers I follow haven't changed at all since I started following them. The hardcore fundies I follow who still have blogs haven't changed. There is one fundie lite Mormom blogger that I have been following for several months and she


I think if anything they're just getting more aware and image concious. No one wants held liable for someone else's "training" or wants CPS at their door.


What is the difference between fundie and fundie lite?

I know the fundie lite must not be as strict but what is the threshold between the two?


I havent noticed much, but then again I mainly only follow people like Zsu, Bobbin Aubins... they are, to me, fundie as ever. people just want to keep it private. To avoid FJ maybe?


Many fundies, on the surface, appear more stylish, much like the Duggars. However, I think that's just a general fashion trend more than an indication of their beliefs. Remember, when many of these families started wearing frumpers they were only a couple of years out-of-date.

What is the difference between fundie and fundie lite?

I've never accepted that there is any difference.


I've never accepted that there is any difference.

I think there's a pretty huge difference. My fundie-lite upbringing had lots of problems, of course, but I was still educated and equipped to have my own life. My fundie friends were not, and now it's much more difficult for them to leave that lifestyle.

The people we call fundie-lite are usually not what would be generally considered fundamentalists, but I think we include them because they have some fundie traits.


I've never accepted that there is any difference.

I agree with you of course. In most cases the difference is cosmetic. I use the term to define what I consider fundamentalists but that most people here don't.


A watered down version of themselves for public so that regular people will like them?


Autumn is genuinely less fundie, as far as she lets on in her blog. I was amazed at her saying she wants a tattoo in her most recent post.

Anna T seems to have gone back on her rigid Quiverfull like beliefs. I think a combination of finding out how much work even two children are and having to work did the trick. I also like the think that she looked at her two girls and wanted them to have a choice whether or not they grew into a brood mare.


I suppose they could be hiding the fundie stuff. The one i am watching was sort of not very fundie but had signs that she was going to get to be crazy fundie but it doesn't seem like it is happening.

I thought that when they all go from having few people who share their beliefs to getting loads of support on the internet they would get to crazy fundiness.


On duchess' question:

I guess you could say that because we have such an incredibly extreme 'medium' here, it's skewed our idea of normalcy to the, er, crazy side, so fundie starts to mean the absolute craziest, worst things - fundie = reclusive, overly-controlling, enmeshed and psychologically incestuous fundamentalism, and fundie-light = fundamentalist, but living in normal society.

Thing is, it's really not used that way, and I have the impression, at least, that a lot of people say fundie to mean Duggars, Maxwells etc, and fundie-light to mean non-ATI fundies who, er, wear pants. Wearing pants is not a value and it's not something that I think we should be giving people passes on - "Well, they're okay, I mean, they let their daughters wear pants and sleep on actual mattresses". Come on, people, fight the man, work against your ideas of normalcy being skewed to the crazy!

I can't think of anything I've seen described by another as 'fundie-lite' that I wouldn't call just plain fundie.


I am surronded by people who hold some fundie values and yet don't believe that their kids should not go to college or that women have to remain home. To me, they are more dangerous than the Duggars. They believe in the male being the head of the household because he has a penis, evolution not being taught in school, and are certain they are being persecuted for their beliefs.


Fundy is saying "we are conservative Christians and proud"

Fundy-lite is saying "we are conservative Christians but we're not as extreme as ......"

No actual differences in their beliefs, just in some attitudes.

Fundy is saying "we are conservative Christians and proud"

Fundy-lite is saying "we are conservative Christians but we're not as extreme as ......"

No actual differences in their beliefs, just in some attitudes.

Hmm, I think there's typically some difference in beliefs. Fundie-lite as we've been defining it is less conservative in the roles of women, I think. I'd consider Patriachy to be fundie, and Complementarianism to be fundie-lite. Both are terrible, but there is a significant difference in beliefs and an even more significant difference in how women can live their lives. (I suppose women's roles are my big issue. Egalitarians can still be pretty conservative but I wouldn't call them fundie.) It's not about wearing pants or not; to me, anyway, it's about beliefs and lifestyle. I think "fundie" is more of a continuum than an either/or thing, anyway.


I grew up fundie lite and now identify as a liberal Christian. Looking from the outside at fundies and fundie lites but knowing how they both work, I can see lots of differences.

The main difference I see is the isolation and detachment from society of fundies. Homeschooling, home churching etc (and of course these things are done by fundie lites, but it's the exception rather than the rule).

The rules for fundies are a lot more strict when it comes to things not directly linked to Biblical teaching. Eg 'dress modestly' is taken a step (mile) further by fundies. As a fundie lite as a kid I was allowed to wear pants (didn't want to though). I wasn't allowed to have a bathing suit with high cut legs, but I didn't have to wear shorts or a t-shirt over the top. I was allowed to date (I wasn't allowed to have a boy in my bedroom, but he was allowed to visit my home and we were allowed to go out together alone) and I didn't even hear about the concept of courtship when I was growing up. I grew up in a "husband is the head of the home" family, but on the other hand we thought our family friends (very fundie) were crazy because of their young earth beliefs, particularly with regards to dinosaurs. My mother worked part time (but only during school hours so that she could be at home with us every afternoon). My parents were very strict when it came to parties, drinking alcohol and entertainment (TV and movies). Many things were forbidden and I really resented it.

When it comes to beliefs regarding sex before marriage and gay marriage/relationships, it's all the same. Fundie or fundie lite, it doesn't matter.


Sorry. Another difference I forgot is contraception, it's encouraged in many fundie lite circles. They reject the quiverfull idea because "God gave us free wills and told us to be wise stewards of our money. That means we need to take an active role in deciding how many children are welcomed into a marriage."

Because no matter how often a fundie insists that children aren't that expensive, I'm not convinced. At all.


To me, the difference is in action, not belief. Sometimes you can't know how a family will fall out, until something happens that challenges their beliefs.

So they both believe in headship, but in a fundy-lite family a dad who threw a tantrum because a little kid spilled something on him would be treated like the fool that he is, not praised for showing such dominance. A lot of fundy-lite families I know spouted the same homophobic bullshit as the fundies for years, until their own kids came out and they realized the grace of God encompasses everyone.

They're like the RNC delegate I heard on the radio a few years ago, talking about the Palin family and abstinence education - "well you can teach them what you want, they're going to do what they do" - people who don't let reality change their ideas, but do have the basic humanity not to take those ideals all the way.

Do u see many getting less fundie instead of more fundie?

I'm seeing less and less of the fundie kids drinking the kool-aid and going out into "the world", which is in turn, causing the parents to rethink their values a little bit.

I do also agree that they are just becoming a bit more reserved and not blogging so much about extreme issues.


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