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Who is your least favorite Duggar offspring?


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...Who is not named Josh :whistle: I don't care for Princess Jessa myself-she gives off a stuck up, rather cold vibe to me.

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Darn it I wanted to say Josh! If you asked me a few years ago, I would have to say Josiah, but he has grown on me.

Probably Jessa, because she is Michelle's mini me princess. She isn't nice to her siblings either.

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I kind of feel bad for all of them. Even Josh, creepy as he may be, didn't ask to be raised the way he was. Can I second Jim Boob?

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Who is not named Josh? That's a hard one. I feel pity for all of them more than anything, especially the older girls. I used to dislike Josiah, but I think he's grown out of that. I really hate Michelle, but she's not a Duggar offspring. I guess since in their beliefs she basically belongs to Jim Bob, that counts? :D I think Michael will be raised similarly to Josh was, since although he's not the first child, he's the first son which is all that counts to them, so I have a feeling some day he'll be my least favorite Duggar offspring version 2.0

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I don't like Jason (I know he's just starved for attention but I just find his funny faces annoying after a while. Poor kid. He's so cute though!) or James.

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I can't tell any of the Jay boys between the twins and Jackson apart.

Smarmy Smugger aside, I do feel sorry for all of the kids, especially the girls, both the younger and the older set (although for different reasons.)

No school. No privacy. Sharing a bedroom and a classroom table with scores of siblings of different ages. Slave labor. Cameramen roaming the house. Teenagers being forced to go on staged family outings and to look happy about it. The discouragement of any individuality. Book signings. That goddamned bus. Those freakin' violin performances.

So I can't totally dislike any of them, although sometimes I want to slap Jill, simply because Pollyannas tend to annoy me.

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I kind of feel bad for all of them. Even Josh, creepy as he may be, didn't ask to be raised the way he was. Can I second Jim Boob?

I was going to say Anna, in spite of feeling genuinely sorry that she had to give birth on tv, but then realized it was bio-Duggars..... Josh...I probably feel saddest for him---he HAD a Mom and a Dad and even with the twins he could still have had them, but...no. His Dad may be obnoxious but he has a real talent for the deal. Josh does not seem to have inherited that. I think if not for tv coming in at the wrong time in life [late adolescence] he'd be a nice, polite, geeky far-right Christian guy.

I may be the only one here, but JoyAnna has my vote--I don't find her "spunky" just obnoxious. She can't help having the manners of an abandoned chimpanzee, but still. Obnoxious with a capital "O." Even her fake gushing about loving that tacky pink purse on her birthday made me want to hurt. Again, not her fault. She has not been "brought up" but rather left to raise herself and being born in the midst of the howler monkeys doesn't help.

Sadly, Hannie could go the same way.....

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We've seen Hannie act like a brat monkey on crack before.I don't think it's particularly endearing at all.

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Has to be Jackson, although it surely isn't his fault. His inability to finish a complete sentence, sit still, do any age-appropriate school work all scream MEDICATION! to me, but since that isn't happening, he's just annoying. The one I feel most sorry for is Justin, the Tito Jackson of the clan. If any of the jkids were to be lost in a crowd, Justin is the one they couldn't identify as lost.

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The one I feel most sorry for is Justin, the Tito Jackson of the clan. If any of the jkids were to be lost in a crowd, Justin is the one they couldn't identify as lost.

Wait, there's a Justin?

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I generally like them all, even Josh, who, to me, comes across as a reasonably nice guy who unfortunately suffers from chronic foot-in-mouth disease. The only one who really drives me bonkers is Michelle.

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I wonder how many of the kid's attention span and behavioral problems could me modified through diet. I mean, they eat so many processed foods, tons of food with artificial colors and flavors, and I really believe those can affect behavior.

I liked Jill better when she wasn't the family talking head. Also, when Jennifer was going through that whole clinging to "Dill" and whining and screaming that was hard to take.

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Most of the howler monkeys aggravate me. I wouldn't say that I dislike them because I genuinely believe that their situation isn't their fault. Really, I just want so bad to put them into normal, structured, age-appropriate classrooms with their peers. I think there would be marked improvement in their behavior if their minds and energies were appropriately stimulated everyday.

Edited b/c I didn't learn parts of speech at the SOTDRT.

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I do feel sorry for each and every one- they had no choice in their upbringing, and the way the cult is set up, it would be extremely difficult or next to impossible to break away.

Josh, IMO, has the worst deal, because he can remember life before the cult, and he is trapped now with a wife, two kids, a business owned by Daddy and a house owned by Grandma. Yes, he's annoying as hell, and I really don't like him, but it isn't all his fault.

Jessa, with her princessy attitude, is beginning to annoy. And Johannah may be smart and spunky, but sometimes she's just a brat.

There was one time I wanted to smack Jill. She was talking about college, and how "most families" kick their kids out to go to college after high school, but she was glad that her sainted parents allowed them to stay.

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I don't really know if I buy that diet thing. I grew up eating candy (even red candy) and I'm fine. Though I did have to eat balanced meals and candy, junk food, pizza etc was considered a treat to have once in a while not steadily. I mostly had that type of food at parties. I have a feeling for a Duggars that type of food happens more often.

As for the whining and the not being able to sit still, I really think we can't blame the kids for that. I think it comes from a lack of affection, one on one attention and proper discipline. I don't beating, but I mean structure such has having to do school work and having to go bed at a certain hour and things like that. They constantly say they are night owls and in the home school episode nothing was especially done about James and his lack of focus. I get the impression he is the type of child who needs someone to keep him on task, maybe the other kids are similar. The whole house is like a giant club with everyone running around as chaos and teenagers running the ship. It's not exactly surprising that whinny, misbehaved kids are the result.

I used to hate Josiah for his, "In an average family ____ but in our family ___" gig but he seems to be doing that less and I feel bad for him for reasons we all have joked about before. I would have to say it's Jill because she has a Koolaid IV. At least Jana has shown to potential to hate her situation on the inside. I get the feeling Jill actually believes it all.

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Sometimes Michelle does the Olsen-Twin-Upper-Lip-Thing* when she talks. One of the older girls has started doing it too, and it drives me insane. I can't for the life of me remember who it is, but their hair is definitely crunchy. I hope someone else knows what I'm talking about, here.

*One of the Olsen twins (Ashley, I think) said in an interview a few years ago that when she knew she was being photographed, she and her sister would silently say the word "prune" because it made their lips plump out and their cheekbones more prominent. Link! http://gawker.com/5015862/the-olsen-twi ... ag=defamer

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Smuggar is my least favorite. I also don't care much for JD, Jessa, Jill and Jana. All of them can be smug at times.

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I thought we didn't snark on children on FJ? Shouldn't the under-18 offspring be out of bounds for this sort of criticism?

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Sometimes Michelle does the Olsen-Twin-Upper-Lip-Thing* when she talks. One of the older girls has started doing it too, and it drives me insane. I can't for the life of me remember who it is, but their hair is definitely crunchy. I hope someone else knows what I'm talking about, here.

*One of the Olsen twins (Ashley, I think) said in an interview a few years ago that when she knew she was being photographed, she and her sister would silently say the word "prune" because it made their lips plump out and their cheekbones more prominent. Link! http://gawker.com/5015862/the-olsen-twi ... ag=defamer

I just read this to my husband and we're mouthing "prune" to each other and laughing hysterically. Not attractive.

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I do feel sorry for each and every one- they had no choice in their upbringing, and the way the cult is set up, it would be extremely difficult or next to impossible to break away.

Josh, IMO, has the worst deal, because he can remember life before the cult, and he is trapped now with a wife, two kids, a business owned by Daddy and a house owned by Grandma. Yes, he's annoying as hell, and I really don't like him, but it isn't all his fault.

Jessa, with her princessy attitude, is beginning to annoy. And Johannah may be smart and spunky, but sometimes she's just a brat.

There was one time I wanted to smack Jill. She was talking about college, and how "most families" kick their kids out to go to college after high school, but she was glad that her sainted parents allowed them to stay.

I agree with you Josh. I don't like him at all but I agree he is trapped in the fundie lifestyle. Even if he did escape he would be in for a rude awakening. Someone like Josh who always worked for his dad, might not have the skills to look for a job and interview well. Josh is only marginally educated at this point and if he left the lifestyle he would also realize distance learning/College Plus crap is looked down on by many people.

I also remember Jill making those comments and I was annoyed with her. Jill is very sheltered and most of the people the Duggars associate with are like them or very similar to them. I I don't think many families do kick their kids out after high school to go college. In many cases the kids actually want to go away to college and live away from the parents. Many non-fundies are ok with their kids living with them while gong to college, trade school or even working for awhile. So Boob and Mullett aren't the only people who don't "kick out" their kids out after high school.

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Honestly, I can't blame any of the children for their obnoxious attitude. Their parents have taken the scare tactic to the extreme that they think the world is filled with nothing but secular things. These are the same people who think this country was founded on Christian faith when in reality it was founded to seek religious freedom. They think that being at home is the best thing and being under authority is best for all young girls when it is the entire opposite. They all think having their hand held until they have someone else to take over (marriage) is healthy and think that rock climbing and mountain climbing in skirts and flip flops is perfectly acceptable to prove a point to critics when it's just not safe.

Even though Michelle and JB are not siblings, they are definitely my least favorite. Although they claim they are accepting towards others and put a smile on their face for people who have "secular" views, they still spew out the "holier than thou" attitude. Those cheesy smiles and sweet talking voice doesn't fool anyone.

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Wait, there's a Justin?

Justin is the little sweetheart who, for a while, was wearing the little white sailor cap, who is Jordyn's buddy and so sweet to her. I love that kid... :)

Yeah, I find Joy and Jennifer annoying as well.

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I don't fault any of the kids, but if I have to pick my least favorite (that's not Josh), it'd be Jana. If Jana were a little more rebellious, her sisters might have more options in life.

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